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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Rev. S. Haskeia, Pastor. Sihbtth services, 10 a, m. and 7V4 p. m, Suml.w School after morning service. lryer meeilngThursday eventng at 7-$ o'clock. Catholic Church. Rv. Father Fikle, Pastor. Low M isa, 8 a. m. Hlsjh Maas, 10i a. m. Vespers p.M. Sun lay School, ¦!% p. u. Congregational Church. Kkv. W. II. litiiEB, Ftstor. Sabbith services, lm a. k. and 7 4 p. m. Sunci ty school after mornlni; serrtce. Prayer mee'ing Thursday evenlng at 7J4 o'clock. Episcopal Church. Riv. Wyllts IIall. Rector, ¦abbath services, lOtf A. h. and 7V4 p. m. Suuduy School, 3 p. m. Kelijjlous services, Thursda) evening at7o'clock. Merman Methodist Church. Hv. C. Helwig, Pastor. S.ibbatli services, 10(4 a. h. and 7 r. w. Siiminy School, at nlne o'clock a. m. Pruyer meeting on Wednesday. Lutheran Chnrch. Rev. Ioiin Nei-mann, Pastor. Saiibitli services. 10 a. h. and TH p. ¦ Hutid-ty School after mornlne: Bervice. Prayer meeting, ThnrsJay evenin)(iit74 o'clock. Methodist Church. Rev. Johs ALABimn, Pastor. SibbHth services. 10i L. H. and 1% r. m. s nul iv Sc'iiml afler morning service. i'r.iyr in -utinir, Thursday evenln at TH o'clock. Yonni; foaple's Meetiog, Satarday 7 p. n. Presbyterian Church. Rv. Fbd T. Bbown, D. D., Pastor. Sihhih services, 10!4 i. m. and 7% p. x. Suniliy School aid BiDleclasaaflur mornlng service liyer meetin, Thursdayevontng at 8 o'clock. Fdiog Poople's Meeting, Snnday evenlng H. Unitariau Church. Rbv. J. T. SuHDRiiLANn, 1'nntor. Sahlath services, 10% a. h. and TH r. n. Sanday School at 12 n. Student1 lllble Olass at 9:15 a. m. Zion Lutheran Church. Rev. H. F. Bklser, Pastor. Shh:iih Sarrletl at 104 a. m. and 7 r. m. s inda; School immediatcly 'ïftcr mornlui; service. Religlous services Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. UENRT R. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estáte Broker, AND INSURANCE AGENT. office: Mo. l Opera Houfwi Blork Ann Aiiikik. MlCH. 75tf f ÜEO. W. KENWICK, 7 From the New England ƒ fory of Music, Bosiou. Teacher ¦ I ƒ Vocal and luslruniuntal Music and ƒ Hannony. ƒ ƒ Condnctor of Mnaical ƒ tiong and evenins classes. ƒ Private Icsson wili be given al ƒ ƒ the residence of pnpils. ƒ ƒ Addreeu P. O. Box 1201, Ann ƒ ƒ Arbor. 961-986 V ÏÏM. C. STEVENS, M.IK, Fhysician anflSurgeonX OFFICE, :$2 Washington Sti-eet OfflCf Houm-T to 9 %. ., QM i. ï. tci I'. n., -2 M 1 .111(1 7 to 8 P. M. 1 " Rendence-Ho. 10 Grove Street. natf f JOH.V L. BÜBLEI6H, Attoriiry ƒ Counselor at Law. OFFICE : ƒ Over Xational Bank, Ann Ahbor. ƒ JWtf I V. H. J.VCKSOS, VDBNTISTA Otfice over Itaota brl'. -ntraaco by Firet National Bunk. 73itt JF. S0R6, louas, Sihn anu Obnaiiemtal iinteb. Papering, Glazing, ƒ Idiug, and work of every jtion done in the best style. ƒ ils, Oils, and Varnishcs on i and for sale. 8hop, No. 8S ƒ WaehimjtoD Street, Ann ƒ ', Mlch. eOStf ƒ WILLIAM HERZ, 1IOÜSB, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL A FRSSCO PAINTER. paperlng, Glazing, Gilding and CalciX Vnining, and work of every decriptlonX Vionein the best style, aud warranteoX Ito ulve satiefaction. Shop No. 4 WestX XWashlngton Street, Ann Arbor, MichX THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, TRANSAN. GENERAL BAMIM BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organlzed onder the General Banking Uw of this iü'.e.l the tockholders are indlvidnally Hable for an addltlonal amount eqnal to the stock held hy them thereby creatine a Fund Tor the beaeflt of letOMitors of $100,000.00. lnK to the rules ofthe Bank, and Interest romponnded VZ XTi h y?ny} loan UD niDcSmbered real estáte and other good security. J9iror-Chrletlan Mack.W. W. Wlnes. R. A. Bcal Willlara Denbcl, Wllllam D. Harrlman Daniel Hiscock, and Willard B. Smith Onieerg : Cbbutiak Mack, Pres. W. W. Winim, Vlce-Pres. Chas. K. Hiscock, t'ashler. 916-966 G0T0 WINANS & BERRY FOB HERCHANT TAIL0RI1V6 For the folloninjc reaMoiiM: lst. Onr work is all flrst clas8. 1. Mr. Berry is the only enttn In the State who WINANS & BEIÍKY, 956-1007 No. 11 Sonth Main Street, Ann Arbor. pROF. rp:uben ke.mpf, Ma,arc"ífiJsUtm,ril?U'5tcd frora the Conservatory of LL KINDS OF BLANKS FBIHTÍD OH SHOBT HOTIO AT THE COURIER JOB ROOMS.