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The Jews In Europe

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The present position of the Jewisb race is altogether anoroalous. The Jews are at once the most cosmopolitan race on carth ; but they ncither found a State of' their own, nor do they become absorbed in the populations of the countries they live íd. It seeins diftioult to believe that this contradiction can be a parmanent one. The scandaleus oppreaatOD undor which thoy long sufifered forced thetu to be a eiste apart. It was as futile f'or them to hope f'or a penuine nationa! lil'e of' their own as il wus t hope to share the national life of' "IIhts. Their enfranchiseraent puts the alternative before thenj to do either the OM pr the other; and the one or the other tlicy witl iti the natural course of thiogs do. Ii is (ibviiius that the racé is in a state of tranition ; and all final or dojruiatic judgments ahout it are as QDnèmtttbh as thej are iui pertinent. Büt it needs no prophet to see that the sentiment of nationality which lias attained in our days a forcé hitherto unknown in the world must inevitably turn the scile one way or the other. Kithcr soine sudden impulse, of whioh at present there are few signs, will lead the race to attempt the task, whether posaible or impossible, of founding a Jewish State ín the Kast, or else continued intercourse with the ('iuislian world, the continued sharing of' ii public life end continued intennarriages between Jews and ChristiWna, will gradually lead to the absorption of the people by the other nations of the earth. No one but thernselves will venture to say which would bc the better alternativc ; but the lalter certainly appcars the inore likely. 15ut it is probable that tliey wil] long liovor between tlie two paths. too f'ull oí' individualuy to be easily absorbed, and with too little political cohesión forany great national enterprise to be feasible. And for countries like Germany, where thcy are very numerous, or like Koumama, where they live among a iinuli tota energetic people, tha repulís of this dubious piiitiori will not Le without inconvenience, riihrr to tliemaelvea or to those anioDK uhotii thcy live. It is idle to complain of what is inevitable, and of what is vcry Itrgely tha renli ni' ('liristian miidteda ia t Ik; past. - Salurday lloview. Wak briiiKS out the devil ín man, waken up the hillish legión within bis fallen un ture, and binds his better faculties hand to fdot. Its natural tendency is to hurí nations back into barbarism, and retard the growth of everything good aüd holy. lien undertaken from a diré necessity, as the re.-ource.H oi' an oppressed people, it ni iv beoome heroio, and its after resulta may eompuMta t'or ita irumediatc evila ; but war, wantonlyundertakeu forself-intcrest, aiiibiiinii or wounded pride, is evil, only evil, and that continually.