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A Great Swindle Of Which Ole Bull Was The Victim

A Great Swindle Of Which Ole Bull Was The Victim image
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Nw Brgon Letter to the Tltosville Hemld. About 30 or 35 year.s ago Ole Bnlt, the Xorwegian violinist; wiih mie of those idiosyncrasies peculiar t" jncn of genius, turned his attentioti WHtrtotiiiiiig and spoculations in lumbar. EngatfiiiK a niunber of hiti eountrymen, who liad reached New York on their way to the fortile tields of the west, he brought trom here, laid out a city, and erected cubins fr their U8. He purchased an immense tract of land in thi. rumión trom pari os iu New Vork, and made preparations to open up tbe torests on a grand i-cale. About six miles below here, on Kcttle creek, high up on the summit of tho nioumains, he built for hiuiselt a home. Eudeavoring to implant in this wilderness some memories of the land he liad left, he constructed a castle and furnished it with all the eiubellishments that could be imported into this out-of-the way place. A beautiful rund windiug up the mountain side on a gradual ascent led to his retreat. Artibts were brought from afar to add to the ttplendor of his castle, and tbe pa'mter and gilder gave their handiwork to complete the simcture, whilu paper of the most expunsive kind uovered tho walls and added ïLs charius to to the ediBce. Uue inaiumotb room was set apart as tbe concert hall, and here Ole Buil exercised all his ingenuity in i is decoration. The roof was coiuposed of glass, and the barbarie spleudur was wi'il calculat ed to uiake oue iorget the outside .-urroundings and yielu themselves to the subtle strains of the violin and enter with spirit into the gayeties anl tcstivities wilh whiib (.)le Buil tried tu surround bun self. Uut a!l this was dooraed to molder and decay. Uefore the artisans had yet ceased their labor trouble began to show itself. Dis-atisfaction began to manifest itself aiuong those who come with liim tu this. land, and akhough he expended uioney freely and tried to bring peace and harmony among his retainers, the spectre of rebellion would not vanish. About this time, too, he disoovered tbat the tule to his land was not wortb the cost of its writing. He bad bought it from parties wbo bad no claim on it whatever, and now the real owner carne forward and asserted his rights. Overwhelmed by tbe thiekening tmublus tbat came ou bim, he suddeuly abandoned all and reappeured again among the haunts of civilization, and, with his beloved violin as his companion, began to retrieve his wasted fortune by treading the boards behind tbe footlights. The colony he bad brought with hiin, being left without a leader, gradually broke up and became scattered far and wide. Now scarcely one retnains behind to teil the story and record the history of New Bergen. The castle on the mountain top suffered from the ravages of time anl tbe desi oliation of the curioity-seeker. Hundreds visited the place,and most all carried away sotue memento of this "Ole Bull's Folly," till now scarcely a log remains to mark the spot. The only reminder of the past is in the name of the httle village that clusters around the fout of tbe mountain. It is ealled Oleona, which is supposed to be what remains after the "bórtetring process" of "Ole-ownsit."