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An Interesting And Vigorous Letter From The South

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A p'ivati' let tí r ju.-t reeoived by Mr. H. A. Yeaton, or the. finn of Yeaton, Walker & Co., oí' this city, trom an observant and Intelligent guutli'iuuii of Portland, Me., who lias boen tniveling the soutli, contains many iuteresting statements. We uote striking passages: I enjoyed tuy trip south very much, but there u "no iixmey" thst could induce me to live there trom ohnfaft The country and raHabhidfal are M pictured in Republiean papers and not as Democratie sheets pretend. The half has not been told of the morder, bulldosiog, cheating out of Bfop, etc, of' the Kepublican colored men. 1 1 i-. a. bxazen lie that the colored man votes the Detnooratie ticket froin choice. I questioned over 3ÍJQ in tlio ififerent state." and tai ¦ ¦ 1 ii fin 1 Mie, I liiil fiad those who vo'ed the Democratie ticket. "Why do you du it?" I usktd. "I'o it," they oxclaitu, "why, beeaUM Wi must or starve. To vote the Repuhlican ticket means loss ot work, and the of tvery white nrarly in the country ; then roy family wimlii be horneten " etc. "Thi.s is the inildesto puniflunent," they continue, "if we re troublesome we are whipped, our families nvnkod and ruincd, and in many OMH we are luurderca." And while talkin they look about as if expecting to be watchoiJ, c t ¦. And this il America 1 The home of the Wel (oo.i men ot all parties should mire afrainst these crimes, thiy are comnitted by the southern Democrats and the lorthern J)emccrats by their votes sustain btte ci'iini's. Xtey cali Blnne too Ptnlwart. Slalwart! [ thank God for puch men, and never so ottch aa 1 bate sime I retoroed trom there. filaine graspa the situation, sees it as it is, anc these niilk-and-water men who hold ack are a tl)ouand years behind the times, as it won 'hy, I siw a horsc-oar driver o New Orieani strike al a colored lady, - and a laHy slio was - because he thought ir a liÚIe ti o alow fretting into the car. rhera were si vcral of the chivalry of the soulh in tho car, but they didn't turn their ieuds. It seemed to wonnd the feelings of the colored lady, but her hearing was so pleaant and i-till dinified, that I was Dound to think her the nnly true lady in ihe car. Sho was f'a.shionubly and tastefully diessed. ïhere is not aRcpublican paper published in New Orlan ; when 1 asked for one they laughed at me ; yet there are from 225,000 to 300,000 inhabitants there. 1 hope Heaven will give us Blaine for I'rcsiiltnt. I mi si.'k of' weak administrations. Aliikt! :ill oley the laws, and give all the proteoüoa of the law. Murderers ai e jiunislud iu Michigan - punish them soiiih. l'unish tho murderers of Chisholm. These mny be state aifairs, but there remains the thirtcenth, fourteenth and fifteenth auiendiuents that are not enforced, and I say, give us a man who will see that they are obeyed. 1 hear much about reconciliatiorj, pardon, fraternal handshaking, etc, but those nambypambyites forget that this gushing comes after repentance and not before. A man is never forgiyen bis sins till he repents. These parties expect more of the norththan they can ever get of Heaven. Howevcr, I thfnk Hayos' aitempf, though foolish in one sense, has been beneficia]. It bas seoiired the eonservative element, those who are afraid of hiirting the feelings of murdever.', etc, by showiog that the honey ef the soutb in't skin deep. The conservativos will ho with us this year. You see I am wound up politically. My trip sonth aiiilourgloriousrebuke of fusión last Monday have done it. Remember Portland went 1,231 against Garceloning. Last year the Democrats had 40 majority.