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Mack & Schmid

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CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES TO THE FACT THAT WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS A COMPLETE ASSORTIMENT OF NEW SPRING GOODS WILL BE DISPLAYED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THEIR BUSINESS AT PRICES THAT ARE BOUND TO TAKE THE PUBLIC BY STORM : Chotee Silk Hiid Worsted Drcss Good, Donna irimlr, Irap Pompadour, Satine Oltoman ¦. Ciro de lerr. Tálela, Frcneh and F,iigllli de Beige, all wool .Moini Clotli, Frciich and Aineru-an all uool BimtinK, in all the dewirable Hilado and color, at pricc lar mitre rea naide I lian ean be expected. Our Mourning Department aiwrj s has its special attractions and special bargains. Our CMhaera are eeeially noted f"or eolor, beauty and wear. W( olIVr llie mo.i rcliaitlc blk. and ( iilurcil ilk. i:amiiic our Keuiarkable Karuain : I, a Favorile and Lyon Klaek Silk al $l.:5, l. .'." and íl.75, warranted to wear or Ihe uioney refunde d. Our low prieel we explain by a forlunale pur liae, Owing lo uiipreeedciiled ueee ol' our sale ol' Kmbroiderics and, we have made E1STORMOXJÖ PURCHASES. ¦ Our stock In inore iliaii doublé ii usual sizc. ('hoiee linliioitlcric-.. Real Breton and Mccliliu Laces, l.a-- Languedoe, Brabant Aleneon, Valeiicteniies and Toreliou laee. l'ndcrelotliiiitf. l'lie biiruain in llii departmeiit, which crealed Kiieh a tir tlic lat two we'!i. i ill be coiilinucd. The altciiliou oT the lreniaker ín dirt-eled lo the fací nial we are reeelTlng tlie large! n.MMliiiiiii of Ure Tri ni mi u kn und Gañil tares, comprimí ¦¦ L Katin and Velvet in black and color, Pekín Striped and Broeade Kilk, Klriped Matin and Velvel, Matiu and Moire. Fi-inve. Itiltlton, líintonti and .ni. BeiiiR eonvineed late lat eaon ihal Hiere would be a large advanee in inerehundic, we made our pureliae accordingly and are therefore cnaltled to olfe.r our cntire Nloek ol' Blcaehed and Brown Miceiinu. Shirtiiitf and I'illow Case Miilin, Demias, Tieklnfs, Ifa and Batt iny . rahe. Table l.inen, Towi'l and apkin al priee Ihat eannot be tluplieated by partte llial are compelied to buy at prlee riiiintr to-day. All goods marked in plain figures and no deviation. All misrepresentation of goods strictly prohibited. MACK &c SOiaiIvIIID. 778-781