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Chancery Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Wayr.e, ,. In the matter of the estáte of Mary C. G!aditi. deceased. Notice is hereby given, that ia puisuauce of an order granted to the undersigued, executor ol the last will and U-siament uf said dL-ceaee l, by the Hon, Kduar O. Durlee, Jndge of Probate of said County of Wayne, on the tenth day of Kebruary, A. D. 18M0, there will be eold at public vendue, to the higliest bidder, at the city of Aun Arbor, in tUe County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, at the main entrance tu the couri house in said city, on the eeventh day of April, A. D. 18HI), at two oxlock d the afternoon of Baid day, the followinir describec real estáte, to-wit : The undlvldrd one-thlrd of iha certain piece or parcel uf land situute in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Couaiy, Michigan, and known nu twenty-one and one-half 1211 feet tn wtdlh off the north eide of lot i-Vi in block one (1) south of Horon streel, tn four (4) east, in the city of Ann Arbor ; also the use of the allev aloDg the east end of lots flve (¦") and six (6) in said block one (1). Detroit, February 19, 1880. WINTHKOP G. SAWYER, Bxecutor. MICHAEL BRENNAN, Aitorney for Executor. 975 981 Estáte of Georgre II. 014. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasuteuaw, se. At a peesion of the Probate Court for the County of Waehtenaw, bolden at the Probate Ufflce, ir the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the elphth day uf Mureh, in the year one tbousand eight hundred and elghty. Present, YVIlliam D. Harriman, Judee of Probate. In the matter of the estáte ei Qeoigu H. Olds, deceased. On readiug and flling the petition, duly verlfled, of Levi E. Olds, prayintr thnt a certaln instrument now ou file iu this ruurt, to he the last will and testament of said deceased, muy be admiued lo probate, and that be may be appointed ex ecu tor thereof. Thereupon it is-ordered, that Saturday, the thlrd day of April iiext. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be nssigned for the hearing ol Buid petition, and that the devisece, legateee, and belrs at law of tald deceased, and all other persons interested in said estala, are required to appear at a sesslon of said court. tb en tu be holden ai tho l'robate office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why lbo praer ol the petitioner naould not be granted. And it is inrther ordered, that nald petltiimer give notice to the persona interested in said estáte, of thependency ol said petition, and the hearing thereof, by rausing a copy of this order to be pubMshed In tbe Ann Arbor Couritr, a uewspaper printed and circulatiug in raid county, threesuccessive weeks previnus to oaid dav ol hearing, (A true copy.) W1LLIAM D HAKKIMAN, Judse of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Heelster. 977-980 ftstate or Thomas w OTATK OK MICHIGAN, County of ushtenn , At a eesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftlce in the cliy of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the eleventh day of Murch, iu the year one thoustmd eiht hundnd md eiyhty. Present, William i). liunlnian, Jud'u 01 Probate. Iu the. matter of the estáte of Thomas Waleh, deceased. On readlng and flling the Mtttton, duly verlfled, of John Walsh, nrayinjf that he or some other suitable person may be appolnled aduiiniiitratur of the estáte of said dec. Thereupou It is ordered, that Tuesday, the slxth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the foreuuon, be assigued for the hearing of said petition, and ihat the beir at law of said fliifmiiiHi. and all other persons luterested in said estáte, are reuuired to appe&r at a gession ot satd court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show caufe, if any there be, why the prayer oí the nelitioner should not be ;:rant ed. And it is further ordered, that said petiiiomi glve notice to the persons Interested in xa'd esmte, 01 the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy of this order to be pub lished in the Ann Arbor Courier, a iwwt paper prinhd and circulatinu' iu said county, three successive weeks pruvious to saiu dny of hearing. ( A true copy.) WILLIAM 1). HARRIMAN, Judi;e of Probate. WM G. DOTY. Probate Recister. i77 Estáte of Xatliau Saljcr. SÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waabtenuw, 88 At a seesion ot the Probate Court lor the Connty ol Wushtena, holden at the l'robate ofllir In the iii of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the SlztAODth day ol March, tfi the yenr one thousand eiht hundred and eigbty. lresent, ïlliaui D. Uarruuun, Jud'e of Probate. In the matter of the est.tte of Nathan Salyer, deceased. On reading and flline the pellttuc, ciiilj yerifled, of Judson Walyer prayin' inat i certain instrument now on flle In this court. parporting to ! the last will and testament ol said aeceaaad, maj b, admitted to probate, aud tüat he may be nppoinU'd exeentor thereof. Thereupon it 1b ordered, that Monilay, the Twelfth day of April next, at ten o'clock In the friïionii, he aselgned for tlic taeanng oJ kúú petiúOD, tnd tlmt the drvi-ii ind ;it law ol sald deceased, and all otkier p#no&i latèresi d in said eetate, are required to appear at a esfiau ol sald court, then to be holden st the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arhor, and show cailfe, i' any 'b why the prayer of die in-titionir sliould not be Raated. And it is further ordero I, thai said petitioner give notice tothe persons interesteii m uïtl ¦- me pendency of said petition, and tb baartas tlu-reof, by cauaiiui a copy of tbjl order to bi ptlblished in the Ann Arbor Couritr, n newipaper prlntod and circnlatinii in said county, nfioe - W al prevlous to said day of (A true copy.) WILUAM U. HAliiUMAN, ïudgeof Probate. WM. G DOTY. Probate Register. I 'm To AdverlUer. Tui Ann Akkok Courikk biui doublé the elroulatlou ot any other papor pubÜHhed in tn oouuty.