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Second District Temperance Convention

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The coDvoDtion of delegales Irotn uuy and all teuiperanoe organizations of tliis, the lid Congressional district, consisting of Lenawee, Monroe, Hillsdale and Waslitenaw counties, met at the Opera House in tbis city, on Wednesday, the 24th. After the usual preliminary work and appoiotment of comiaittees, the oommittce on credentials reported 250 delegates ai entitlcd to seats. The committoe upon permanent organization reported the following naraea for permanent officers : President- K. E. Phlnney, of Monroc. Vice-President- C. E. Conely.TecumNoh ; K. P. Allen, Ypsllantl; G. W. Hall, Saline; A.H. Lowry, Adrián; J. F. Sherwood, Wheatland ; Mrs. .1. C. ltowiey, Adrián. Secretary- D. B. Taylor, Clu : Judge Phinney thanked the convention in very pleaaing terms for their compliment to hiui. Rev. Dan. II. Shier, of Saline, chairman of the committee on resolutions, reported the following, wuich were adopted as reported, with the exception of the seventh, which was amendod previous to adoption : Whekeas, At a meeting of the Red Ribbon Convention held at Lanslng on the Blh day of AuguHt, 1K7Ü, a committee was appolnted for the purpose of Bubmlttlng to the uext. Leglslature an amendment to the constitutlon of thn Stat? forever prohibltlng the manufacture and saleof splrlluous, malt and vlnous liquors In this state, except for medicinal, Chemical and sacramontal purposes ; therpfore, we, the memben of the convention, represontlng varlous temperance organizations of the 2d Congresslonal district, do adopt the following : 1. Resolved, Tliat In our opinión the people In our form of government have a rlght to express tbelr oplnlons at the ballot-box upon all questlons ot Interest to Ihem as clllzens. t. Resolved, That in the opinión of a large numberofthe cltl.ons of this State the sale and use of lntoxlcatlng drlnks Is detrlmental to the material lnterests of the state, and productive of crime, pauperlsm and the moral degredatlon óf our people, anti greatly increasos our taxes for the support of prlsons, poorhouses and asylums. 5. Rtsolred, That we belleve lt tobe the duty of the leglslature to afTord the people of this State an opportunlty to say whether they wlll longer tolérate such an evll In thelr mldst. U. Resolved, That In requostlng the legislatura to submit this amendment to the people, we destre that the people of this State shull have au opportunlty, regartlless of party or other t les or affillatlon, to express thelr opln Ion on this one questlon. 6. Resolved, That we do not demand of the leg Islaturean expression of thelr own opinión, but slmply iiwk that i hei r constituent have an opportunlty to voto for or agalnst the manufacture and sale of lutoxicatlug liquors wiüilu this State. 6. Resolved, That In onr opinión no falrmlnded man, actlng in the capacity of a legislator In the form of government under whfcli we live, can deny to the elector the rlht to say whether or not he Is In favor of this amendment, leaviug the result to be whatever the majority of the electors of tliin State hall declare they want. 7. Resolved, That we will recommend to all temperance men to uko thelr lnliuence to secure candidates to the next legUlature who are kuown to be In favor of submtttlng to the people an amendment to the constltution entliely lnterdlctlng the trafnc in spirltuous liquors. S. Resolved, That In view of the recent action of the Michigan state llquor dealers assoclatlon cal lint for unlted ellort in their interest, we accept the Issue there made, and do most earnestly request all temperance organlzatlons, of whatever kind or nature, and cali upon all Christian people of the 2d district to co-operat In securing the proposed amendment by slEiilng and clrculatlng the petltlons to the leglslature ; and lt is expecially rxxmmended that all temperance speakers In thelr addresses urge the importance of this rexolutlon. 9. Resolved, That we reqaest the state central committee to insert the words " give away " after the word "sell," In sec. 50, as found In the proposed amendment. Mr. John Schumacher, from the committee appointcd to report a congressional committee, and also a cQmmittee from eaoh county, reeommended the following, which was adopted : 00NGRE88I0NAL COMMITTEK. J. H. Osborn, Ij' nawee ; J. D. Ronan. Monroe; K. Hallett, Hillsdale; A. Worden, Washtenaw. COUNTV COMMITTEE. Lenawee Co.- W. S. Wilcox, J. W. McKeever, Z. Cook. Washtcnaw Co.- D. R. Shier, Saline: H. C. Keiupf, Chelsea; Charles Boylan, Aun Arbor. Monroe Co - J. C. Drew, Dundee ; Charles Gruner, Monroe ; Dr. Thompson, Erle. Hlllsdalfi Co. -Dr. Wheeler, Geo. Knlckerbocker, M. Mclntyre, all of Hillsdale.