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vN( COMPOUND SYRUP HriE WASTING D1SEASES, Ml II AS Uilimii, KiiiiiihiiiH. 'oiiHiimption, Kruin Ex hangt ion. Chroalc 4'oDNtlpatlou. 4'bronic liKirrlui a. 1 NM-pxlll or liOHK of ICTIEieVOTTS POWEE, Are positively and speedily curcd by Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites The merlt of tbis remarkable remedy in duo to its peculiar property of restoring the wastod tissues of the body to their original fl mnui and vigor, lt is well known Uut for evrry thotrbt and aotion therc Is death or dway of an mount of material proporü mate to the magnitude of the thought or aclion. TM uete i rappUfd hy tbc vnimpaired nutrltive tunction:. Tlie iirccucutus iiotivlty of youthf, the enthimiustio simpele for wialth and fame in the ruliliilc aged, and oíd ae Itm-lf cause an undueducay of i.prvons teOS. 1 itOSTHATION. HiB 0l3, ol 1'ul fh. Sow-Scotia, riio .in roiiowf JIK. JAJI18 1. FBLiLOwi, oïr, - IlavliiK.while at your establishment, carefully namIned your prescripilonf, and the method of preparing jour Componnd Sjrnp ol Hypophovphltea. I feit auxious to glvelt fair trial in my practico. For the lnet twi'lve months I have done so, and flnd that in Incipient consomptlon, and other discanen of the thriat and Inniin, it Imi done wonder?. In rt'Btorinji peraumi ulIerlliK frum the off-cl of diptluTU, and the cosu'b löllowitp ijphoid tevtr. prevtieoi in thln reeton, It it thr'hect remedial ai;en 1 nvp eTer uned. iiut for pemonn BUflering irom exhsut-tion of the powers of the bruin and dwtoui nystem, from louK-continued tudy or tfachine, or in those cases of ezhaustlon from which eo many younir men nuffer, I know of no better medicine for reetoration to hi'aiih than your Compound Sjrup of Uypophosphliüe. n. G. Addy, M. D., St. John, N. B., rites as folIiikk: Mr. JmiI. Fei.U)wb, Chemlst. Dear A'ir,- Ilaving use I your Compiund Syrup of Mypophosphltei for some time in my practice, I have no hesitation In recommi ndini it to my paLlents who are nuiferinfj Iruni yeneral debilitv, or auy - of the luw, that, even In case utterly hopelesa. It arTirdp relief. SOLD BY ALL URUGGISTS. Pkice $1.50 Per Bottle. 979-9i!9 L.. S. Lcrcli, Agente Ann Arbor. CHILDREN Crj for rilcher's Castoria. Tliey like it beeMHC it issweet ; Xothers like Castoria brcause it civps honitli to tlie iiild ; and Physicians, bmsaase it cmtiiis m morphhic or mineral. Castoria Is al tl i-e's liciiu'ii y for assimilaiiiii.' the Food. It iiires Vinl Olie, the raisin? of Sour Cunl and I)i:irr1ina, allays KeverIslincss and kills Worins. Tlms theChlld lias health and the Mother obtains rest. I'Ieasant, Cheap, and Keliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most effeotl ngents for MAN and BEAST the world has ever knowniiirr 1,000,000 Boules l cl last year ! The reasons for this unprecedented popnlatïty are evident; the Centaur Linimonts are made to deserre confidence. they are absorbed into the strncture ; they always cure and never disappoint. Io person net-d louter suffer with PAIN in the BACK, Rhcumatism or Stifl Joints, for the CENTAUR Liniments will surely extermínate the Pain. There is no Struin, Sprain, ('ut, Scald, linni, Brnise, Sting, Gall or Lameness, 1 h hicli Mankind or Dumb Brutea are snbject, thnt doos iiot respond to tliis Soothinsr Balni. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only relieve pain f bat they incite healthy tction, Mubdue inflammation, and curé, whether the pymptoms proceed from wounds of the jlesh, or Neuralgia of the Nemes ; from conlracted Gord or a scalded hand ; from a sprained ankle or a gathed fooi ; whether from diaguating PI3LTLES on a LADY'S FACE or a strained joint on a Jlorse's Leg. The aQony produced by a Bura or Scald ; viorlijieatian from Froet-bitoe ; BweUirxgt from strains ; the tortures of Jlhevmatitni ; Crippled for Ufe by lome neglected accident ; a valuable horse or a Doctor't Bill may all be saved from One Bottle of Centaur Liniment. No Housckeeper, Farmer, Planter, Teamster, or Liveryman, can aford to be wlthont these teonderful Liniment. They cn be procured in any part of the globe for 50 Uentt and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle SS OerUs. Swallowing FOISON Spurts of disgusting mucous from tbe DOPtrile or upou Lhu tontite, Wnt ry Et-e, ümtjftts, Bozzing íd the Ba, t, . .. kling eeLeation In tlic h.'d, Intfnnit ïe Kyes, Jfatld Ureath, Nasal TwuD, in die Nostrile, and Ttckling ie the ThrciHtf are HCRI OF ( ATAKRII. JVb other tuch loathtome, treacherous and undermining malady carees mankind, Onc-nfth of onr Chüdrtn dit ot digeasea geDerated by lts Infeclious Polson, and one-fonrth oí living men and tomen drag out miserable eiiatences from the same cause. Whüe atleep, the imi.uriUt in the oostrllB are necessarily swatlowed intn the xtomaci and iithaled into thé hing to poiton every part of the pystem. Dr. Wei De Meyer' Catarrh Cure absorhs Dip inriilfnt virus, and k lis the seedsof poison in (lic fiirthest partí of the s}s(cin. It will not only relieve, but eerliiinly cnre Catarrli at any stage. It is the only reuiedy whicli, iu our juilirment. has ever yet really cured a case of Chronic Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cnred! G. G. Presbury, Prop. West End Hotel, Long Branch. Ourcd ot ÜO jean Chronic Catarrh. S. Hcne.lut, Jr., .ï'w.iti, BBZ lïrudway, , Nuw Yurk, (member of familj) Cured or Chronic Catarrh. E. II. Brown, 389 Oanal SL, N. Y., Cured of 11 years Chronic CaUrrh, J. D. McDonald, 710 nrreidway. N. Y. (Slster-in-law) Cared of 40 yeari Chronic Cutiirrh. Mm. John DnuKhty, Fidikill. N. Y., Cured of 8 years Chronic Caiarrli. Mrs. .lui oh BwidS; Jr., 200 Warren Ptrcet, Jersey City, Cured ol IS ytais Cbronic Catarrb. A. B. Thoni, ISÍ Montftcu-' t., Brooklyn, (nelf and bijd) Cured of Catarrn. Rev. Wm. Indarson, Fnrdham, N. Y., Cured or 20 yearw Chronic Catarrh. Mlle. Aimee, Opera Prima Bonna, " I have received very great benefit trom it." A. McKimiev, It. K. I'res., SS Hrond St„ N. Y.: " My farnily cxpeiienced immediatu reliei." Ai1., &c , Ac , Ac, Ac. Wel Ic Mcjcr's Catarrh Cure is the most important Medical Discorery since Vaccination. It is gold by ill Druggtats, or delivered by I). B. Dkihi & Co., 46 Dcy St., N. V.. bI l.."o ¦ package. To clubs ís vmángm fw X7... ür. Wei Dé Meyer's Trcutise is sent f ree to anybody. 951-1002- ow FARM FOR SALE. I will sell fifty acres of land, on the sonth slde of the road, includmg hrlck huuee, two bams and carriafe house ; or eHhty-seven aervs on the north slde of the road, iiniudlu' the J. Winj; place, with (jood buildings: or il! ?¦¦]] Ihe whole farm comhim-d, u pnrehaser may SIre. The land ie located on the Dexter road, three and one-half miles west of Aun Arbor city, and II iu a very Abe ptat' of cultiv.iti"ii. Tern to eult parchnsers. If not sold by April Int, I 111 let the same on hare. Will also Iet the Flllmore farm of one hundred acres adjolnlug the above. " J. W . Bradford.