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John B. Gilman, Thomas J. Farrell, Robert J. Price, Robert K. Ailes, Celinda K. Glover, Stephen Smith, Roxanna LeBaron, William J. McKendry, Francis A. White, John W. Reeve, Chalres Rominger, Christian Lampart, E. L. Bickford, Gotlieb Hirtler, Israel Burley, James J. O'Bailey, Frank O'Bailey, James J. Bailey, Harriet Bailey, Christian Schwab, Henry Schwab, Mary L. Freeman, Amariah Freeman, Barnabus Case, George Lockerby, WIlliam D. Runciman, James H. Runciman, John Vsuland, George Thurer, Joseph Murray, Eli Roberts, Isadore Vincenth, Henry Sharer, Mary R. Clark, JOhn Dorfler, Levenhart Serobel, Frederk Moeckel, John Joos, William H. Lacy Wilmer J. Lossee, Augusta Comstock, WIlliam B. Meyers, Michael Weisner, Joseph F. Landers, Mary Exinger, John C. Grace, Alice M. Risdon, Emil A. Nordman, Lucy W. S. Morgan, Harriet A. Wilkinson, Edwin R. Curtis, A. H. Busenbark, Nathan Nixon, Joseph Edick, Henry H. Chatfield, Louis S. Hadley, Harrison Hadley, Charles Powell, Lester S. Pryer, Lewis Campbell, Frederick Kock, John Linderman, Joseph Bickford, J. Frank Smith

OCR Text

The following real estate sales have been recorded in the register's office since our last report ; WARRANTY. John P Dale to Sarah Korlsou, lot 103, original plat, Yiwllantl. f 1,600. Wesley 1 licks to E. A. Speuce, 12 acres, flfth ward, Ann Arbor, $2,200. Wm. D. Runceman to John Row and Johu O'Conor, 11 acres, sec 15, Sylvan, $350. Mariah Mead to Charlott H. Cole, lot 24, Smlth's addltlon, Ann Arbor, J100 and love Peter Dansinburg to Daniel U'Brlan, 40 acres, sec. 16, Augusta. $800. Jeremiah Boyle to Honora Ann Boyle, land In Northfield, sec 81. $1,000. Claudlus B. Andrews to Samuel C. Andrews, property In Ann Arbor, $400, wm, Hurk to Nelaon Booth, property In Ann Arbor, $3,U00. Wm. Burke to Nelson Booth, lot S.and s. 14 lot 4 by 41, vtllage of Manchester, SI, hm. Wm. Burke to Nelson Booth. lots 1 and )5 b. 2 s. Hurnii street, Ann Arbor, $5.000. Wm. Burke to Nelson Booth, lot 47 and a part "f lot 46, Smlth's addltion, Ann Arbor, 3,000. Levi C. Quackenbush to John H. Quackenbush, land In Salem, sec. 32. Í150. Harmon Allen to John W. Blakeslee, 1 acre, York, f'290. Lamuert H. Reno to John H. Sandwehr, 132 acres, sec. 86, and sec. 1, Sylvan, Sfi.aOO. Warren Amerman to Sumuer Damon, 40 acres, sec. 25, Ypsilantl township, 81,600. Wm. H. Easterly to Jerome J. Stephenson, property In Ypsllnnü, $I,600. Lanclous Tuttle to Win. Tuttle, 20 acres, sec. 27, Ypsllantl township, $375. Wm. Hornlng to Lewls FriU, property In Ann Arbor township, $350. Frederick W. Cleveland to Gottlleb Zeeb, land In Ann Arbor and PltUfleld, $4,500. Nelson Booth to Wm. Burke, 400 acres, PltUfleld, $34,000. Calvin Pratt to Evellne Burchard, land In Sylvan, (1. Helen A. Davis to Calvin Pratt, land In Sylvan. 12,000. Edwin Hunter to Polly Ann Duim, lot lo Ann Arbor, $.500. Wm. D. Runceman to M. and J. G. Lehman, land in sec. X, Sylviin, flüo. David Schnlder to John Win. Scholde, 60 acres, sec. 24. Kreedom, $:,tnJO. F. Q. Anthony to Cynlhla Mltchell, lot No. 9, .- 11, vlllage of Salem. $5450. George Renwlck to Alex. Fraser, 115 acres, seo. 26 and 27. Northfleld, $8,000. Clara N.Overshlre to Wesley Hlcks, lot 80, Smlth's addition, Ann Arbor, $1,300. Ebeoezer Steele to John H. Lawlon, land in ec. 10, Northfleld, $1.000. Francia Heath to Charles Hartley, lot 2, Potter'H addltlon. Ypsilantl, $100. Daniel Burton to Alex. and Darbara Mnnock, 67 acres, sec S, Lyndon, $3,350. John B. Gilman to Thomas J. Farrell, lotR 9, 11, and 12, old plat, vlllage of Manchester, $425. Robert J. Price to Robert K. Alles, property in Ann Arbor, $500. Cellnda K. Glover to Stephen Sinlth. land in sec. 24, Lodl, $5. Hoxana LeBaron et al. to Wllllam J. McKendry. 62 aerea, sec. 17, York, $900. Francia A. White to John W. Reeve, undlvlded H Interest, 80 acres, sec. 3ff, Webster. $500. Charles Romlnger to Chrlsllan Lainpurt, land In Lodl. 2,1 00 E. L. Blckford to Gotlleb Hlrtler, 115 acres, Piltslield, $7,110 Israel Burlev toJames J and Frank O'Balley, lot In v.llage of Dexter, $500. James J. Balley to Harrlet Balley, property In Deztr,$50i). Chrlslian 8chwnb to Henry Schwab, 74 and 56-100 acres, sec. 6, Brldgewatpr. $3.000. Mary L. iind Amarlah Freemuu, S15 acres, sec. 17, Manchester, $,860. Barnabus Case to George Lockerby, property In the vlllage of Manchester, 8iKJ Wllllam D. Runclman to James H. Runctiiüin, 160 acres, sec. 4 and 5. Sylvan. (0,000. John Vsuland (by heirs) to George Thurer, 40 acres. sec. lHf York, $1,125. Joaeph Murray to Kil Roberts and Isadore Vlncenth, 10 acres, 22, Augusta. $200. Henry Sharer to Mary R. Clark, property In Chelsea, $400. John Porfier to Levenhart Serobel, 40 acres, sectlon 12. Brldgewuter. &:.). Frederick Mowkel lo John Joos, e. %n.v.4 sec. 33. Lima. $4.0(10. Wtlllam H. Lacy to Wilmer J. Lossee, 20 aeren, sec. 2H, Augustn, $250. Augusta Comswck to Wllllam B. Meyere, landln sectlon 14, Froedom, $5(12.50. Mlchael Welsner to Jacob Laubengayer, land In Lodl, sec. 34. $1. James Lande to Joseph F. Landers, property In YpMliinl I, 151. Mary Exlnger to John C. Orace, property In Ann Arbor. $1.50. M. Rlsdon to Kmll A. Nordman land In ser. 11, Plttsfleld. $2,7511. Lucy W S. Morgan to Harrlet A. Wllklnson, property in Ann Arbor, $500. Lucy W. H. Morgan to Kdwln R. Curtís, property in Ann Arbor, $500. A H. Busenbark to Nathan Nlxon, 50 acres, sec. 2 and 8, n, u Joseph Edick to Henry H. Chatöeld, 1% acres, Salem, $WJO. Louis S. Hadley to Stephen O. Hadley, 10 acres. sec. 11. Lyndon, $400. Louis S. Hadley to llarrlson Hadley, 70 acres, aec. 11, Lyndon, $2.800. Charlea Powell to Leuter 8 Pryer, property in Ann Arbor. $1,600. United States to Lewis Campbell, 80 acreB, aoc. IR, Ann Arbor townshlp. United ötalea to Lewls Campbell, lbO acres. Frederlck Kook to John Llnderman, 110 acre, sec. 21, 22. Lodl, $5,375. Joseph Blcklord to J. Krank Smlth, proportj in Ypsilantl city, $1,000.