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The marriage of Dr. Arthur L. Worden and Miss Carrie E. Hutchins, botb ot' this city, on Tuesday evening, was a very pleasant occasion, both the bride and groom being well knowo in the city, and general favorites. But few invitations, except to relatives, were given, but the eipression of good will tbrough the medium of present, indicated the high esteem in which the partios werc held. The ladies of the M. E. church, where the bride had for several years been a member of the choir, presented them with a handsome silver tea-set ; a club of seven young men gave a silver water-set ; members of the M. E. churoh choir gave two beautifully framed steel engravinge ; while silver butter dilitn, dinner and tea oasters, pickle casters, sugar, tea, oream, and table spoons, butter knives, vases, etc. , etc., froiu frienda and relatives made an array whicb but few young couple are sufficiently fortúnate to reoeive a upon like occasion. And last, but of great iuaportance, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Worden, parents of the groom, gave the couple a car load of elegant furniture, which we understand they are to uiake immediate ufe of in housekeeping. The city band serenaded the wedding party previous to their departure on the 9:38 train west. They go to Dunlap, Iowa, about fifty miles east of (Jouncil Bluffs, where the Dr. will iuimediately enter upon the practiee of his professioo. The Dr. was a gradúate of the medioal department in the olass of '79, and wbile in the Universiiy ranked well as a student. Since graduation he has beeu practicing medicine in this city and actingas asuistant to Prof. Macleao. In this latter capacity he has bad an opixrtunity which ia seldom enjoyed by the young practitioner of becoming practically familiar withliieease and with surgical operations. This was ao opportupity' which he seized upon and used with the greatest profit. He has thus acoumulated at the very outsetof his oareer, an amount of information and experience which others only learD, if at all, after many years of practiee. As an indication of the estiuoation which his teacher plaoed upon hia ability may be instanced the fact that Dr. Maclean selected him as the one to whom he should entrust his private and hospital patients during his last summer's absence. Dr. Worden is a young man of excellent character, genial manners and pleasing aiidres?, and takes with him as a Kfe companion one of Ann Arbor's most estimable ladies. We shall expeot him to do well in his new field of labnr, both on account of his high qualiñcations and his ability to gain the friendship and confidence of all with whom he is brought in contact.