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(Jattle Dlsease. ¦Plewro pneumonía. - There does not seem to be the sligbtest evidence that wjuld pass a sensible éourt of justico, that this diseaso ia contagious, and theru is a growing feeling that the public rnoney speal on stamping it out, as it is called, is jusl about wasted. Thu probatiility that it is caused by soiiie peculiar conditinn of tbc atinosphere, acting on lungs wbich at that particular time aro peculiarly adapted tobe affected by the atmospheric conditions, of course neighboring cattle may suffer ; but from the atiuosphere, and not from an af fecttd neighbor. Howevei, an exchaugo says : " In March last the Pennsylvania State Board of Agriculture took in htnd the;matter of stamping out the pleuro-pncumonia in cattle, and from a report by Seeretnry Edge, of the board, it seems the efforthas been of much service to the state. He says thework resulted in ihe slaughter of 110 aniuials, the quarantine of thirty one berds eontaining 00O animáis, :ind the examina tion of a largo uumber of othcr Lords suppoted by the owners (o bc ufleoted. The expense of the work does not exoucd $2 750, and, as the coinmission han now but four badly infected herds in quarantine it is evident thatjtbe disease has at least been held in check. The umin difficulty now results in infectinn from Maryland, and especially froui Baltimore cattle murket. I)r. Ó. B. Michener, of' Bucks county, was nppointed vcterinary surgeon of the board for the ensuing year."