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W. TREMAIN G-ZEITÑriEIE.A.IL, - iBie Am OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Norih iti IiInIi iBiuruice mp'y (of London and Edintmrfrli,) Capital ftt,OOO,(X). Oold. Detroit Flrc and Marine In. o# Cash Aeet JttKJ 000. Sprlngficld Inst. Coiup'y. rjia., Caêh Aseets $1.800,000. Iloward Ins. Co„ oT Xew Vork, Caêh Awete tl 000,000. AgrU-ulturnl tninrnnce omp') WATBKTOWN, . sá V(JI(K Caeb Assete f 1.2X,0OO. Losses libcTally adjtistrd and promptly jmiJ. yr 0L0 AriD REUABLE, ! Dr. Sanfoiïd's LrvBR In-vtoorator is ii Standard F unilj tuhIy for dNtaaesof tiieLu i %á auJB.nv, .8.;ti, 'jjafL Debilita 's-i; i „#¦ I I wi' Cathartieurul fï DB ML1 i i ' ÍM ¦ 'Ir'" '" u'-v ]"'il(t '''' IM ¦ _y un.! I v tho public,} IBv 5l. ior morí' t ii ;;;, yi-urs,! fiPJS witli unprccf(U .,t. 1 r. sultü. i V SEND FCR CIRCULAR.S JOi 1 tlli OftKrUKU, fi . U . , newtorkc AV ilItM.'il-'T 11,1. T(LL VO) TS llt.!1! riTIDJi i "0 1,. S. LKRl II. AENT. TUTTS PiLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE QREATEáT MEDICAL TR1UMPH OF THE AQE. TMTTC' Dll I O D. Tctt hm - lUl ld rILLd ecl"dincumb.uigis CURE SICKHEADACHL inConiHüc,; TUTT'S PiLLS 55!%-í- CURE DYSPEPSIA. Thdr ai, rprt _. _ r „ _ _ efiecti toiucruisetlii) TIITT'C PIN C by ¦ I U I I O lILLO food to Woperly aCURE CONSTIPATION. imilaui. Tbnstheijr temía nou.:shod, aud TIITT'C Cl IC bythoirtonicactiooon IUÜ O rtLLO ""e f'S"' oreane, TURF Pil F? regular and bsaVhy eTUTT'S PILLS dlï" "t11 " IUi I O r!LLö wh.,.h personS TAKE CURE FEVER AND AGUE. ON FLESH wiulenndw the iurtU'Mire oí tbow TIITT'C DM IC pills, indicatos their aI U I I O lILLO daplnbilily to nuurish CURE BILIOUS COUC. g tato J- TïlTTIt Dll I C v0"5 oebility, melanr inwrv r i i Dg othe nmscles.jlngCure KlDNEY_Complaint. gjlhnew of th liyer, TUTT S PILLS n-iimpmtinKtaMkh CUflE T0RPIO UVER. SoWTcrywh T!ITTSILLS LL" IUI I V IlLLO 53 prurray Street, JMPART APPETITE,, ï ïokk. I ¦ feMi Warner's Safe Kidney and LJver Cure, C (fbrmeríy í)r. O'atí'í Kidney Piira.) A vegetable preparatlun and the onlv nn ram-dj in the world f' ir Brlsbt' nlwur. llal.,lo. and ALL Kidney, LlTer, ud (Irlaarr Dbiun. R4rTtistimoniaisof theblfihest order in prooi or these statement. ¦WFor the cure nf niatx-tea, cali for Wal nrr' Siitv Itntetr Cure. 4t"For the cure of Ilrlulx's nl tl' othr tlUMM, cali for Wirutrl ate liidu and LJrer Care. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. ItisthebcstUloodPurlaer. andatimultlM evpry function to more healthful actiou, aud is t bus & benefit in au diseaset. It cures Sri ofuloua and oth(-r kin Frnptlon and Dlseues, includmg Caucen, 11cerm, and otiier Sorca. D.Taprla. WeaUr.rii nfltir Klomnrh, Conatipation, Iiixiii-a, Urufral tebilIty, etc. are cured by the Xafe Bltlera. I unequaled asan appetizeraud regular tontc. llottlea of two sizta : prices, SOr. and 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly Rives Itnt and Sleep to the suffenni. cu Ilcudnrlie umi IHVurnlffln. pn-venu Kpileptlr til, and relieves Nrri uua Pro tratlon brougtiton by excessive drink, ovmwitrk, mental shocks, and other uiuat Puwerful as It ia t stop pain and jooilw dliturbed Nerves, it ntver injures the ajsuul, wliether taken in amall or larRt (ïosea. Bulilea of two sises; pnces, 50c. :unl $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an tmmediate anrl active etimulus for a Torpla LlTej . iLüt cure CoitWcntii. Dyipepii. BUHWléiW ioiuntu. Biilom DUrB WtrTl3ÍWT bBBb aud Agiit. and abould I liawffttÜaiU BH i.f iimiI hfiiwTihe I IMKCjSH HSB t'owels d" nol opérate ¦ KtlMilJi I Ml.B fieely and rvgularly. BI3C3 I VTW "llirr l'llk rfqnir ¦ ¦ RnfNnrflnS rM "¦" ''" r" i''"" ¦ 17-lij 'UtliliJ H „,,rk. 'rfP L.-. rU. "¦ ¦ fmuSWIfl In Wrrr' SiJi Ili-muli" IfLUlULl] KaM toM hj nriiKiUU ft lnl I Mw a JIlBÏ HH ' i'' #rin. jTTtTju I. jP I H" H iTO ' Co" Cty ffiai ROCHÉSTEBN. Y. ¦jfaM-3 BW C'S"' tor l'ikl'l nrt TtlmoiilU. O.V 10J6 BS BHaahKO-amaTraEEaalSl MA G TIITÍ IST. MUKSANY WOKK I II IS LINE. SnglDea, Agricultura] Mncb.lnery,8ewiuR HachJB" i d Cncks repalrwl. TumliiK. KA-flttlnc and nrlndimptiy done. oid aífortmein oí Ontiery, Luckx nd Tool-, whlch wlll hp ?olél rhfap. No. 36 South Main Street, ANK AKBOR. K-M