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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Chnrch. Rkt. 8. Haskell, Pastor. Sibbath Aervice, 104 a, . and 1% r v. Sun 1 1 rtchool .-ifler inorning service. PrtfW moe lus; Thurïday uveuiiiK at 1% o'clock. Tatholtc Thurch. Rt. Fatheb Fielb, Psetor. I....V Kttt, a. a. lli-'li Mass, liivi a. a. Veeper p. a. 8un lay School, tf p. k. i oui; reiriitiimal Churc-h. Kkv. W. H. Kvukh, Pistor. Subbatli services, 104 ¦ . nd 1% p. a. Üand iv -hool alter mornlnu service. Prayer meeding Thurwday evenlnjf :it 7y$ o'ciock. Episcopal Chnrch. Ubv. WVLI.Y8 Hall, Héctor. h')!ih 'ríice, 10 a. m. and 7 p. u. Sunday School, i r. m. rteligiotii orrtceí, PharKdnj emiair l 7tf o'clock tremían Metliuüist Murch. Krv. C. IIelwio, Tasitor. 8 ibbatb -ervico, 1U a. . and 71,, p. h. Saaday 8cüool, nt uine o'clock a. k. I'rtxyer tneetint? on Wudjit-duy. Lutheran Chnrch. Rkv. Johk Nítmavn, Pastor. b ihbitti -lorvieee, 10 a. . and 7% r. m, bu.iij ¦ - Tvice. I'ryer mee'ta. TharjByevenlnKnt 74 o'doek. Hethoillst ('liiircli. i'.V. [ons .V.MIVTKU, P-ltOr. Sllblth MTViOM, 10 -i . M. Uld % Y. M, San! y S ¦ i i ;l ifiT niornlag umce. i'rn r ru ¦ 'm?, Tharday oveninv at 1% o'clock. Ydun,' i' k 's Jieutiag, HaturJay 7 p. u. Proshyterian ('hureh. linv. r"Ku T. Bbown, D. D., Pastor. Sibiii li i Tricas, 104 "d 7 p. ¦. Su 1 iv Silu iland Biuleclana ntter laurninserrlc Pr:iyer m-ietin, Thursday eveniniy at 8 D'clock. V in i.; Poople'l (¦¦iiiiï, Sonday eveninc 6HUnitarian (,'hiireli. ltv. .1. T. StTjinKULASD, Paiior. Sabbath aurvices, 11114 a. m. and 7H r. ¦. Sn-iiluy School at 12 n. Smlents' Blble Claes at 9:16 a. m. ion Lutheran Church. Kkv. S. F. Bilub, Pastor. Habbath Sorvices at 104 a. m. and T p. v. Sindny School frQrned1a!'-ly ifter raorninu porvicc ilcluioii" arvicii vVednesday BveninK at 7 o'clock BUSINESS CARDS. HENBf K. BIUa, V ATTORNEYATLAW Real Estatp Broker, AND IN8UHANCK AGENT. OFFirï : . 1 Opera Hoam Hlm-k ANN Akkiir, Mirii. IBéH I ÜEO. W. KEXWICK, f ƒ Froiu the New Kuiland ƒ fory of Miwlc, IWinn. Tcarher f ƒ Vocal and Instrumental Mustc and ƒ Uarronny. ƒ E Conductor oí Musical ƒ E tifnn and uvrninji clafrf. E PrlvHfe lnsoD" "ï!l bc piwn af E the rt'Bldence of papila. ƒ Adílre P. O. Box 1201, Ann Ar)or. 901-9Kti WK.1. STKVENS, M.U., Physician anfl SurceonX orrn k, 3S Washington Street. Ojbe Hour$-1 to 9 . ¦., IU:. a. ¦ tu 12 ., 2 to4, and 7 to 8 p. m. Rttidënce- No. 10 Grove Street. M8tf f JouN l. Bviihuan, I Attorney Counselor at Law. oppice : Over Watlonal Bank, Ann Arbob. I 74lf W. H. JACKSON, dbntist Ofllce over Bacb íc Abel'a Xrlntrance by Flrat National Bnk. 78ítf F. 80RH, HOO8I, 8l8M AND ObKAMKNTAL ƒ ƒ Paintb. PaperinK, Glay.inj{, ƒ ƒ JüdinK, and work of every ƒ crlptlon done In the bent style. ƒ ƒ l'alnts, Olls, and Varnlshee on ƒ n land and for sale. Shop, No. 33 ƒ I Sast Washington Street, Ann ƒ I rbor, Mlch. 60Stf V WILLIAM HERZ, IIOUSB, SIQN, ORNAMENTAL FKE3CO PAINTER. vapxr1ng, Olazlng, Gilding and CalctX Vuiniiii:, and work of every decriptlotA donc in the best ityle, and warrantedV to give satlefactlon. Shop No. 4 WegtX Waehington Street. Ann Arbor. M icta MStf o. c. maan, I I OFFICE : No. 32 East Washington Street. Formerly occupled by Dr. ƒ Krotlilngham. ƒ 9SWf THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Viim Arbor, Mirlileau. miW BENERALjANSING BUSINESS, CAPITAL7l5Ö,OOO. SuJtt?!! "ïii116 GeI1;r1 Banking Iaw of thl. Vam Í ,'tockhuld"'' e 1nd1vldnall?l!ble for ai, henen, r ÏS " ""¦¦¦¦'' l'und for the nenellt of lppoHitorH of $100,000.00. Por par rent. iulrrext 1 allowed on all íívinn Deposita of on dollar und upwards. accordt n? to the rules of the Bunk, and Interest oomponnded .nl annoally Moncy to loan on anincnmbered real eaute and otner Kood eecurlty. 'Xreetart- Ohrlftlan Mack, W. W. Wlne, R. A. Beal Williara Denhei, Wltllam D. Uarriman Daniel HUcock, and Wlllard B. Smith Olllpern : OaaniM Mck, F'rei. W. W. Wils, Vlce-Pre. Chas. E. Hibcock, Ctshler. . 915-9W G To WINANS & BERRY FOR MERCHANT TAILORINÍÍ For the folloninx rroxonMt Ut. Our work in all flmt clae ï I. Mr. Berry is the only cutter In th.' state who Ml!lVwyo" p"rfeei flt """w"' trying on. V.Í2; W" ha,tb; 'Hr-"!"t "rimeut in the Sute, Win over MA diffwiyt .tj-les to select from in ; h. We ut .."„.¦ bat fl,,fl trlmmlm!. 5ih. We are full 20 per cent. below Dutroit prices. WINANS & BBKKY, gl-lUOT No. 11 South Main 8treet, Apn Arbor. WANIbU rTt:i::: 9T2-1018