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Republican County Convention

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A Kepubllcan County Convention to elect slxteen delégales to the State Convention tobe held at Detroit, on Wednesday, May IMh, 1880, iil IKfMofk a. m., toolect delegatesto the Republican Natiouiil Convention to be held at Chicago June 2d, 18K0, and to transact such otbar business as may properly come before it, wll! he hold at the Court House, In the olty of Aun Arbor.on Wednesday, April Mth, 1S80, at look M. The several cltlos and townxhlps will beentltled to delégales lntheCounlyConvintlon as follows : nn Arl)orTown 4 Northfleld 4 Ann ArborClty- Pittsfleld 4 Kimt Ward 4 Salem I Secoud Ward 4 Saline. I Third Ward 4 Solo Fourtb Ward 4 liaron 5 Víli Ward -..3 Superior - 5 Sixth Ward 3 Sylvan f Aura J Webster 4 Biídgewater - 8 York _ -5 3 Ypsilanti Town I Freedora Ypsilanti City, lstw.,3 jjma 4 Heooiid Ward S I,,,,U ' 4 Thlrd Ward I Lj ndon 3 Fourth Ward. 3 Manchester 6 Flfth Ward -..3 Tlie noralnation of oandidates for President and V President being the ultímate object of the above convention, the committee deern i t t the flrst lmportance that as full an expression of the people as posslble should be obí nu, ¦.!. With tuis view they suggest that, 1 f nient, the several cltle and townshlps elect delegates to the County Conventlon at tlicir respective city or townshlp caucuses,-at wblot) the city or towuship oftlcers are to be nomlnatad, and that notlce thereof be embraced in the cali for the respective cauouses I'ully realizlus that upon the results of the ...,..ia Presidentlal election mnv deDend the stablllty and success of the Republlc, If not lndetd tlieexlsteneeof Civil Liberty, we cordlally Invite all who place country above party, love lüirriy and hate oppresslon, to meet and act with us. A. J. SAWÏER, Chalrman. E. P. ALLEN, W. JUDSON, WM. D. PLATT, Kepnbllcan Connty Committee'. J. V. LAWRENCE, Secretary. Ann Aiibok, March 19, 1880.