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Wrltteu for The Coürier. W ash inuton, D. C, April 2, 1880. A commendable disposition appeara in Congress to do something for the extensión of our foreign commerce into the valuable market of South America. A bilí has been introduced in the House to establish a line of stcamships between the Mis-issippi river and Brazil, to be partly sustuined by a liberal contract for the mails. Sinco the improvementa at the mouth of the Muúnppi river have demonstrated the pos-iibility of a muoh larger commercial connection of that river with the trade of the world ; this projoot is one of great interest. It would be of immense benefit to all the states for which the Mississippi river may becouie an outlet from Minnesota to Louisana. In conoection with these plans an effort will be uiade also to put some other foreign steainship Unes of a sure foundation so that we may hold an equal footing in the South American ports with other corumercial nations The Deuiocrats have begun to haul in their revolutionary horns. Their hesitation of late has been accepted as a mere teinporary sessation of their general work of conspirucy. But it proves to be not so. Instead of carying out their threat to steal a seat in Minnesota, they havo voted in comniitteeto report Washburn'sseat vacant and will give that pestiferous demagogue, Donnelly, another chance to go before the people. The Republicans are entirely satisfied with this result, being confident that they can bury the Democratie aspirant very dcep when they get to the polls again. The Senate has passed the socalled oompromise defioiency bill allowing pay to the United States election officers but provid ing that they shall be appointed from both politieal parlies. How the Demócrata will "compromiso" the question of having the expenses of "troops at the polls," aocord ing to their extra session programme, it is very difficult to say. While some of them are for fighting, it is thought that the majority have had enough of politieal con tention and will try to smooth down all the ronfti places in the controversy. Some of Grant' s friends have become suspicious of Washburn as a supporter While he pretenda to be urging Genera Grant's candidacy, his intímate firiend have betMi caught electioneering for Wash burn deleeates in districts where it is sup posod Grant men would otherwisfi be chosen. The Grant men say they will no trust Washburn, and warn their friends in