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Bntler Bujers verywhere aro refusing to take white lard ooking butter except at "grease" prices. [üonsumers want nothing but guilt-edged jutter, and buycrs therefore recornmend :heir patrons to keep a uniform color :hroughout the ycar by using the Perfected Butter Color made by Well, Richardson & Cc, BurlingtoD, Vt. It is the only ;olor that can be relied on to never injure the butter, and to always give the perfect jolor. Sold by Druggists. Cousumption Ciired. An old physieian, retired from practice, haviug had placed in his hands by an East India mi.ssionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy aud permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Uatarrh, Asthma, and all Throatand Lung affeetions, also a pos4tive and radical cure for Nervoue Debility and all Nervous Coniplaints, after bavine tested its wonderfa! curativo powers in thousands of cae, hafl telt it his duty to make it knowu to his suffering f'ellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve humao surTc-ring, I will senil free of charge to all who de-ire it, this reoipfl, in Germán, Frunch, or English, with full diréotiopa tur preparing and uMng. Sent by mail by addrossing with titamp, namiuu this paper, W. W. Sheareu, 1 19 Pouxvx' IVnck. Rnchmtrr, N. Y. 958 99S e o w We Can't Talk Without showing the condition of our tecth. Every langh exposes them. In Order not to be ahamed of' them let us use that standard dentifrice, SOZODONT. whiuh is sure to keep them white and spotless. No tartar can encrust them, no canker affect the enamel, no species of decay infest the dental bone, if SOZODONT is regularly used. It is a botanical prepara tion, and its benefioial effecta on the teeth and gums are marvelous, as it removrs all discolorations, aud renders the puins hanj and rosy. 980 984 (jrateful TVooien. None receive so inuch benefit, and none are 60 prof'oundly grateful and show auch an interest in recommending Hnp Bitters as women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adaptcd to the uiany the -ex iet almosi. universally subject to. Chilla and tever, indigestión or deran;ed liVer, constant or periodical sick heaaaches, wcakoess in the back or kidneys, pain in the shoulders and different parts of the body, a feeling of laMtude and despondency, are all readily retuovud by these Bitters. HiicKIcii's Árnica Salve. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheuiu, tetter, charped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaotion in every case, or money refundid. l'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 935-986 -NEWDRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT. I wlll open, in Mrs. Miichlle's roome, over Shechan & Co. 'e bat store. No. 37 Main atreet, on April 12th, a New DressmaklDt; Establishment. In ennnection with innkinir, I wlll make a specialty of CUTT1NG AND FITTING SUITS, AMD OUT81DE UAIÏHtNTH, For Ladle and ('hiidren, aiui giTa insiructioiiB how to make auch, and wlll drape the twine, wb-n flnifhed, without extra charKC PRICES WILL _BE MODERATE. All work irnnrantoed to be done flrtClaBi. My experlnce haa hen in largor cities and in flrxtclass fhtublishment only, for the past flve ycar?. No efforts will bc ppared to eult all. Anjone (lesirlni; Information In regnrd to dress eie me a cali, it will be glven willingly and free of charge. MISS CARRIE BHICKER. Notice to Croditors. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Cnunty of Watiti'naw,8B. n Noi in herfby i;ivnn, thiit ty an ordr ot thp Probate tiourt for iheOuunty of Waht.naw, made on the thini diiy al Auril. A. D. IK80, nix nvouth from thut date were allowed for credltorp to present thelr rlaims ni;iiiiiKt the enlate o] (toorge II. illa, lateofttuid county.deceasud, aiul that all creditorvof fluid iinronnon un; requlred to present their clalmc to Hld ProhaM Court, at Uw Probate i 'fllce, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowauce. on af before the fourth dav ofOctober next, and ibat such clalmn wlll be heard hefort' nld Court on Sattirday, tbc thlrd day o! .1 uly, and on Monday. the lourth day uf OctObm iiiït, at tío o'clock in thu luruuoon ol' t-ach of tmid davs. Dawd Ann Arbór. April H, A. D. 1S8U. " WILL1AM b. HAHiUMAN, 981-984 Juduc of l'robate. TIANTED. m i:it i. BOYS, To learn the flnienlng trade, at the Keek Furnlture Company Eítablithment, i)81-!i81 _________T_r__ TEES FOll SALK. On acconnt of continncd ill hcaltb, not heine nbje io laki; care of o many, I will s-ll ü OK !ÍS su vit 'is OV BF.KN, .a m reuunitble leun, ltallan and nattvcK. Struiüht, mnvable combo, in extra trooti hioéêi well painted. Plenty of Biorcé, in kialthy condition. ie the proper eaeuu tü buy. No. 30 North State ureet, Ann Arbor. . - A. rici iim: Ann Arbor, April 9, 188U. Dsl-DtW TJÖUSES AND LÜTÖ FOH SALE. Hcvural iood brlck dweiltni; honscp, and a nnrabor of framud dwelllnfï, dcsirably sltuated, with one or more lot for cacb, for ualc, on fair term and ruaeonable credit AIho. 4fty city lots. well located, with good ÜVp, and on loon credit. Also, farma and mortiu'i:k for ale. Money aafely Inveetfid for lenden, at ten per cent. Inquire of ftaotr T K. W. MOROAN. pOFFlNS AND CASES i FULL STOCK AT MARTIN' S. AU ordem promptly sttonded to.