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Mack & Schmid

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¦ ¦ CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE NOW RECEIVINC A COMPLETE ASSORTIMENT OF NEW SPRING GOODS WILL BE DISPLAYED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THEIR BUSINESS AT PRICES THAT ARE BOUND TO TAKE THE PUBLIC BY STORM : Cholee Slik and Worsted Dre eods Donna D'Indc, Drap rompndoiir, Satine Ollomane, Oro de Perse, Tafetas, Freneh and i;iií!í.!i de Bciuc, all woul Tlomi Clolli, I'rcnch aud American uil nol IliniliiigN, in all Ihe ¦--¦ r-ill - hadr and color, al uricca lar more reaoiiable ilian eau be expeetcd. Our Mournine Department alwavs has its special attractions and special bargains. ur Cnhmcrcirare Naêctelly noicd for color, beauty and car. We oller Ihe raot rcliaitic bik. and tolnrcil Mik. our Kemarkable Itarsain: Um l'avoritc and Lyon Black Slik at L1.35, #1.55 and #1.75, warranted lo wear or Ihe inoney re funded. Our low prleei we explaln by a roriunaic pur chaHe. OwinK to the unpreeedented ueees of our ale of Eiiibroiderie and l.acew, we have made EISTORMOUS PUECHASE8. Our stock 1 more than doublé lt u-ual nlzc. Cholee Euibroidcrle, Real Breton and Iffechlin l.n. . Mailene Iaee Ianguedoc, Brabant Alcncon, Valeiieieunex and Ttirvlion lacc. I nderclotbiiiK. The barealn in thiw departinent, which crealed micIi a tir durln the last two ueck. wlll be conliuued. The attentlon or the lireoüinakerx I directed lo the faet that we are r cel ving the largo aorlmcnt of Urc Triminlnuii and ariiiturc, coinpriiii Salln anl Velvet in black and color, IVkin siripcd and Brocadc Mik, Striped üatlo aud Vt-lvet, ialin and Tloirc, Frines Kibhon, Hultoiiü aud lmpg. Beinti eonvineed late lat caon that there would be a largc advance in uierclianlie we made our purcliatci and are lher-rore cnabled to olfer our cutiré lock of Bleaclied and Brown ëhcelinux, .liiriim: and Fillow Cmë ¦¦HM, Drmin, TUklngx. BagN and Batliiiü. Crashes, Tablc Towcl and Vapkiiiwal priee thal camiot be diiplicatcd I) parlies Iliat are compelled to buy at prlccs ruling lo-day. All goods marked in plain figures and no deviation. All misrepresentation of goods strictly prohibited. JsLJCl. &c SCHMID. 778-781 .