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fiwÍLXSl fgVEGETABLE SICILIA ncgiS f) 4jb Thie standard aiticle Is compuuuded with Uie greatest care. lts effects are as wonderfnl and sntiffactory a ever. It restores grsy or fadett hair to lts youthfal color. It removes all eruption, iiching and daLdruü ; and the scalp by lts nse becomes white aud clean. Ily it innic properties It restore the capillary irlanda to tbcir Dsrmal vior, preveutiiiK baldnufs, aud makiuK the bair grow thirk and stronc. Ab a dslug, notbitig haa been found eo effectual or desirable. Dr. A A. Hnves, State Aeayer of Bfossachusetts, sye of it : "I conxlder it the bat preptnatUm for lts intended pnrposes.11 BUCKINGHAM'S DYE, For the Whiükero. Thi elegant preparation may be relied on to chance the color of the brard from gray or aoy other undeeirable abade, to brown or black, at dlscretlon It ouaily applied, beinL in one preparation, rik] qnickly and effectnally prodnees a permanent color, whicb will neither rub nor wasb off. MANUPACTÜRKD BT R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Drugglsts and Dealere ín Medicine. 915-1010-e6w BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO $10 PER ACRE! Stronff SolU! Sur.' ('min! ltallrond IhroiiK" nl. r l l.nmli. II . ,.1(1, . 4 llmntc. KrhiKila anil ( Uurrhra. In ¦illit.iit Populntloa. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. Thpe lamia aro a long dlstance Eaut of the Rlver. Largf amount aaved In travel ana tmnsportatinn of ert)DK. Decrlitlvp liamphlia In Enrllsh and (forman. Addross tv. O. IIK.IKKT. Cuminlssloner, Cïraml IlnpUH, Michigan IH-iasi HANGSTERFER'S OYSTER AND ICE CREAM PARLOES, 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES AND BANQUETS A BPEOIALTY. Wedding Cakis, Ice Cream, Mncaroons and Cretm Kias I'j-rainlda MD TO OIIIir.II UK 8RORT NOTICK. Wbilmsn's French Candles, Frenh Fig, Malaga OrapeB, Klorida OraiiKe, Ac, Ac, KSI'T COSSTANTLY ON H1ND T HANGSTERFER'S 30 AND 32 MAIN STKKKT. HOMOIO