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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Rkt. 9. Haskkll, Paator. Sabbath services, 10 a, m. and 7 r. m. Suuiinv School after morning sorvico. Prsyr mee'.lnüThursday eveum? at 1% o'clock. Cathollc Church. Riy. KaTIIKR FlKLE, Pastor. Low M ia 8 a. m. Hiïh Maas, 10 a. . Vesper r. m.' Sunlay School, 34 p. m. Congregational Churcju- __ -_, Kkv. W. H. Rydbii, Pisto1. 9bbtU ervlcea, 10% a. M. and 7!i kak UX .. UDday School alter morniiiK service. Prayer ineotini{ Thurt-day evenln; at IK o'clock. Episcopal Church. Rv. Wyllï Hall. Reotor. Sabb Uta iorvtce, 10 A. u. and 7H p. . Snnday School, i% p. . . Ki'liioa4.orvLC3,Xnurs 'V' duet. Germán Metlili-t ('hiireh. Kltv. C. lln ¦ :¦ I !-¦.'-. a.bhath lemen, IOS . . nd 7J r r. Suiiiiy Scgooli t nlue o clocfc A. M. l'riyermeotlLi? on vedi. Liilhi ran ('hurcii. Rkv. .Innv Nv. -.,. v !¦ i-'... .subbuh Mrrtew, 10S4 a. a. and7 p. . Sundy School fter mornlni: MTTIo. l'rayer laeetlng, Thnreday eveuinf;tit7S4 o'clock. MetliiMlUt Churoh. Kbt. Jobs V ' ¦ ITtv 'W"' ƒ-- Hibbith Mervices. 10%luiliaïi.. - -- Saml ly Sc1!)'!! (flat morning aerTice. u, riiiirnJny ovenintr itTio'clock. Youo,' Pju1o 8 Meütins;, Saturaay 7 P. k. Prostjyterian Cliurch. i T. HicwN. D. !.. I'aKtor. ¦, , . ; IV ,; ! i M A Diiitariiiu ('liirch. !íkv. .1. T. srNnnKUfTV l';ior Sihlviin e.Tvices, 10!4 a. M. and 7 p. . Suiday School at 12 M. .studenu' Blble Class at 9.15 a. u. Zlou Luthcran Church. Kkv. II. F. Uew, Paitor. 3bbath Services at 10 a. m. and 7 p. ¦¦ S in.lMy School iininediaiely aftor morninfr sorvice. Ballglóu orvicu Wedneeday uvenin;at 7o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. IIKMÍY K. HILL, attorneyatlaw , Real Estafe IJroker, AND INSURANCE AUWNT. orncB : !ïo. 1 Opera HouMe lilock Anb Arbob, Híou. UEO. W. RENWÍCK, ƒ Krom the New Knu'hmd ƒ ƒ íoryof Muñí, Boctom. Tech "ff Vcal and liiötrunioutal Muic umi ƒ ƒ Ilurmony. ƒ Condnctor of Musical Conven- tlone and cvenliiR clasuce. ƒ Private leesonc will be glven at ƒ ƒ the residenceolpnpils. ƒ Address I'. O. liox 1201, Ann ƒ Arbor. ƒ WI. f. STEVENS, M.n., ?liysiciaii and SuraeoüX 3i2 Washington Street. Once Hourt-1 to 9 a. k., 10 a. m.Io 1$ ., i t 4, and 7 to 8 r. m. Residtiice- No. 10 Grove Street. itmti f MP L. IÏLKLKIII, Attorney -- Counselor at Law. omoi: Over Kfttional Bank, Aks Ahbor. ƒ 74!f W. H. JACKSOS, DENTISTA L OfBe orer Rab 4i Abel'. Xsntrince by First National Bnk. 78ítf F. 80RÖ, Hocen, Siun and Obnamïhtal Piimtkr. Paperlm?. Glazlng, I i (iüdlng, and work of every I ƒ cription done in the beit style. Plnt, OIls, and Varnithes on f hand and for sale. Shop, No. 83 ƒ I Sast WaêhinKton Street, Ann ƒ .rbor, Mich. BOStf WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, 9IQN, ORNAMENTAL FRESCO PAINTER. paperinf?, Olazing, Gilding and CalciA Aminlne, and work ofevery dcrriptloiA done In the best e-tyle, und wwrnntr& Vnfflve satisfaction. Shop No. 4 West AWaahlnijtou Streel, Ann Arbor, Mich.V 63stf 0. C. JENKIXS, ü' 1?; Iffi P 1? Si HH OFFICE : No. 32 East Washington Street. Formerly ooctipIcHl by Dr. . frothinliarn. ƒ THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, A ii n Arbor, Michigan, TmSASIS 5SNESAL 3Aln6 BUSINESS CAPITAL, $50,000. Orgmiued QDder the General BankiDg Luw of Ibii Siie,the rtocltholdern ro indlvidnallj llalilc lor au ilditlonal amuunt coual to the etork hild )y them rliereby creatlne a Gaarantee Funl for the (teaeflt of IMositorH of $100,000.00. Koiir per cent. IntereMt Ik allowed on al avlni{fl Depoaluj of on dollar and upwurdH. accord lu to the rales of the Bun k, and interent rumpounde einl annually. Jloney to loan on unlnrumberui r.'al uatati! and othcr gaod necurlty. I'inctort- Cbxlctian Mack, W. W. Winea, R. A. Boa Wllllam Deubel, Wllllam I). narrlman Daniel Hlecock, and Wlllard 11. Hmlth Ollieerw: HHiKTiin Miei, Pree. W. W. Winks, Vice-Pre Chas. K. HiacooK, O'aehler. 15 (WH QO TO WINANS & BERRY - KOR MBRCHANT TAILÜR1NG For the rollowins reasons: Int. Onr work Is all flrt clas. SI. Mr. Berry Is the nnly ruiter (n tho Siatc who can Kive yon u piTfcct (lt without trying on. d. we have the !artr-"t (Mortioeni In the State hnvtne orer COO aiffcn-nt tyhx 10 aelect from In rri aid tUmirttic Wooleru anti WnrttrtU. Jih. we dm Dona om 0,-1 lui trlmmlnps. 5lh. We are full 20 per cení, below Detroit prices WINANS & BElUtY, Sft-1007 No. 11 Soath Main Street, Ann Arbor ui iiiTrnACENTs TO8ELLTEA. 9TÍ-10U