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The Christiancy Divorce

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Krom Uw Lanxing Kipufolican. The disagreeruent betwecn ex-Senatir Jhristiancy and liLs young wifa became wiufully evident during their stay in this ty, but do breath of suspicion ever taiuted ie lady's good naine uutil last Wednesay, whan the Washington Star announced lat a doublé divorcc suit is pendmg, - ho harging her with inBdelity and she charging iim with cruelty. Thut paper says the exenator, now U. S. raioutcr to the rourt of 'era, bas authorized au attorney ia a.shngton to bring a suit for divorce agajpst is young wife, and that he will return to his country shnrtly to prosecute the Ie bas been apprised of cettaM cU"siionble acta ou the part of his wil' and iniiunate friends have reponed to him that be las good gruunda for divorce. Amóiie tlié ames conneeted su-picious1y wiili Mrn. ühristiancy's is that of ÜbqpMBanftÉ Bluckburn, ot' Keutueky, the b-une whj tlneat ned laat year to " wipc irom tho stututowoks every vestige of war legislatïon." Mrs. Ctiristi:incy is vcry indignant at he ncwspaper publieationH, ;md NMtM he insiuuation tliat blio has been unl'iiith'ul to her husbaad. She admita lwir eparation is final, but iusists t ïi n t it U her hoicp snd art, becañsfl lier treatimnt frnm lis family bas been .-ucli that. livine with hem bas been intolerable, and t-w gavti lei buaband the choice of' aepacating trom hem or her. The marrtage, which sosooti brought unlapjiiness and has turnod out sa disasiriiusly tbr both paiiies WAS cini'.uiiimat'id it Washington, Fob., 187Ú, :ib uit 14 iniithi4 al'tw tlio deathofthe ChrLstiaucy n this city. It w:is :i boarding house match, and the friénch of t li ex Senator always believed thnt he was begüiled Hito matrimony by a drsigning uiothcr and an ambitiüus duughler. No con plecould have been more mi.tinatchcd. She was lesa than one-third his age, and they had very few tastes and syinpatliios in common. She was disliked by hisgrown-up ehildren and the dislike was cuuphutically retiirned. üis rosignation from the seuuto is said to lmve been induced originally by a desire to separate his ehildren from their young ?tèpaiother. J'eople were surprised to lu;ir that sho did oot ccouipany her hiul abd to Lima. She ioilowed, howeyor, un a later sicamor, but did not remain long in l'oru, and returned to Washington laBt lall. Sue was seen in the sWflet of t hit citv und about the capítol a great deal this wiuter, and idle tongues have fuuud tuiiics for free comment in her conduct. Mrs, Christiancy's maiden name was Lillie Lugenbie), and her present age is only 24 years. iStie was desciibed in a let ter to the Republiean giving an account, of the wedding, as "a beautiful blondo, with a round face, plump figure, and pleaaaot manners." Her father was in limitod circuuastances, and sho held a elerkship in the treüáury dujiartuient when she first beoame aeiiuainted with Senator Christiancy. Her uiother kept a boarding-home oo Indiana avenue, where tile Senator had rooms. After his marriae he did a great deal for his wife's family in the way of sjcuring department positions for peveral of tbem. Their acquaintance had lasted less than two months when the wedding took place. The ceremony was perfornied Ky Rev. Dr. Sunderland, the senato ohaplaiti, aud Senator Ferry was groomsman.