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Centenary Memorial Service

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The Channing Centemry at the UnitariangChuroh la-a fabbath was a very pleas ant occasiou. The pulpit was surrounded with a forest of flow.'rs, and plant?. Some of the most beautiful gifts of Flora, w ah their delicate lea ves an] exquisite perfume, assisted in doing reverence and hinur to tlie meniory uf William Ellery Chaoniafr, njingling their beauty and perfume with the pleasant words and finely conatructed sentences which ascended from the moutbs of the speakers that day and evening. The morntng service was conductod by Kev. W R. Alger, of Boston, Mass., whodelivered fine memorial sermón upon the man the ser vioe of the day commemorated, introducin the same with the words : " The righteous shall be ia everla&ting reniembrance." W have not the space to give any satisfactor synopsis of the sermón, for it was one tha couid not go through the newspaper man' process of "boiling down," and retain it power and pathos. Suffice it to s&y that i was one of rare excellence. In the evening theexercises were openet by prayer and a few historical remarks by the pastor, Rev. J. T. Sunderland, merel; outlining the work and career of Channing Then followed brief papers by different oit izons of our city. lst, " The difference be tween relieion and theology, " by Judge Wm. D. ilarriman, was an excellent production. It gave the audience a favorable inipression, not only of Channiug's life anc teachings as a riligious man, bat elucidatec the wide chasm existing between the two subject so generally confounded. He referred to Chaoning as being more than usually modest, retiring and unassuming, and said that the secret of his gteat fame was his pure life and teaching, both by precept and example, of natural religión in it-i highest sen8e, and not the championship of any particular dogma ; this oourse, thee warm words of wisdom coming from a neart tnat loved religión and not creeds, was the cause of the perpetuation of his n.itue while others of perhaps as great ability aüd power had been forgotten. Relgion made uien love each other, theology made tbem bate each other ; religión is the golden wheat from whioh we inay all acquire the bread of life while theology is the chaff. Channing'8 life was full of religión only, and taught the incomparable worthof character. The speaker closed his remarles by expresiing the conviction that Channing'8 name would always live and his teachings exert a great influence upon the generationn yet to come. The second speaker was Dr. T. P. Wilson, of the homoeopathic department of the university. He spoke of " The bigotry of human nature," showing up the early training given the youths of religious parents some year back. 3d. Mr. A. McReynolds gave "A brief personal experience, with regard to Channing." He told of hU early Scotch training, the teachings inculcated, and how thcy left bina without hope until he i'omiil Channing's works. 4th. Mr. Ben. 0. Burt read a parcr treating upon " Channing asa writer," proving hiui tobe without a peer in purity of thoughr, and intentions, always ciidcavoriog to elévate mankind. 5th. Dr. Donald Maclean, treated of " Channing'g ii.fluence acrosn the Sea." He told how the gocxJ oíd kirk of Scotland was growing broad and liberal in its viows through the influenoe of thiti modest unassuming man's teaehings. 6th. Jadge Cooley read a paper upon " Channing'a work as a political reforuier. " "th. "Channing a a social refornier," by Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, closcd the servioed. Previous to theaddresses the pastor read several letter, one from Rev. Robert Colyer, of New Yorlt ; another from the Rev. Brooke Hertford, of Chicago, and a third from the secretary of the American Hnitarian Association, R. R. Shippen, of Boston. The audience both forenoon and evcning was largc, and their strict attention to every word uttered proved their deep interett in the services.