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The Bower-godfrey Case

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Mr. L. D. Godfrey, whom B. Frank Bower ejected from his room at Detroit, died Thuraday eveuing of last week. At the time of writing the item referring to the episode in the laat Courier, we little thought of such a sad termination, or our languagc would have been leas light. The deatli of Mr. Godfrey, however, ia acoredited to the use of stitnulenta to an inordinate degree, rather than to the effeots of the wound received from falling upon the pavement, and the testimony upon the inquest would indícate that whilo the wound aiight have produced concussion ofthebrain, and so been the immediate cause of death, it could not be decided whethcr it was produced by the first fall or the second, after be had arisen and started for the house ; and also, f the deeeased had been in a healthy condition, and not paturated with alcohol, the result would not have proved fatal. It is exceedingly unfortunate for Mr. Bowor that the result has terminated as it has, but to show the feeling toward him in Detroit, we copy the following correspondence between Messrs. Maybury & Conoly, Mr. Bower's attorneys, and the prosecuting attorney, Mr. Breevort : MESSRS. MAYUURY& COHKLY TO HE. HENRY N. BRKVOOKT : The flnding of the Jury In the case of L. D. Godfrey was such as to assoclate Mr. Bower wlth the cause that led to Mr. Uodfrey's death. Under the clrcumstances we deslre to notify you on behalf of Mr. Bower that be is prepared tojustlfy hts course In the lamentable aftair; and we further deslre tbat, lf, after hearing all the testiniony In the case taken at the inquest wlth care and mimi tenes, you purpose direeting a complalnt to be instltuted, tt should be i nst itu ti'd without delay. UK. BRKVOORTTO MESSRS. MAYBURY 4 CONEIY : Your communlcat ion Is received. The testimony In thls case was very elaborately taken, as much so as It could be on trial, and after being ttius placed In possesslon of all the facts that would warrant me In formlng myjudgment.l am prepared to say without qualincatlon that I see no reason or basis of comDlaint against Mr. Bower: and that he dld whnt any otherperson would bave done under like clrcumHtances, and that the fatal termtnatlon woh the accidental part of the affair. The Detroit Post and Tribune of April 13ih also says of the affair : "Mr. Bower has certalnly malntalned a very manly attitude and pureued course tht Despeaks the integrlty of hls nintivco all through the timo nubsequent to the ejectlon. That he had nothlng to concsal, and, so far from avolding lnvestlgation eollclted It, was made manifest by requestlng Pólice Justlce Mlner, prior to Godfreys death, to place him under bouds to appear at any time when wanted." It ia perhaps unnecessary for us add anythiog to the above. From an acquaintance with Mr. Bower extending from his childhood to the present time, we can say for him tbat he has always been honest, upright, températe in all his habita, and is held in high estcem by the citizens of this city, all of whom expresa regrets that tbc accident should place him in such an unpleasant attitude, to Ray the least. We are infonned that Mr. L. D. Godfrey was at one time a member of the bar in this city, and a highly respected citizen. His ability was unquestioned, and but for the love of the glass which brings sorrow and desolation to so many hearthstones, aod destroys the usefulness of so many of our best men, would have taken good rank among the lawyers of Detroit The sad ending of his life is but another tempcrance lesson to our youlhs and youDg men about entering business or professional life. I