TDEMOVAL. THE TEA STORE Ha removed from the poBt-office block, on Huroc Btreet, to the GKEN VILLK BTOKE, two doors eoutb of the corner of Hurón, where tbe nnáerniijned wili hereafter be found wltb a large stock of Teas, Colfees, Family Grocrie, etc. lwk M. D. L. BRANCH. "POR SALE. That very deslrable propertjr cónainting of TWO 1SES UD LQTS Sltuatcd on the Corner of DIVISIÓN AND WILLIAMSTS., In the city of Ana Arbor. Apply to CHARLES E. LATIKER. 981-9M STTDENTS tHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIOIÍ. josephTcook LKCTURB9 AT ¦ F&IDA7 EVENIS6, APRIL 30, Snliject- Certainties in Religión. innsio, as ci:mv NHH W. W. BLISS & CO., WI1OLE8AI.E AND RKTAIL TOBACCO & C1R HOUSE All Gooods Solfl at Detroit Prices. Afrcnts for GLOBE and SEAL OF DETROIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET. 981 tí yy ILLIAM W. NICHOLS, IDElSTTISTi gff Boccessorto O. W. North. Office, IS South Mala Strwt, opposlte National Baak. Resldence, 'IJ Llb rty Street. Nitron oxide gas admlnistered wben reqnotod. gettl
The Tea Store
Grenville Store
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Clubs & Organizations
Students' Christian Association
W. W. Bliss & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
M.D. L. Branch
Charles E. Latimer
Joseph Cook
William W. Nichols
G. W. North
No. 7 E Huron St
19 S Main St
27 Liberty St.