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" Hy Back Aches So, and I feel miserably," said a hard working man. The doctor questioned him and Tound that he had been habitually costive Por years, that now bis kidneys were disorlered and bis whole system deranged. Kidney-Wort was recommended and faithully taken aod in a short time every ;rouble was removed. The cleansing and tonie power Of' this medicine on thebowels and kidneys is wonderf'ul. Farmers tiet Fuoled when they buy Bul ter Powders and colored salts, and big bottles of' cheap coloring stuft, if they expect to get as good a butter Color as the Perfected Butter Color Ilftíln y Wolk, Rllortloou Sc Oo. , Utr ington, Vt. The othcrs have tried to imitate the excellence of this, the original color, bilt have wholly failed. Farmers should use only the Perfected." Sold )y Druggists and Merchants generally. Sediment or mucus in the urine is a sure indication of diseae. Take Kidney-Wort. From observation, under the microscope, of the Bhod of' patients (using Fellows' Jompound Syrup of Hypophosphites) taken from time to time, positive proof has Deen obtained of the steady removal of' diteaied und rfead blood particles, and the substitution of vüalvsed discs, so necessary .o the construction of licalthy muscle. Glven ]) by Doctors. "Is t pnssible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by so simple a remedy ? " "I assure you it is true that he is entirey cured, and with nothing hut Hop Bitters ; and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said he must die I " "Well-a-dayl That is rcmarkable ! I will go this day and get some for ray poor 3eorge - I know hops are good." Greatest Kemedy Kimnii. Dr. King's Nao Discover; for consumption is certainly the greatest medical remedy ever placed within the reach of sufferine humaniiy. Thousands of' once hopeless lutferen now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful Discovery to whieh they owe their lives. Not only does it positivelp cure consumption, butcolds, asthtua, bronchitis, hay fever, hoarseness and all affection of' the throat, chest and lungs yield at once to its wonderful curative powers as if sy magie. We do not ask you to buy a large lottle until you know whatyou are getting. We therefore cdriimtly reu nest that you cali on your druggist, L. S. Lerch, and get a trial bottle for ten cents, which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderlül merits, and show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will do. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 'J77-986 Cousirmption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, tiaving had ilaeed in his hands by an Kast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, L'atarrh, Asthnia, and all Throat and Lung iffeotions, also a positive and radical cure 'or Nervous Dubility and all Nervous Compl.iints, tfter liaving tested its wonderfal urativo powers in thousands of cases, has Telt it his duty to ruake it known to hissuf'ering fellows. Actuated by this motive and i desire to reliove human sijffering, I will send free of charge to all who de.iire it, this ¦ecipe, in Germán, French, or English, with 'uil directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, namiug this paper, W. W. ShbaUB, 14'.) Poicas' Block, Kochetter, N. Y. 968-WW c o w Tne drutMt Ulessingr. A limpie, puro, linrmless reniody, thiit jures every time, and prevenís disea.-e by :eepÍDg the blood pure, stomach regular, viilmys and livor active, is the greatest lessing ever confered upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors iré being blessed by thousands who have wen saved and cured by it. Will you try t? See another coluniB.