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Odorless Floralis

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The HOMESTEAD, AGL%$ SUPSRPHOSPHATE fSf ÊÊBÊÊk. - ur wors arc amonK the r--f ' J , C-- i 'fllWH. .. jiost complete and extensive - " 'fjÈ. n the country, and have = ' '. - v JHHaH very .ippliaiicc to cnable us ,0. - . 2SIIRPELjKtr '" urn'sb Standard FertiGjfflfr" f t.l'i'Ts 11 th 1, wr-( Pnce. jHIPÍi s? Our inatlll"ery is oi" modern . yBïn PBBftffMJfeBSL '""' ""prevea con&truction, ¦ ¦O' ¦ - ts L in' mir Sons are made unÖSÜrW ' "3MÉ9 " t'ie S"idance of an ablc ss_ cheinist, who inspects evcry ""o. .r-. ll. , _-'..' - . ..v -ümaotíik?t - lot before being placed on ilic markeu With the largc amount of capital nvested Ín the HOM US 1T.AI, we iirc much morr interrfH in h.iving itt high character maiutained than any individual purchaser could posstbly be, and this fact alouc ithoitlu assure the farmer that every pound he buys i md, A i i, wc have ;it onr hands the mos jft valunl'lc materia] DMdin making fcrtilicrs, viz.: Itone Hl. tak I'ust. Th is fcr V ÍLb ê tilizing subst.ince contains 80 per cent. ot pinsph;itc of linie .-.iinrl fifty-five iUBufg i f per cent. contained in ruw boncs, and its wrll known ralue coaimaiidfr too high IlUwrA1 gt ff" a price Ín Kuropcan ranrkcti ihat bui vcry few m:uiuf.ictinxrs of fertilijers l oflgjhil Êifr m inthis couiyy u-e t. Although the HOMKSTKAD Fcrtilizer enst us mort XïH83-i ff ¦ 1 r:illy mud, we shall ijvXSHaif kj tinu 1 lace on the inartcet a geinnnr, pufe ïïm:c t'WMBufyS. JLVL Almont, Mich., June 18, 1879. !fflr jflE Michigan Carium tt'rks, Detroit, Mich.: fjÈ& H&C flwV (KNTLi.MKN; - Picase nutici. the euclosed photOfiraph of wheat cut from f&KjMir - JÊv the same Ic-npth of drill se ven inches apart - aud no NBiHC' SB' phate. Draw your own 1 w tui h if which. Of course this is snow-r yflK. ["SBst Uifmora differcnCQ tlian the fitld u-ill average; bilt this shuws hat super5SSt #BV phosphate will do on vcry poor soil. This was cut from a very poor spot, JkSp f r Ê but each had the same chance with the one exception. lt was cut iath of ffiu flBiKJune, shows the earliness of that fcrtilicd. I have the best picce of barley in c3HR - if' ' this section - 100 tbs. superplmspliatt; per acre sown on wheat stubble. The JffjgUL Hj best farmers hcre are taking note of these thing. Very truly, jffl BKm V k (ifj Medina, OrleansCo., N. Y., August 7th, 1879. wVlHMjKyP Michigan Carbon Works ; -i I Grntlbmbn : - ICnclosed picase find photograph of some barley. 7 ; vFAl This barley was grown on A. H. Poler's farm, four miles south of Medina, HNlK' Orleans Co., N. . 2- '- K& 1 made a frame four feet square and set it in the standing grain on the zrrgit BBk1__ dayof its being cut. I then cut and gathercd all that stood within thcframe JBgof each, whcre there was phosphate .ind where therc was no phosphate. I A . ':'¦' mÊt {ict it lay in the nfcü une day to cure, then weighed each bundie as you see it Ai' ' . on the photograph. ,V.' 'J,' The phosphate was put down with the seed with a fertilizing drill, the ' y JcuHk teeth being six inches apart. These bundles were cut side by side only six )!Ík%il' C,.,' inches apart. The one on the left of the photograph had no phosphate, and weighcd twelve ounces. The one on the right hand had one hundred aud mHvforty pounHs of the Homestead Superphosphate to the acre, anfl weighed l RkV I Müix two pounds and fniirteen ounces to the four feet square. This is correct. fflfift-B TéÓT' '1' 'i A. II. I'oIct ;tUoexperiincnted on corn, pota toes and winter wheat with as É good resul ts on each as on his barley. Of course, he has not harvested bis fOtcoTn, but it stands six teen inches hjjhcr than the rest of the corn, and carHS9 Bï '"tí e-half bctter. Vours respectinlly, GEO. W. POLER. ACTUAL KESÜLTS AT OUR SEED FASM ON LETTUCE SEED. Ilomestcad produced 538 Ibs. per acre. 116 Ibs, of lettuce secd, at $1.25 ÍMS 00 Where none was oied 467 " " " 560 Ibs. of Homestead, at L40 perton 11 ao Diffcrence in favor of Homestead, 116" " " Actual profit per acre 133 80 Sendor Circulan gtiñng uil refiorts 0 results, and alt particulars in regard to use. y In plaoes where we have no authorized agrent, a barrelof 200 Ibs. will be Bent on reoeipt of $4. Frepared Expressly for Lawns, Flower Gardens, Pot and House PlantiDIRECTIONS. - Use tb ree tablespoonfuis of the manure to a gallon of water. Steep twelve hours before using, and keep wcll stirred white being applitd. Do nut apply oftcner than once ín two weeks. nt.unin io tbs $1 oo PRICES,- " " 25 " 200 t " " 5 " 4 Sent anywhere in the United States or Canada, by express or freight, on receipt of cash orders. MICHIGAN CAEBON WOEKS, Detroit, Mich. Good A(fenl Waiilocl iu Kier) 'Jou 11. 983 986