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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Chiirch. Ituv. S. Habkki.l, Pastor. Itb services, 10 a, m. and 7% p. m. Band u School after morninR service. Prtyer meeling I'hursday evening at 7% o'clock. ('atliolic Chnrch. IÍEV. FATnEK FlELB, P8tOr. Mi'. B a. m. Hlgti Maas, 10H a. . Vesper p. . Sun iny School, 2 p. m. Oongregational Church. Kkv. W. B. Ryder, Pistor, tlabbath orrloM. 1U4 a. h. and 7% p. m. Suuil iy ichool aller inornini; service. Prayi'r iiii;e'iui{ Thursday uvenlng at 1% o'clock. Episcopal Church. Kev. Wti.lts Hall, Rector. -; ilib ith ¦ Tici'g, KIK a. x. and 7% p. u. Sundny School, UH p. m. Kolirfluui -crviccs.Tharsdaj evening at 7K o'clock Oman Methodist Chnrch. Kit. C. Hki.wiu, Paator. Habbath services, 104 a. v. and 7 p. u. Sun lay School, at nlne u'clock a. m. l'r ayer moeting on Wednesday. Lutheran Church. Rv. John Neitmann, Pastor. . i ib ali Tvicos, WH a. h. and 7% r. . ,iu 1 iv chO'l lïtly'r momiair service, l'rnyer .nüCtliiK, Tharsday evenlnrnt 7% o'clock. Methodist Church. Ioiín ii,in, Pastor. 8bbtUl arrtOH ', m. and 7% r. u, ni irninti aerTict'. ng at ?H o'clock. ík M'iatlug, Satuntay 7 p. u. t'reskfteriaa Chnrch. Kkv. KbED T. Bkowíc, D. D., Pastor. : ti ¦eric, 1HH a. m. and 1% r. m. -iiinil iv c!ij )1 and lïiDle classaftor innmla Bervlce l'r iv. ;r meetiai Thursdayeveninf at 8o'clock. V in i_' iVoiiie's Heetlnu, Sauday evenlng H. (Tüitarifin Chnrch. ILev. J. T. Sitndeklani), Pastor. Babb n!i 9tv!cci, 10H a. m. and 7H p. Sn nu. School at 12 M. Hm lenu' Bible i'laas at 9:15 a. m. i-m Lutheran Church. Hkv. II. V. BBLaBB, Past. ir. Sabnath Sarrlcei at W& a. h. and" p. h. s inliy School iminediatL-ly aftor inoruiiiii service Kelliotts servicea Vi'eduusday evcninK at To'cl-.ick BUSINESS CARDS. II ; KV K. HILL, ATTORNEYATLAW lleal Estáte Broker, AND INSlüi.VNCK AUKNT. oprtrï : 'o. 1 Opera Hounr Blorlc Ann Abbor, Mich. 795tr E0. W. UENWICK, From the New Kn-Und ƒ foryof M'iiiic, liilon. Teacher of ƒ Vocal and Instrumental Muhíc and ƒ llanunny. ƒ ƒ Condnctor of Masical tlons and evoning classes. ƒ Private listona wlll be glven at ƒ ƒ the reöi'leiico of puuils. ƒ ƒ Addre8 P. O. Box 1201, Ann I Arbur. fil-98(J WM.C. STEVENS, M.D., PliyticiaiiaiiiSiiP![eoii .3ii Vashington Street. Offlee IIovrs-7 to 9 a. m., 10:30 a. x. to 12 ., 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 p. M. Retldence- No. 10 GroveStreet. 9tötr f JOHN L. BUKLKIUH, Attorney -AND Counselor at Law. omci : Over National Bank, As Akbor. ƒ 794tf W. H. JACKSON, dbntist OIHce orer llarli A Abel'i. sntrauce by First National Bank A 7satf F. SORö, Hoosi, 8ie and ObhaMïmtal Paintkb. Paperlnjf, Glazins, ƒ 'ülding, and work of everjr ƒ crlptlon done in the beet Btyle ƒ Painte, 011b, and VarnleheB on ƒ H and and for eale. Shop, No. S% I ¦ ïaRt Washington Street, Ann ƒ I Ubor.Mlch. OStf ƒ WILLLVM HERZ, IIOUSS, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL KKESCO PAINTER. Paprlng, Qlazing, Gilding and CalctX imn1ns, nd work of evcry dccriptlonX done In the best Btyle, and warranteóV ti itve satisfactlon. Shop No. 4 West Y aBhingtonStreet, Ann Arbor.MichA 638tí O. C. JEJiKISS, OFFICE : No. 32 East Washington Street. ƒ Formerly occupled by Dr. ƒ l'rothlngham. ƒ - ' '.W)tf I THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Ann Vrl.or. Sllclilxan, T&ANSACT3 UDERALJAKEINS BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. ' "¦! undr the General Banklne Law of thlf dd u! the,'"ocl''ol'l'-rB are i„llvi,lually 1 abíe I oí an vt' hv" SmOlln' 5)111" tn tbe ft"rk hel1 y 'hem, $100,000.00. i,vi"Ur,,'M'r ¦''" '"'t 1b allowed on all Dcp,lUof on ¦luuarandnpwardi.,accord h rale, ofthe Uank.and Interest compouuded tnally Jlonc-y to loan on nnlncumbered 'I esutc and otbar good íecurlty. "inelort-Ct, irl tlan Mk7w. W. Wlne, R. A. Beal VJilliam Deubel, WillUm ü. Harrlman Daniel HÍHcock, and Wlllard B. Smith Ofllcers: Wumai Min, Pres. W. W. Winïs, Vlce-Pre. (-'. E. Hiscock, Oashler. 815-960 QOTO WINANS &. BERRY FOR -VKRCUMT TAIL0RIN6 'or the folloulnic reanone : iV' üor ïürk ' aH rt-claa. - Wt are full 0 m ,,.„,. i,ulow gJ pricci WINANS & BEKUY, W__No. 11 Sonth Malnstreet, Ann Arbor i-cu(.l ¦ 1(..,Bi,jS0I8,Si.Luiiji M 'J7Ü-1Ö13