Circuit Court Proceedings
The following cases closed up the busiDess of the court : First National Bank of Ann Arbor vs.Walter 8. Hicks, et al., verdict for pliilntirt', (1,117.45 Judgment entered. Luther James vu. James C. McGee, el al., decree eranted and Blgned. Clark & Edmunds v. Peter C. Kanouse, Jury In matter oí anpeal of George H. McLean frora the commisaioners of the estáte Sarah O. McLean, Jury dlsagreed. Luther James vs. E. Z. McQee, il ai„ decree tiranted and signed. M. M. Uilion vs. Mlllagedt Mlllage, Judgment of reslltutlon. _ , . John J. Hansey vs. Bessie Uansey, decree of divorce irrauted and Bigned. Mahlon, Mulford, et al., vs. N. B. Martin. Ciarnlshee Judgraent of Justlceeourt reversed. Mahlon, Malford, et al., vs. Aretus Bedell. Oarnlshee. Judgment reversed. The People vs. James W. Hulbert, sentenced to two years at Jaokson. Jane (Jasey vs. Catharine J. James, decree dismissing complaint granted. F Hall 4 Co. vs. Wm A. Masón, Judgment for plalntiff, on default. $759.6.! and costa ATK. Hammond TS. M. E. Wells, mechanlc's lean, dismlsned wlth cosU. O W and L. W. Parsons vs. N. Booth and H. Johnson, certorari to Justice Forsythe's court, ludKinent below afflrmed. lUram Datchelder vs. Bobert E. Douglass, new trial granted. Andrew Burke vb. Doane and Ellls, motlon to dlssolve, injunction granted. J F Vogel vs. Christina Streeter, ei al., decree heretofore granted set aaide and decree eUMllford' N. Wells vs. Henry C. Waldron, replevlen, Judgment for plaintln"; damages, slx "jonathan Smalley vs. Ellïabeth Smalley, deTcSïSf.1 H. M. Wh-tor, ,t al.. decre granted and slgnKl. Common Conncll of Uexter vs. James McGulnucB and John McOuInnoss, appeal dismlssrd wlth costs, unlesa attorneys pay entry fees, $2.00, and attorney fee,6,after ten days ""ífajor U. Wallace va. Joneph Bickford, et al.. ilefondanta ordered to dellver to complalnant deed exccuted by Charles H. Wal lace, deceamxl. Benjamin Allen vs. Peter Madden, motion for new trial denied. Luther James va. Alfred R. Bochois, deoree of forecloure for $HjOUO grauted and slgiied Jülin M. SU-fle, Frederick Hchalble aud Wm. A C Llmburner were admitted to cltlïenship. Christian Eckhard va. Michigan Central R. R ludKinent for defendant denled and Judgmetit of ri and cosU for plaintlff confirmed. The People vs. Üeo. Hack, sentence suspend Thos. McKernan vs. John Boyle, decree for complainant and claim for Hl appeal filed.