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jtSíbk $M COMPOUND SYRUP YÊi DISEASES, sucu 18 txtlima, lironrhiliH. oii-iiiiiplion Itruln Exhaustion, Chronle 4'oiiMtipatlou, li ron ir Oiurrhira, lyapepHl or l.ox of :nsr:EnR.voTxs :pow:e:r, Are positlveiy and speedily cnred by Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites The mcrlt of this remarkable remedy Is dne to lis peculiar property of restoring the wasted tissues of the hody to their original flrmneas and vigor. H ie woll known that for evcry thought and action there ts death or decny of an amount of material proportionate to the magnitnde of the thought or action. This waste is suppllcd by the unimpaired nutrinve fnnctlous. The prucoclous activity of youth, the enthuslastlc strnggle for wealth and fame in the nilddlc aged, and oíd age itsulf canse an nndue decay of material Lorvoas force. PRO8TRATION. Edwin Clay, of Pugwash, Nova Scotia, writcs at followB : Mr. Jahks I. Fellows, Sir,- living, while at your establishment, carefnlly axamlned your prescriptionts and the method of preparing jour Compound Syrnp of Hypophoephites, 1 feit anxiouH to friveit fair trial in my practice. Por Oio last tweh c months I have done so. and flud that In inclpnait coooumptlun, and othir discases of the thnmt and langt, it lia done wonders. Iu restoring persons suffcring from the effect of diptheria, and the cough following typhoid fever, prevalent in this región, it is the best remedial agent I linv. na used. But for persons sufferlng from exhanstiun of the powers of the brain and nervous system, from long-contlnued atudy or teaching, or in thosc caees of exhanstion from which so many young men suffer, I know of no better medicine for restoration to health than your Compound Syrup of Hvpuphosphltes. H. G. Addy, M. D., 8t. John, N. B., writos as follows: Mr. Jahm I. Fkllows, Chemitt, Dear Sir,- Having nsed your Compound Syrup of Hypophospbltes for some time in my practico, I have no hesitation In recommendinglt tomy palients who are suffering from general debllity, or any dlseaae of the lungn, knowing that, even In cases ntlerly hopeless, It alTords relief. SOLD BY ALL DRÜQGISTS. Pbice $1.50 Pkb Bottl. 979-989 L. S. Lercli, Agent. Ann Arbor. CastöriT Millions of Mothers expres their delight over Castoria. It Is nature's reuiedy for assimilaling the food. Unllke Castor 0I, it is pleasantto take,aud unlike Morphiue Syrups, it is liarmless. Castoria rogtilates the Bowels, destroys Worms, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and allajs Feverishncss. Wliat gives health to the Cliild proinotes rest for the Mot hor. Childreu cry for Pitcher's Castoria. It is the most reliable, efTectire and popular article di.pensed by Drufflsts. NEVER Slnce healing remedies have been nscd by surrsniNa kan has there been knwn snch absolute Fain-relioving agente as the CENTAUR LINIMENTS. They sootho, hoal and cure. They HBAt- Cnt, Wounds, Oalls, Old Sores, Brokcn Breaste and Sore Nlpples ; CUBE- Pain in üie Back, Rhnmatism, Sclatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Karacbe, Tettcr, Pimples, Itch, Salt Rheum, and all flesh, bonc and musclc alimente of Animáis ; SV Inflammatlon and Swellioga ; Boils, Felons, Ulcere, Sorc Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quinsy; EXTRACT- Pain from Burns, Scalds, Stings, Frost-bites, Spruins and Brulsei. The ezperience of ceuturien bas made the CENTAUR Xiiniments the most gpeedy and effective curative agente for BXAZC and BEA8T the wiorld bas ever known, The Centaur LINIMENTS hare relie vod more bed-rldden Crlpple ; lualed more l rit; liilul woinidn, and sa ved more valuable anl maln toan all oihur MulmcnU. ointments, oila, extracta, plaatera and j-cullcd "pain killers11 and "skin curca11 combined. Phyilclaiu and Veterinary Snrgeoos endorse the Oentanr Linimento; mil I lona of men, women and children In all conntries une Iliem, and Hooaelieeperü, Farmers, Planters, Travelr, Llverymeu, Teamsters and Stock-growere, are theii patrons. Tbey are clean, they are band) , they are cheap, and they are rellable. Tliere Is no aclie, pain, or welling which they will nol allcviate, snbdne, or care. 8old througbout THE IUBIT1BLE GLOBE for 50 cent and $1.00 a bottlc. Trial bottlea, 35 cent. Catarrhal FOISOXT Wei De OTeyer'n Treatlue on Catarrli cxplalns the following important facts : 1. Tnat Cattrrhal Colds become a poUonous inei-liori, at rat local, and flnally constituiUmal. % ThM, lii.'ina Couetltutlonal, the lnfcctiuu is beyond Vu reach of mere local remedie?. 8. That impurüie In the nostrils are neceBsarlly swaUowed into the itomach and inlialrd Into the lungi, thus potioniny the Dlgcstive, Ketpiratory and Genlto-Urinary organs. 4. That Catarrhal vinu followe the mncons membrane and causes Deafiiees, Dyspepaia, Chronic Diarrhu'a, Bronchitis, i#eucorrhcea, and Co&sumption. 5. That Smokes, Donches, Iohalations, and Ineolnble Snutïf, cannot possibly remore infectious lnflamniation from the organs named. 6. That an antidote for Catarrh mnet pogsees n an inoaüative afllnity for, and the qnality of beinj; absorbed by, the purulent mucoue whcrever located. Based npon these plain theorles, Dr. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Cure has proved tO be infalllble. It not only relieyes, it cures Catarrh at miy stage. Home testiiiiiiny : Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! W. D. Wood, 487 Broadway, N. Y., Carod or Chronic Catarrh. F. J, Haslett, 859 Broadway, N. Y., 4 years Catarrh. G. L. Braih, 443 Broadway, N. Y., 10 years Catarrh. 8. Benedict, Jr., Jeweler, 97 Broadway, N. Y., (lady frlend), cured of Chronic Hay Fever. Mn. Emma C. Howcs, 39 W. Waflhf npton Square, N. Y., cnred of 3Ü years Chronic Catarrh. Rer. Geo. A. Reis, 189 Jay St., Brooklyn. " It rostored me to my ministerial labore. Her. Chas. J. Jone, New Brighton, S. I. " Worth ten times the co.-t." Her. Alex. Pree, Cairo, N. Y. " It has worked wonder in eix cases in my parish." L. F. Newman, 305 Fulton St., Brooklyn, cured of 4 years Chronic Catarrh. Mre. J. Swartü, Jr., 200 Warren St., Jersey City, cured of 18 years Cnronic Catarrh. Sc. &c. Ac. Ac. &c. A real cure for this terrible mnlady is the most important dlscorery for the relief of human suffering since varelnatton. Wet De Meyer'M Catarrh Cure is sold by all Druggists, or delivered by D. B. Dkwiy A Co., 46 Dey St., N. Y., for S1.5O a package. To Club, slx packages for M7.5O. Dr. Wel De Mcjfr'N Treatfm, with full explanationH and overwhelmlng proofx, i poHt-pald and eent free to anybody. O2-10U2- eow FARM FOR SALE. I will sell fifty acres of land, on the outh slde of the road, includ:ng brlck house, two barns and carrlago houae; or cl;hty-8cven acrus on the north elde of the road, includinj; the J. Wlng place, with (rood buildings ; or will scll the wholc farm comhincd, as purchaser may fleclre. The land ia located on the Dexter road, tbree and one-half miles west of Ann Arbor City, and 1b in a rery flne sute of cnltivation. Terms to solt purcoiaere. If not sold by April lt, I will let the urne on tbares. Will alao let the F"! 11more farm of olie hundred acres adjoinlng the abore. W5U J. W. Uradloi d.