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CatarrH A PHY8ICIANS TE8TIM0NY. 30 Years a Physician. 12 Years a Sufferer. Tried Regular Remedies. Tried Patent Medicines. Permanently oured by SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. ME88R8. WERK8 A POTTKR, - 8lm : I have practtaed medicine fur thlrty yearn. and have boen a aiïercr myseU f'r twelve yeani wi;h Oatarrh In tho nual pabHut'K, f'turcs umi larynx. I havo uscd everythliiï In tlie viateri-i toóátoa without any permanent rellef.until Ünally l was imlurcd to try a patent medicino (tomctliluK tliat wii allopftthMfl ara vurv loth to do). I tried and dl vera olhen uulil I Kot tiold of yours. I followed the direetJoni to tho letter, and urn riappy io Bayhavo had a permanent cure. Tour UADICA.L CUKK in certalnly a happy comblnation for the cure of tliat most unpluaaant and dangeroua of dlseases. Yours, roflportfully, O. W.GKAY, &1.D., Of Dr. D. "W. Grny & 8on., Physlclans and ]ruKflht. Muscatino, Iowa. Mübcatisi, Iowa, March 27, 1877. The Taino of thls remedy must not be ovcrlookod in tho euro of tlioso SYMPATHETIC DISEASES, AiTections of the Eye, Enr, Thront, Lunsn and Bronchlal Tubes wUlcli In maiiy crsl'S acoouipaoy a severo case of Catarrh. Tho lnflamerl and dlsoaseu condltlon of the niucous membrtuie ia ttio cautie of all theao troublM; and nntll th pystein has been brouifht pronerlyundr the lnfluunce of the IíAIUCAL CUKK, perfect frtedoiii íroni tacia caauot be reaeonably eipeettíd. It l but threo yoara elnce RAXFOKD'9 RADICAL CURE was placea bufore tho public, but In that short time Ithasfound lts wayfrom Halnc toCnllfornia. and is everywhero acknowu'dged by tlrugglsta and ptiyslclans to be the moet iMiccefwfuï prepuratlon for tho thorooKh treatmant of i'attinh t-ver rompouuded. Tho fact wïll be deemed of moro Imnortanco when lt Is coopit'd wlth tho Btatement tlmt wltliln live years over 250 lUUerent remedies for Catarrh have ben placed on eale, and to-day, with ouo or two exccptlons, thelr nnniea cannot be rocalled by tho best-lntonncd drnglBt. Advcrtlsluif may Bucceed in f(ïrclntf a fcw salea, ut. ur.lcsg tlie romedy ponfleps andounted spectAo medical nropertles, lt ld absulutoly cúrtala to fall luto merite d obacarity. Each packaffo of SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE contalns Dr. Sanford'e Improvud inhullnK Tube, with full dlrectlons for lts uso In all cases. Prlce 11.00. Soldby All wholesale and rutaü drueglsts and dealers throuvhout tho Tnlted States and ranadni. WEËE8 & I'OTTEU, General Atrenté and Wholesale Drugu-lsts, Boaton. Mass. VOLTAIG PLASTER IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL? Kutostoït, Mnra., ) April 20, 18T7. j I conslder Collins' Voltaio I'lahtku tbc bctit platter I evyr aaw, and am recommendluic them to all. C. MoMOEBOW. Ben, III., April 18, 1H77. f It has done my boy inoro good tban all otüor medicines. He now Koes to school, for the flrst , tüno ín three ycara. Kliza Janï Dutfixld. Umua, II. April 2, 18TÍ. { Illkc the onelgot veil. Tliey are the best planters, no doubt, intieworld. 8.L. MoGliL. Asn Grovte, Mo., l March 22, 1877. { Accept my thonks for tho KOod derlved froin the two Col. ltns' Plastxbs sent me soma Unió ago. W. C. Moobx. COLLINS' VOLTAIG PLASTER for local pain?, lameneiis, soreness, wenkness, nnmbDess, and inllaininailon of the lunfas, lívr, kldiieya, plccn, bowels, bladder, hcart, and muscles. Is equaï to au army of doctors uad aerea of plaats and ahruba. Irtee, %L!% cents, Sold by all TVhok-Bale and Retall DrumrW tnronffh. Ot the United States and Cañadas, aad by WKKKíT A POTTEK, Troprlotors, Boston, Ma6B. pïOP BITTERS (A Medicine, not n Driuk,) COXTAIS8 hops, nucnu, mandrakk, DANDKLION, Ajto tiis Purkst aat Üest Mhbical QüAurnts of aix onm Bitteks, AU Discases of tho Stomac h, Iïowels, Elood, LlTer, Kldneya, and Urinary Organs, ntimmihnmr, Hlwip' leRKuesu and f;:jxttUly Fcmale Complaint. j $1OOO IN GOL. MwUl bo pald for a case they wlll not cure or holp, or I for anrthinf? impuro or injurious fonnd ín them. Ask your dniíTffist for Hop Iïitters and try them bef ore yuu sleep. no olher. Hop Coucii Cvkr Is tho sweetest, safest and best. AskChildren. Tho ITnp Pai for Stomach, IJ ver and KJdnoy la top Hortoallotliors. Cures byabsorptlon. Aak dniKíílHt. D. I. C. isanatwolutcandlrresüïtibU'curefordroiikenncss, use of opium, tobáceo and narcotica: ¦¦B Send for circular. OSHMB Above tola by dru-kt. Hop Bittrs M fff.o. RocheU:r, N.Y. 961-990 Unscrupulous partios ar.' falst-ly reprcsentlng U consuDiera that tbey aro seliiiig shirtd of our manufacture. Shirt Umie to Ordor hj n hvnr lamp Mltb ludellble luie ou Yoke, tbuai f UllrRi'llil.iilaili' Mui I lirar ntntnp ullli Indrlible luk on Tobe, tba: AU Othersare Falsely Representad. WILSON BROS. Importing and Jobbing Men's Furnishers. i MMM TUTT'S ; PiLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLEÍ1GYMEN AND ! THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE OREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THe ABE. ( TIITTC PM I C Dl1 TnTT !"¦ - " IUI IO lILLO eeededincümlijDinKin c CUBE SiCK HEADACHE. Lï! Pllla ïhare'gTIITTIA mi I M ticsofaSTitENciTiiisn, TUTT S PILLS PnB(iATiTK..ndal'L-; rnoc nvcDcoéTr iupïino Tomo. CURE DYSPEPSIA. Thnr first apparrnt -,.-_,_ ".. . - effect Ib to iurrease tho TUT I ' PU I 0 appoiitiibycaudiiigthe lül I O riLLd fóod to propprly CURE CONSTIPATI0N. almilat.-. ThnstheBystcm is nomifhrd, aud ' TTTP DM I O by th-irtonicactioooa ., I U I 1 O TILLO tt0 digt'Btiva orgaos, CUREJPILES. SS TÜTT'S PILLS dUi'' itfsk CUREFEVfflANDAGii? ggSffi TIITT' Pil IC P.uis.'ïnaickTfl'thrir1' , I U I I O rlLLv daptübllity to oourish f CURE BILIOUS COLIC. Ue body, henee tbcir olllcacy id cnrijig nerTIITT'O DIIIC VOU9 debillty, melanlUI I O lILLw clo'y. dyspepsia, wastCur. KIDNEYComplalnt, XSTS1? TÜTT'S PILLS -AaiC.ffiï ...... _111A Prio 25 cemlB. TÜTT'S PILLS 53 M.'strMll 1MPART APPETITE. ïwmt jn.iAsir. ;oi,i,-rï.vs EXCELSIOR HAIR WASH. .B Tliis Ci-li'Iinili'd Artlcle ufcfl M. r--t'-HCf the reattHt rcfvS "í&v N1 iiiviL'oraluiif and Jmn9 WÊÊ henliue qnnliticH of nny arW licle of ihe kind knuwn ¦tj Wtf3JrGtBBL ' 'hí human luinlly. It ÏKCÏ ' J H cIohuki'ii thu hair nnd Kcalp, JHJE tP remove dandrull, enlivena 'JK'3 BI 'lR' rool8 BOfe'18 Iho balr, jWLBK3Kö prj] ucirii.' !i hiKtral nppcarF anee and lndncca a lu.url"jf, Murch SO, 1880. ant growth. 1'ltKrAKKl) HT MADAME OLItMAN, TOLEDO, OHIO. CISIIPICATÏ OF A1TALYCIS : To lm i my coriCí!:- I have vxaminod Madamk (di.dman'b ÜAtR Waíii, and Snd It to contain no lii(,'ru(lleüt that will prove hnrtl'ul to the hair or ncalp. lt Í6 In no senae (if tb word t hair dyu. Iw CODslitnenta ure we)l calculalut to act tus Bedativea and check tht irrltatlon of the ncalp that rmnltn In an exceBulve eecrelion of dundrnir, and an annoying itching. S. 11. U0UGLA8. STBPHEIT PEATT, MïUiulacl iirt-r of aiSH LDV7 K3 FRESSURE BOILERS ; of al] kinds, 3M0ZÏ PIPE3, nnd al! Stoot Iroa Wotk 214, 210, 218 C'onro(8 St. Wst, T,.,ur a"eo uTH ,., Detroit, Mich., , Eopalráj El7'-' ml 2oüor Phto f:r Silo. All kimlH uf Kook -HinrtiiiK lone nl The Courier offlee on ohort notlee.