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The editor of the Albion Recorder goes for the papers of the State for thcir general remissness in culling and serving up general newti items, and cites a where the iuaccuracies were such aa to almost destroy the truth. The Kalkaskian remarks: "The shotL'unncrs carried the Vazoo district again ast weck, and the Vazoo Sentinel, boasting of the result says, ' it ia time for the negro to see that he is dead as a voter unless no votes the democratie ticket.' " The Oxford Globe warns the Pontiac people and papors that there ín sowebody outside of that placu capable of bciag a judge, and growlingover thegovernor'soxcellent appointmont won't do any particular good. Oxford seem# to have a thoroughly live journal in the Globo. The Berrien Spring.s Kra kindly uotices the present congress : " Tbis is uadoubtcdly a slow congress in the transaction of business, lut it is rapid in the manufacturo of material for the destruction of the democratie party. By showing their inability to govern, the democrats aru probably performing the best public service in their power. ' The Charlotte Republioan remarks : " Tbe most foolish thing the rcpublican preus of the country can do is to so bittcrly assail Saiu. Tilden. Ilis nomination wotMd be a God-.send to the rcnublican party." Also, " Senator Edmunds would make a good leader for the republioaD thia f all, and straDgcr tbings hare happened (lian that he should be nominatcd. ' The Quincy Hcrald, noting the contributions for foreign mi.ssions sent fbrm that village last year, pertinently riuorios ; ''Do you think as mueh of tho poor about home 'l Do you pay your help fair priocs? Do you pay your washerwomau her dollar wheo her day's work is done, or compcl her to takc home two or threo pairs of dirty pants, which must be washed beforc shc receivus hor reooiiipen&e for a day of toil ?" Tho l'ort Iluron Timus speaks of a now inveBtigation bcing necessary : "A new danger to the democratie party from the eiodus is developing in Indiana. The colored refugees who have scattered over thu btate are uoDvorting inany democrats from the views they fonnerly held ooncerning the situation of uffairs in the south. The earnrst, straightforward narratives of the nettroen carry conviotion and prove how cruelly they havo liccn misrepresentcd in the past. II ere is an unexpected peril to democratie supreinacy iu Indiana which calis for another investigation by Voorhecs and a fresh appropriation of nione.v to save the party í'rom defeat in that state." They take in election for all it is worth at Saut Ste. Marie. Listen to the Chippewa County News: " Nearly every up-tbe-lake exchange we piek up nowadays goes on to state ' election at this place pased off very quietly, there being little contest ; ' ' a very light vote was polled ; ' ' caudidates elected without opposition ; ' ' but one regular ticket was in the field,' etc. Sueh evidenee of total depravity and otter dirosran] for the public welfare are hard tir t he ' Sooitc ' to oomprehend. Wilh iu tl, o man wbo wouidu't charge aruund all day and htay up nights, figbt, treat and talk every other man he met f o death ahout 'tection, fbr tbe purpose of getring his c;indidte f'orpounduiaster or juatiee of' the peace eleotcd, w8 au outlaw and a villain, who, would lxjtray nis oountry for BrjgJio]]ltiii Tbr Mar-lull --:tai ¦ , llon. J. B. Moore, of Lapeer, can íidate Ibrconeress in tbo Tth district- in ease Hon. Omar D. Congor delines- tlie fullowing complimentary notice : "Mr. Moore isa uiember of our state seMWB, wbere he exerted a rtrong influence on m-noral legüktiou and made liis mark as a rcady and' effectivq debater, a judieious anl patriotic legislator, and au eiiergetio and talonted gentleman. Henfea thorouph kn.iwledge of state and national allairs, and ]osse86cs all thequalifieaiions neor-sary to discharge the duties of' congressman in a manner which would bo ereditftble to hiiuself, and would refioct honor upon his party and State, lf Mr. ('onger u not to bo returned to the House, and Senator Moore it nominated as his suecessor, the n publicans of Michigan and of tbenation eaqrest assured that Mr. Conger's tnantlc will falhi[ion afole and worthy ehoulders." ¦ The Wolverine ('iticu, published at Flint, has a column of acientific notes, and from among tliem wo take the following : "Fish öpmmissioner Greeb notes a curious instancu of insect stratepy. One day lie observed a mud wasp alight neara spider's ii!st. üreeping cautiously around toward the entraiice to tbe nest, tbe wasp stopped a little short of it, and fofa moraent Tenrained perfeetly iiuiet. Then reaching out one of liis {antenne, hewiighd itbeibrethe opening and withdrew it. Tbis overture produced the desired effect, fbr a largo spider quiukly ran out to investígate the cause of the dinturbance. As the spider reached the inost favorable point for attack, the wasp'quickly sprang forward and dispatched his foe witli a single tbrut-t of bis sting. The wasji then repoated his feint until apparently satisfied that his as-ault would be met with no further opposition, when lie entered the nest and slaughtered the young spiders, which he aftcrwards carried away. ' ' From tin' ('as ('miiity Kepublican, we clip the following cloar statement of the position of the two prat parties : " The democracy ba3 clearly dediieil Ka (.ïinc'iplcson two iui])ortant phases. They y the troops can be called upon any day in the yearto quoll riot and in-i'f eéiua, save tbe day when the nation chooses its rulers, and then mob law and violence may run rampant unless the executive of the statcs choose to cali in the aid of the troops. Hut if Mississippi or Louisiana chance to have a close election on hand and it is nccessary to kill a few negroes or hang a few white men, and the executive be wffling, then the state shall bc supreme in the matter nnd proceed to mako its own majority at the ballot box and in its favorite uietliod. Thu.s the old question couies up again at every election. Democracy insi.sts that thi.s nation is a confederacy of statoe where the state is supreme, and republicanism deelariog that we are " A Nation and not a League. " Tliis question is the real live issue üetween the old parties and will come into plainer ligbt ihan ever during tlie coming campaign. Reiiublicanp, how shall it be decided?" Spcaking of tho temperance element in politics tiie LanBine lioLubliean sjvme leuTperuDce reform Sppeirs likeTy to be an element in politics this yc.u to a greater extent than usual, but it will influence the nominations of eandidates by tbe old parties rathtr than tond to tho organizatiun of a new party. A uiajority of the temperanco men of the country are republicans. and the democratie party is more congenial to the whisky interest. An organization of the latter in Michigan boasts that it bas raiscd $J2,U00 as the begiuning of a fund with whicli to fight (be nest campaign. It proposes first to secure the nomi nation by oth parties of men who will favor a reductioo of tbe tax and a lelaxatiou of tlie penalties uuder the existing law ; hut wbere pledges cannot bc obtaiucd, then it will support thoee uieu who come the nearest to whisky views. In other words, aninsidious attempt is to be made to capture as uiany eandidates as possiblc on both tickets, becauBC the open announcement of a freowhisky platform and ticket would insure remendous defeat. The temperance canse as doep root in the hearts of the people, espeoially the young voters who have received fresh education for the last three years. It behooves republicans to watch most carefully all their nominations, and sec that no men are placed on our ticket exoepting those of firm principies, températe habits, and practical eympathy with the reform. The records of eandidates will be rigidly searchcd in this matter." Among the live, wido-awake journnl.s, of northern Michigan is the ('harlevoix Seninel, published and cdited by Willard A. 5mith, which closcd its 11 tb volume with he issue of April 27tb. The following from ts columns, rospecting the event, would iudicatc that the peeple of that county appreciate a good paper: " It steps from the old volume into the new, stronger than ever in the elements which go to make up a succecsful jourual. With a largely increased subscription list over that of one year ago, a material increado in advertising patronage, and thii addition of a large amount of ho material neooawry to sucoeasfully prosecute its business, the Sentinel bias defiance to any orall contingent circumstances, ixcept, of course, the destroying elements. We have a first class office, unincumbered, a largo and increasing circulation, the most extensivo job business of any paper north of Traverse City, and, we flatter ouraelf, as romising an outlook, as any of our contein)oraries in northern Michigan. All this, we think, the Sentinel bas earned. It bas ;ariied it as truly as the laborer with toil and sweat, earns his daily itipeod. For over a decade our journal bas stood upon he walls and beralded the superior attracioris of tho Pino Lako región. It has 'ought tbe battlf.s of this región when to igbt was to bloed." To keep your own secret is wisdom, to ¦xpeet otlitT.s to keep U is f'olly. Defer not till to-morrow to be wise ; touorrow's sun to (hese may never slnne. A kind word eau no more die than the ïoble nature which piompts its utteranco. He that hath no inward beauty, none lereeives, tbough all around is beautiful. If the disposition to speak well of others were universally prevalent, the world would ecome a comparative pandise. Perseverance is a [{ornan virt that wins each god-likc act and plucks suocess even from the spear-proof crost of rugged langer.