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The public debt was reduced $12,000,000 for April. The new English parliament will have 129 lawyera in ita menibership. It is Btated tbat all but seventeen of the bodies of the Tay bridge disaster have been recovered. Prof. Nordenskjold's narrative of the " Voyage of the Vega " is to be translated in'o Knglish. St. Joseph county bas three female lawyers, ono of whom is a claughter of Hon. S. C. Coffinbury, of Constantine. The Vanderbilts were in Detroit, yesterlay, in attendance upon the annual meeting of the M. C. R. R. stockholders. The 17th quadrennial session of the M. E. Church opened in St. Louis, May 3d, Bishop D. A. Payne, of Ohio, presiding. California sends her delegates to the Republican convention with instruetions for Hlaine, while Arkansas comes forward eolid for Grant. Grand Haven has at Ust dooe one good deed for itself by voting to purchase the toll bridge leading to Spring Late, and mak iog it a free bridge. J udge Chambers, of Detroit, failed to Hustain tbe saloon keepers of that city, in their attempts to evade the state tax. He tbinks the law oonstitutional. Memorial hall of the soldiers' home, at Oayton, Ohio, wasbumed recently. Cause unknown. Congress is to be asked for an appropriation of $30,000 to rebuild the same. Gen. Samuel P. Heintzslman, died on May 3d, at Washington, and hia body was sent to Buffalo for intermeat. He was a Union general of niuch promineace during the war. Gen. Hancock weiuhs 287 pounds. Sammy Tilden weighs about 87 pounds. But that little light weight can just climb over, pummel, and overblance the extra 200 lbs., as easy as a 'skeeter will suck blood. Prince Pierre, one of the Napoleons, who once murdered an editor, is living in penury in a Parisian garret. Beware how you treat an editor ! Somc terriblo aiHiction is surc to bo visitad upon any onL so duin. Stephen A. Douglas eaid in a speech at Chicago, recently, that the south regard Grant as " a man of destiny, to whom nothing is impossible, to oppose wliom would be a waste of time, and whosc cussed luck would beat Satan." The central Ohiolunatic ssjlum- said to be the largest institution of the kind in the country- ia tobeiovestigated. ThatVright. Only it ought tobe a congrossional coinmittee of the Voorhees stripe. Tliey would be perfeotly at home ia suoh a place. The families of the surfmen, who lost thcir lives off Huron City, while attempting the re.scue of those on board a stranded schooner, should be pensioned by the government, thinks the New York Tribune. And many others will say amen. President Hayos has vetoed the special deficiency bill passed by Congress, to provide pay for the United States marshals, it is understood. And now for another bowl of " sectionalism," " bloody shirt, " "partisan hatred " of republicana, eto. The Evening News insinuates that Stephen J. Field, of California, is the man upon whom the democrats have secretly decided to unite and nomínate for President. Well, Field would make a good candidato. In fact, he is too respectable a man for that party to choose for a leader, so there need be no fears of bis nomination. The Manistee Times and Standard announoes as its choioe for President of the United States, "John C. Fremont, the pathfinder of freedom and republioanism." Let's see. Didn't Fremont run for the same office some time ago ? The Dayt-on whioh it was is quite indistinot in our memory. However, we believe he did not suoceed. Nearly every paper which comes to our sanctum has a local candida te for one or more of the state offices, but we have yet failed to notioe any in opposition to the Hon. James M. Neasmith, as oommissioner of the sUte land offioe. He has held the offioe for one term, and has given excellent satisfaotion, and will probably be renominated without opposition, as he deserves to be. The New York Herald saya that all these reporta about Sammy's failing health are but idle rumors, undoubtedly put in circulation for the purpose of creating sympathy for the " claimant." All he wants is to have the nomination tendered him, and he will- accept and oling to it with tigerlike tenacity. Yes, Tilden is very feeble. Witness the manner in which ho smashed all opposition in Pennsylvania, Hanoock's home. Just see what be will do io Ohio, Thurman's home. Let any democrat dare to seek the Presidential Domination, and see how quickly Samtny's mighty arm will put a quietus to all such ideas. Oh ! yes, he is exoeedingly weak and delicate, he is ! People who go wild over the enonnities of a liccnse law, and lift up their hands íd holy horror over the bare idea of the right of mankind to " lioense an evil"- evidently forgetting that "half a loaf is better than no loaf," and that to control an evil which all law has so far failed to suppress, is better than to allow it full sway- will shout themselves hoarse for capital punishment. Will sonio of them please state what right, human or divine, they have to legalize murder ? " Take not the life thou oan'st not give." Killing a human being is murder, whether done acconling to the forms of law or not. Tn tb is eolightencd age tUere ought to be some othor mode of punishment. The Toledo Blade severely censures the Hurd bill to pervert legislation in favor of eastern railroad capitalista. Throughout the entire northwest has there been a general awakening to the injustioe of the propositions, in tbis bill, and the Congress that would üave dared to pass it would have reoeivcd such a condemnation as no body of the kind ever before received. It is well, perhaps, for the ways and means committee of the house, as well as the people, that they found out what they were about in season. The popular clamor became so great that Congress dare not pass it, and a motion was made and carried to indefinitely postpone. Legislation in the interest of powerful corporations and against the interest of our great western country, is far from being popular. Henry Ward Beecher bas some very decided views respecting the paying of taxes. He says: " Men resort to all manner of duplicity and strll wear the profession of religión to escapo pyiuK vuc suare ¦ the support of the government and the institutions of society. I believe taxes should be shared alike. There sbould be taxes on churches and ministers- on everythiDg but the State institutions. Why should not my salary be taxed just the same as that of a bank president? Men say ohurches should not be taxed because they are for the good of moráis. So are all well regulated institutions, including the family. There is great need of witnesses in our churohes for honesty in accounting for property and honesty in the payment of taxes. Men are sneaks in tbis matter. Some who are worth millions pay only for milis. Rich men get into churches and smear over their dishonesty with a varnish of religión." Mrs. Gen. Custer protests vigorously against the repetition of the West Point statue of Gen. Custer to be erected in Washington, a bilí for wbich hayinR been introduced in Congress. In commenting upon it, she says: "The statue could not be worse than it is. The face is of a man of sixty, and the dress so unmilitary that his brother officcrs shudder in looking at it. He is represcnted with full dress coat and top boots that only belong to undress uniform. The whole costume is incongruous and incorrect. Then he is armed like a desperado, in both hands, while some of the General's best charges were made with no Gre arms about him. I realizo that I aui the last one on earth to be satisfied with any representation of my husband. Nothing could portray to me in any form my idea of him. But his friends in civil lifc, his comradae in the army, and Ututo, all have but one story to teil,- that the statue is a failure as a likenew, as the repre6entation of a soldier, and asa work of art." The name of Edward 8. Looey is prejenfced for congressional honors in the 8d congressional district, being sent out upon his boom by th Charlotte Kepublican, his home paper, and atrongly endorsed by the Battle Creek Journal tod other leading papers of his district. Mr. Jacey is a man in every way fitted for the jjropose4 position, and one who will reflect honor up,on the state in the halls of Congress. His nomination and election arcassured, almost, and the people of tbat distriot are Uj be heartily congratúlate d upon fcuoh sa excellent choice. In spoaking of hin caodidacy the Lansing Republican says : "Thereis little doubt of Mr. Laccy's nomination and none at all of his election. He is 44 yearn of age, a ver? suocesful business man, a stalwart repubiictn f'rom the start, an exoellent organizer, and erery way strong with the people. No man is better quahfied to make a useful legislator, and in his long connection with the politics of Michigan he has avoided mistakes and gaincd the confidence of hosts of frieuds. The 'id district in the spring election of 1879 gavo a coahtion majority of 831 votes, but Mr. Lacey wil] nearly overeóme that by gain8 in his owd oounty, while in Barry, Branch, Jackon, and Calhoun.the republioangrecnbackera are mostly returning to their old party relations." _mmmm _