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The following real estáte salea have been recordcd in the register' s office since our last report ; WARRANTY. Salir A. Wolcott to D. M. liurcli, 41' acre s sec. 21. sitaron, $1,000. Charles M. Fellows to Emlllne M. Walt, land In sec. 81, Freedom, f1,000. David A Post to 0. R. Pattlson, property In Ypslluntl, $3,500. Charles K. Pattlson to Win. Pattlson, Ypsilaull city property, $1. ISO. Wrn Davls to Calob Hurrtngton, land In sec. 23, York, $1,45. O. A. Fausel to C. Mack and Froderlck Schmld Jr., property lu the village of Manuhester, 400. Frank McMuhon to James McMahon.ll aeren, soc. 31, Northfleld, l. 8. V. Hitchcock to Oeo. Whltlng, y, acre, York, $150. Charles H. and Reuben Kempf to C. P. Clark, 199 1-5 acres, sec. 34, Bylvan. J6.0U0. Harinon Allen to Carlos Allen, land la York, $500. Jobn Coartney to Félix Courtney,180 aerea, sectlon 5, Webster, 3,6U0 Henry J. Mlller to Harrlson A. Nlchols, property In the vlllageof Siillne, $2,ii. James M Congdon to Prederlck Qarbach, property In Chelaea, $100. Win. B. Osborn et al., u Thomas L. Spaflbnl, land In seo. 38, Hitaron, $6,650. Dorothea Wlsderoder to Chas. G. Stoll and Annle C. In Ann Arbor towushlp, NOU. Barbara AUmemllnger to Augustus Hrabolt, Ti acres, Sclo, 1. Daniel Kellogg to H. L. Kellogg, Ï0 aerss, mo. 9, York, Í5. CA. Mills to David A. Post, lot S64 Norrls 4 Criwi' udmtlon, Ypsrlantl, l,n00. John Crssefj. to J. U. and J. V. Johnson, proiwrty In Ahu Arl)or, l,tsSO. Wm. B. Clark to llorliart C. Darllng, 40 acres, Beo. 2!, Augusta, 4508. Webster to Geo. Clarken, lot 8, b. i eastern addltlon Ann Arbor, $7U0. Phllo E. Oalpin to Epaphras A. Matteson, 82 acres sec. 21. Ann Arbor, (4,005. Krauk H. Smlth to Cha. 8. Bmlth, property IS Mve village of Dexter, i00. Jxireu Baicock to Fldella A. Fay, loU , 23, 31, sa, r. a, ciieUi-S,i,jo. Johh Sodtynnier U) Fredrlck H. Kent, lot 2:i8 Howarrt'Hiulintion, YptrtlauU, $0. Lucy W. H. Morgan to Ilauii&li A. W'llklnsoa lol In Añn Arbor, 150. ' ' ' ' , Uoswell Goódell to Charles Houghtley, l'i acrcH, Aun Arlr, 2(X). jV(joUliüb jfoM. to Michael Schnelder, 45 acres, ScLo, H.lOO Noah W. Chcevor to Jolw Slajler, lot In Ann Arbor, tSuO Kllslia Jones to F. J. Coiustook, 80 acres, ee. 29. Salem. 12,500. il. M. Uoodell to A. J. Huston, land lu sec. ¦ri. Superior. fT75. l'iitrlck Dounovan to l'iitriok Donnovan, M iicreK, uctlon 11, Northlleld. tl, UW. Ralph H. Vmirhet-H to Auurew J. Latab, land In Superior, &,&U0. Emery " Voorhpes to Andrew J. Leetoh, lftBn!tam"}r8"v.-.-hee8 to Andrew J. Leetcn, ÍSiKOSSW-. to Frederlck LaubenYoT; ssará&iísife'aasti- - 'p&n'endrew J. Leetoh, land Vrllok'anSrew Spetend to Henry Roblsou lol 2, Lr7.olere'H addtllon, Ypsllaull, udrcw J. Ixsetch to Benjamin 8. Voorheee, land lu sec. 32, Superior, $4,501. U1T1T ri.AIM DBED. Connul Krspf to Lutuer James, 336 acres, hoc. Nrru"T&ntoGrge Ide, property '"wHUairT Davi tó Tbomaa DavlB. 40 acres, sec. Vm! ivi to Nathan Davla, 40 acr, sec. 3, Ñ. W. Avrry, to Henry Doty, land In böc. Si, ACa"íeíln)e5WalHli to Wra. an.l Jennle Walsh, land In ec. 19, Northfleld, 500. . Patrlck Ollmoy to Eugene Ulbney. 40 aeree, sec. 1, Northfli-lcl. 00. Wlilliird Pnrker to Henry J. Metier, land In -.¦¦ 4 Tillase of Saline, $1 5(X). Urnldon T. Morton to Jolm Cronsett, property iU.rrin,AWeSMargaret Wade, land In sec. 13 and 14, aliaron, $3()ü. E. W. Morgan to N. W. Cheever, property In AEl'lzA.rwUe tó John W. Wlse, lot In Ypsilantl, 81jennle B. Wallace to Wllson H. Berdan, property In Salino villaje, J10.81. UUbeft P. Woodruff to Loyal Lovejoy, 20 acres, sectlon 28, Augusta, -m Jtse Scott to Johu 1'. Marble, 16 acres, sec. 36, DOhHstñe sireeter U, J. Fred Vogel, land In 7tru.geTC?1Hanra8Jo Mlchael O'Hara. land In WOb0te8rpard to Henry B. Dodsley, property lnMAc2es Fbol'ns (by helrs) to John F. Eastwood, property In Aun Arbor, 400. êTMack to O. L. Vreeland, land In seotlon 1, 'ó'ktadon to GeorgeB.Rlsdon, property In 8tft?S Wm. E and Mary K. Ward, HO acres, sec. 11, Augusta, l,OU0. Caroline Voorhees et al. to Audrew J. U-etcU, land In Superior. 2,S00.