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Real Eslate for Sale. OTATE Oí" MU'HIUAN, (Jounty ol Wayne, . In the matter of the estáte of Mary C. Qladwln, decea-uMi. N'otice ic heroby jfiven. that iu purguance of an order nuiíed lo the undvrsined, executor of the lul will nú teaiarnect of ealil di-ceaaed, ly Uie llon. Kdar O. Durfee, Jutte of Probate ol' said ConntJ "f VVayne, on the teiith' dny of t'ebruary, A. I) 1880, there will bc old at public vendne, to the blghtot l'iii'lt-r, ;it the city of Ann ArUor, in the County of WasMenaw, and State ol Mlohiuan, at the ruutii entranee to the couri house In eaid city, on Haturrlay, the 2Hth day oí Mny, A. D. 1880, at two o'clock p. m. of BHld day, the lollowiur deixTiliui' real eciate, to-wtt: The undlvldcd one-lliird of tha certain iece or p.ircel of land sitúate In the city of Ann Athoi, Wnehti'iiaw Couaiy, Michigan, and known twciiiy-oue and ooe-half (Sljjfi feet In width ff the north side of lot ave (5) lu block one (l)HOUth of Huron etrect, in rane four (4) east, In the city of Ann Arbor ; alto the iw of the alley uIoiik 1 1 i - aatt end of lot live i,.' and alz (6) In unid block O1K' (1). Detroit, April 12. 1880. W1NTHUO1' O. SAWYKK, Bxecutor. M1CHAKL BRKNAN, Aitorneyfor Ejecutor. Kstato of M artha ! Dentón. QTATKOVMlCmiAN,('ountyofWahteuaw, 8. At a nesüion ol the I'robate Conrt for the Connty ol WaHhtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofttre in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the thirteenth d of April, in the year o&e thouaand eilit htmdred and eixhty. Present, Wüliam D. Harriman, JudKe of Probate. In the matter of the estnte of Mart tri 8. Dentón, deceaed. i in readlng and Aliñe the petltion, duly verlfled, of Bdward 1). Kinne prayin that a certaiu inntriiinent now on il! in this courl. purportlnK to be the laat wil) and ti-stumcnt ot uid det'eaHed. may be admttted to probate, and tbat he and Mary K. Uawkiiii- may be appointed exeentors thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the tenth day of Muy next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be tt--ih:iied for the hearing of sald pi-tition, and that the di vi-een, lexatee aud heir at law of eald dttccaaed,and uil other pertioijBlntere8t d in aid h1 ii.', are required to appe'ir at a uvexlon of said i-.ourt, tlu'ii to be holden at t Prouale UfUc', iu Hu' city of Aun Arlmr, and show cause, i' any there lio, why the prayer of the petitioner ehonld not be Rrartted. And it is further ordere'i, that xaid petitioner Kive notlce to the. persons intereeted in Kalei eeiate,.of UN peudency of aaid petifoti, and the hearlnK thereof. by caueinü a copy of thla order to he puhliéhed in the Ann Arbor C'ourier, a newspaper printed and clrc.ulatintr In saiil cbmty, three Kuccelvc weeks ;ir. viiinu to rtiiil dty of hearing; {A true copy.) W11.Í.IAM 1. I1AUH1MAN, Jqfljlpof 'ProMte. WM. . DOTT, r-roiiate IloLlter. 882-V