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Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF M ICHIGAN. County of Wahtenaw,se. I ii tbe matter of the estale of Clara B. Parson, minor. Notlce la hereby glven, that In pursuance of uu order gmnted to the undersigned, guardián oí suld minor, by ihe Hon. Judge ol Probate for tbe (Jounty ol Wanhtenaw, on the twentkth day ol Marcb, A.D.WSO, thre will bc old at public vemloe, to the hlghitt bidder, at the Mtt front door 01 the court house in the city of Ann Arhor, in the l'onntjr ..f Waahtomr, in sald Stilte, on Tuesday, the eleTi'nth d:iy of May. A. I'. 18S0, at ten o'clock in the Ibrenooo of thai day (subject toall enenmbrancen by ¦nortease or ntherwlse existint; at the time of the nale,) the rollowini; dewertbed real asfete, to wit : Au nudivlded une lourtli (U) inteiest, aftcr the terminatlon of the life estáte of William I. Wood thereln, In the undlvldcd three-sevrnths (8-7) part of the weot blf of tbe souih-eapt quarterard twin'.y and thrcefourtbs Cüt) acruoff from the nortn end of the cast balt ol tho sou h-eii quarivr of sectioii minilti-r umcteeii (lit) In the townuhlp of Lima, W.inhtcuaw County, Michigan. TllUMAS 8. SANFORD, Guafoiak. Dated March 20, 188U. 7 S5 Ëstate of Joshua G. Lcland. OTATK OK MICHIUAN, County of At a esjlon of the Proliate Conrt for the County ot VlahUnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Artwr, on Monday, the twenty-eixth day of April, In the year one thouoaud eiftht hundrod ann elRbty. Present, Willlaui U. llarrimn, Judirc of Probate. In tbc matter of the enlate of Joshua Q. Lelaml, (U-reaped. Charlea II. Worden exeentor uf the la.-t will and texlament of suid deceaoed emúes luto rourt aud rt-preBente that he la now prepared to reuder bia flnal account Ah finrh executor Thereopon itlaordereri, that Friday, tbc f.mrteeutn day ol May next, at ten o'clock In the fore uoon, be (iened for exaininini; and allowin ucd account, and that the deflfeo, leñatee and helm al law of aid deceaed and all other pt'nonn Interfiteil in sald estáte, are reonircd to app-ar at a scs'iuii ol aid court, then to be nolden at tne Probate ofllco, in Ihe city of Ann Arbor.m aid county.aud show en". ifiiny tberebe,why the sald account shonld not i allowed. . . Aud it is further ordered, that pald eiecotor nive DOtlce to the peraune Interested in said euiu of tha urudeury of said uccoout. and the beanuK ' thereof, by cHiminK a copy of tbi order to be uunI lUhed in tha Ann Arhor üoutier.a newspaper prlDlM and circiilatiOK in sald covinty, two uccive weeKO previ.uit. to haid day of henttnK. (Aj?116 f?lJï't' ' W1LUAM.D. lÍAftKIMAlí. Judge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Register. ' J All klnilM Of Book-Bindlujr The C'oarier oOioe ou Mort .ülUtí.