CLOSING OUT SALE OF nipuKis. JEWELBY, SPECTACLES, ETC, At Cost, for the next 20 days. I am gotng ont of businesi, and the Goods MUST BE SOLD. If yon wieb a bargain, cali at once and sou lor youreelf. FEE1). GEAF. Jewcler. At A. D. Seyler's 8hoe btore, Norlh Main Strooi. It will be for jour Interest to Know Tliat C ASPAR RINSET (Late frora a Whclesatc Grocer's Honse In Detroit.) lia opened a Mí 1 PRDVISIQS STORE At u. 16 Eat Huron Street. He will also keep In stock FLOÜB, FEED, TOBACCO AND ClfciAUS. All goode are fresh and new, and, being purekased at the lowest Wholesale Cah Price, wllTbe sold at ratee correnpondtngly lnw. Caah pald for all kinds of Country Produce. 884-85 ASPAR RINSKY, T OGS WANTED. I will pay, at the Ann Arbor team uw mlll, for White or Swamp Oak Loge, from.....f 8 to $10 per M Red Oak Bntt Log, onnd 7 per M White AKh „ 10 14 per M Whitewood 10 14 por M Baeswood 8 10 per M Hickory 12 per M Hard Maple „ „_ ia por M Walnnt 25 40 per M Butternut 10 15 per M Red Kim 10 par M Will buy logB wtthin tour miles oí my mili, If deBired, and draw them. Persons havtng loge to wil are requested to cnll and see me as soon as posstble. Nov. 4, 1S79. J. T. IIALUXJK. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Singlo Machine-made Harnees _ U.OO Single Hand-madc Harnees. 8.B0 8ingle Nlclcle-plated Harneoe $15.00 to $88.00 Single Strop Harneas.. 30.00 to 85.00 Llght Doublé Harneas _ 25.00 to 50.00 All Bristle Brushes _ 7.5 to 4.00 Whalebone Whlpe 75 to 3.00 Qood Blauketa... „ go to li.00 Lap Roben 2.00 to 7.00 CryBtallzed Zinc Trnnks a.00 to VM Aleo a large stock of Horse Fnrnishing Goode at Bottom l'rices. J. C. BURKHARDT, Xo. 4 II 111 1,1, str.-.t. 937tf Ann Arbor, Mlch. T INSKY & SEABOLT'8 BAKERY,GKOCERY AKD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLBSALK AND RKTA1L TKADK. We shall aleo koop a snpply of 8WIFT A DBUBKl.'S BK8T WH1TK W1IKA1 FLODR, DKLHI FLOUR, RYK FLOITR, , BUCKWHBAT FLOUR, COKN MBAL, FBBU, c.,c. At wtiolcealc and retail. a general stock ot GKOCER1ES U FKOV ISION8 couKUuily on hand, whlch will be BOld on aa reaaoo ablc terme as at any other honse in the city. Uasn jald for Botter, Bggt, and Country Prodnc generalij. tVGooda dellvered to any part of the city wlth ' snt extra charge. yr R1NBBY A HBABOLT.
Fred Graf
A. D. Seyler's Shoe Store
Business - Closings
Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store
Ann Arbor Steam Saw Mill
Horse Tack - Manufacturing & Retail
Rinsey & Seabolt's Bakery Grocery and Flour & Feed Store
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
J. T. Hallock
J. C. Burkhardt
4 Huron St