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W. TRËMAÏN lime Asi OFF1CK AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE Norlh Itrlilsh Iiimii hik ¦ .in,,-, (of London and Kdinburgh,) Capital 1.H,OOU,OOU, Oold. Detroit Flrc and Marine Ing. f o. Caah Asseta 1600,000. Sprlngflctd In. Comp'y. ormaH,( Cash Asct fl.NM.OXi Hom itrri In. Co., of 'cw Vork, Cash Asueto tl.(XXI,OUO. Agrlciillurul liiMirum-e C'onip'y WATEKTOWN, - NEW YORK, Cash Asnets 1,2UU,W). Losses libcrally adjusted and promptly paid. TT ' í 0L0 AND RELIABLE, iDb. Sanford's Lover Invioorator ! i is a Standard Family Remedy for % ! disí'iuiPH oí the Liver, Stoinach 2K ! ! and Bowela. - It ia Purely jSjS L ! Vegetable.- It uwer „L W T! DebilitatoH- Itis Wfl I iL ' ! Cathartio aud .rfÏÏB wM J, ? ' ' i u ¦ I V '" "v l)riictit'l'# I I ¦H'""i 'y ¦''" pi)ic,j llw % for iin.rt) ür.iii 35 y J PJJ% ¦witli niiprccetl.'iitcd reBult&J J" SEND FOR CIRCULAR. i jo i m CAucnnn u " Ioa bhoadway,} ja. 1 1 ffi aAMrUlíU, M.U.i NiwroEïcm Ï AY DRIliíaT ILL TFI.I, (H U's Hri'i TT!Of Ï %%%%%%% VHVWUHlUt} KÍ9-99U 1.. N. l.FIK 11, (.KV I. f THE ONLY MEDÍcÍn' I J That Acts at the Same Time on l i THE LIVER, I THE BOWELS, E 1 and the KIDNEYS. f I Tbese frrcat org&ns are the natural cle&Dv I] J ertul thc iystom. Ilüicy work weil. licaiüi ¦ ¦ in b! perfect : lf thcy becomo c!o?íoo, M ri dreadf ul dlBeaaea are aura to foUowirlUi J TERRIBLE SUFFERING. I ¦ imiounntffi, Beadachr. P)np-ili, Jasn. ii jS Jico, Conatipation and I'IIm, or ¦ ¦ nty Complainti, (Jratrl, Diabetes, Sediment In the Crine, ïiUj M or Bopjr l'rine; or KheaII matic Palns and Arlio, Ij ¦ re deTülopcd becaose the WooJ 1 polnmu-d n 11 wlth the humors that abouM Lavo MM U 1 expelled nuturallf. j KIDNEY-WORT wlll rretore thelieaïtby actlon and all thep H M Jcatroyine evil wlll 0 banisheü nogleci m M ibera and you wlll Uve trat to ulTer. U 1 Thousandsbavebeencured. Try ítandyou ¦¦ 1 wlll add one more to the number. ïaïe It II J and health wlll once more gladden yourheart. II ¦ Why suffer lonRorfromth torment íí T of an aohlng baek? M Ú Why boar such dlstreas from Li ft tlpaílon and Pi;o? 1 Why bs so fearful because B i ordored urine? {¦ Wort wlll cure you. Tryapock 1 Q age at once and be satiafled. K M it i.i a dry vtütxible compound ant u fl On(-Pi.-k2r;.ma',o;Mxqnr-í.inr"i!:i-'.ii. 3 .' vok. tniti ltpoa" ¦ ' ¦ ¦ B WTLLS, BvTZSr". i 954-1005- ch e w Wamer's Safe Kldney and LWer Curi. (íbrmerlv Dr. Oralo'ë Kidney Cure.) A vegetable preparatlon and tbc obIt aar nnrdir in the world for Ilrichl 1W': Illabru-s. and 1I.L Mldae;, Llrr, aud DrtBuary Dliw WTeatlmoulala oí the blgheat order In prooi Of tbese statements. ¦VFor tbe cure or Diabetes, cali for Wai nrr'i Safe Diabetes Cure. -For the cure of Bricht'a and the oth diaeaaiu. cali for Waniw'i Safe Kldiior and Llirrforr. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the out Blood Partner, and BtlmulttM every fuuction to mor healthful actlon, ai)4 1 thus a benefit In all dlseaiei. It cures ScrofUlona and othpr Rkln Ernvtlona and Diieiues, Includlng C'auccra, Herra, and other Sorra. Dyapepala, Weakneaa oftbe IImuJ Conatlpatton, Dlxxtneaa, General lebll lt.T. etc., are cured by th Bale atlttera. It i unoqualed as an appelleer and regular tnnlc. Boules of two aixea ; pricea, OOe. and 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qiilclclr gl ves Reat and Sleep to tbe ufferlnf , tum Headacbe and Neuralgia, prevtnúi Kplleptle Fita, and relieves Nervou Pro tratlon brouglit on by excesslve drlnlc, oí'work, mental shoclcs, and otber causes. Powerful as It la to stop paln and sooth a tnrbed Nerrea, It never Injurea tbe s)tmi whether taken In small or large dosel. liultlesof iwusnui; priesa, OOe. an.lll .00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immedlata and active stimulus fnr a Torpld Uw, and cure Coitlrtimi. DfifP''": "' BMmaammmaajaB-M a Ioqidm Bllloal DlrCfAOUlllíl a, láalarl Tmt iTffinSUMrTlaaaaa. " "'' ahOUí yHTr) H bowels do not opérate ¦ KB rrecly and regularlrI aaatCTujt M rW " ""' "" '"'"' '"Ï lavllitllüj ual üllhUnni"''"" ¦ DTllTH BaB l" ¦"''¦ "Twhtr' MBÍMaNai ' PraHuis. I ¦ '4xTAMM EO0HE3TEB, J¦V2ij2aVaaawr C7 '" ri-pH'' aáVflaV ' JaaviMrw4 IVE-A-CJIIIISriöT. DOES AHÍ WORK I' HIS USERn,-lii.-ii,Airrlcnltur(ilMchlnery,8ewin Machi ¦i ,1 Loclu rplre4, Turnlng.Key-nttiUKandK " l.í prompt!)! done. Kcei a gwi (""r.t'nceu„,ü. c,ilk-r, Lock aud Tool, whlch wlll t sold cuua No. 36 South Main Street, 1 ANN ARBOR. s