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Chas. De Young, shot by Kalloch, was buried with Jewish rites. The Three Rivers Tribune says ; " the republicans have their presidentialcandidates on the gridiron ; the demócrata theirs on ice." For the first time in the history of the courts of Maryland, two oolored men were drawn as jurors, in Baltimore, on Wednesday last. Michigan has now 2,319 fully equipped sir knights in tbis State, and the grand commandery has been in session this week at Detroit. A new lodge of' knights of pythias was instituted in Vicksburjí, Kalatnazoo connty, last Tuesday evening, starting off with 20 charter merabers. A colored man has been chosen as one oi the menibers of the board of hcalth at Jackson, and another as fire warden, and confirmed by the council. The savings banks of New York and Massachusetts, together witb Wm. II. Vanderbilt, own one-eiglithof theentirebonded debt of the United States. Circulars have been sent to all members of the northwestern Michigan press association, asking for expressions as to the advisability of having a meeting this season. Kus-i'i sends 20,000 more to the army of exile8 at Siberia this summer. We should think there would be a sufficient numberof exiles before long to set up a little government of their own. One of the friends of the Grammeroy park cypherer states that " he rides like a centaur." Well, if Saminy isn't trying to play the dark horse business on the dernocrats! That'srich. New Hampshire solid for Blaine, Wia;onsin said to be Washburn, 9 ; Blaine, 7 ; Sherman, 3 ; Grant, 1 ; Nevada delegation for Blaine; likewisc West Virginia. Florida, solid for Grant Postmaster-Qcneral Kcy has been appointed to the United States Judgeship of the eastern and middle district of Tennessee, has accepted the same and been oonirined. Who his suooessor in the cabinet will be is as yet a inystery. To show the intense enthusiasm which our greenback friends are kindling throughout the nation, it would be proper to state that the North Carolina greenback convention was conatituted of four delegates, and the Delaware oonvention of nine. The N. Y. Tribune says that of tbc 600 delegates elected to Chicago, representing 28 states and six territorios, Blaine has 241, Grant 229, Sherman 96, Edmunds 30 and Washburne 13. Guess the Tribune in its real for Blaine overestimates his strength. Shake the fusión (lust from the garmenU of he rag baby. or prepare hls wiudtng sheet.- Ureenback paper. Why, haven' t they got the gravo-clothes 'or that youngone yet ? He has been dead so long tbat even a cooler won't keep biiu much longer. Send hiin to the medical oolege pickling vat. The printers of London, Ont. , are on a strike for the restoration of prices to 28 cents por 1,000 ems, which was reduced about one year ago, at the request of the publishers, with the understanding that they would be put up again wben business m provecí. It is said by society gossips that the Vanderbilts, with all their wealth, do not move in the elite of' New York society. Well, perhaps ttiey can stand it, if "society" can. Most of us, even with one-fifticth partof their wealth, wouldn't ask much odds of the dite. A greenback paper asserts that, "the republican party strengthencd the public credit by squeezing more hog into a dollar." Yes, and the greenbackers tricd to wenken the public credit by squeezing the dollars into the hogs. But they weren' t succcssful. Not very. The liquor tax refunding resolution was defeated in the Detroit common council last Tuesday evening, and thus endsanother disgraceful faroe in municipal history. It certainly does'nt look well for the members of a council of any city to assert tbemselves superior to the law making powers of a state. Gen. Cary thinks there is trouble ahead for the Chicago greenback national convention. If it is attended with the same enthusiastic crowd the city and Etate conventions of this party usually are, some one will have to get up a fight with himself to causo much trouble. They don't pan out well, Bome way. Put it down in your note books, that when Congressman Hurd, of Toledo, completes his present term it will be the last ever heard of Hurd. TUo people don't sanction the taxing of an entire section o our country for the benefit of wealthy corporations. He got into the wrong herd at last, sure. The " favorable balanoe " on foreign trade is not as great as last year. The excess o exports over importa, for the year endino March 31, 1880, was $494,465,248, against $283,071,594, for the same period for 1879 being a deerease of $89,506,446. It will be England's turn to "boom " nest, uniese we are extrewely careful. The Bupreme court of Iowa has decidet in a case from Jasper county in that state where a greenbacker and an anti-monopo list agreed to accept a couüty office for loss than the legal salary, and to return the Ie gal surplus to the county if elected, tlia the election was void, as the offer was in re ality a bribe to the voters. Our contemporánea throughout the State , _„„..., wi6S6cu piupueay ing upon the " dark horse " at the coming Chicago republicaD national convention. I will not be a dark horse, gentlemen. I will be eitüer Grant upon the firat ballot o Blaine upon the second, with the presea outlook in favor of the former. Halloo, here ! On Tuesday the New York senate, by a vote of 17 to 14, passed a con current resolution to amend the State con stitution in the interest of wornan sufiFrage "Concurrent!" aye, there's the rub How convenient a lower or an upper house oft is to a politician. We'll promise it but see the house withholds ! Aye, Joseph? Hon. Geo. Brown, of Toronto, Canada one of the very prominent politicians of the dominion, died at hia home at 1 o'clock a m., Iaat Monday. Mr. Brown was one o the few Canadians who stood by the north iu the late rebellion, and lor this noble stand, as well as his excellent ability as a statesman, his death will be deeply deplorei in this country. Beaconsfield lefta paltry $20,000,000 de ficiency as a legacy to the liberal party Very strange, indeed, that the people were not informed of this before the recent elec tion. The deficiency comes from the In dian departnient, and wascaused by the fa greater expense of the Afghan war than wa anticipated. Verily, foreign conquosts are expensive luxuries. The 56th anniversary of the American Sunday school union was celebrated in New York city laat Tuesday evening. The ag gregate work of the union for these year bas been 68,431 new schools organized, with 441,085 teachers and 2,916,599 scholars Costofthe work $2,548,588, besides $7, 000,000 wdrth of Sunday school books am papers sold and given away. " Can any sane man believe that Mr. Sey mour ia in such a state of health as forbid him to accept a nomination?" asks the Richmond Dispatch. Perhaps not, but he isn't physically able to cooe with that little 100 pounds at Grammercy Park. That' the difficulty. He never will be able to ac oept a nomination for the Presidency unless a miracle should remove that light weigh statesman. The board of supervisors of San Francisco recently passed a recolution severely condemning, and recommending the removal of the mayor, the infamous Isaao S. Kalloch. Ho was presidingofficer at the time, and put the motion, which was carried unanimously. And he still had sufficient cheek to continue as the presiding officer. Impeachment, removal, and perhaps prosecution and imprisonment are likely to follow. If Gen. Hancock had worn the gray instead of the blue in the late war, or had, like Fitz John Porter, refused to fight anybody when ordored so to do, don't you suppose that his name would resound from one democratie section to another, and hia boom be a breezy one ? Yes, indeed. But he fought on the wrong side, and his being a good general totally incapacitates him for a democratie presidential candidate. Besides, he isn't good at cyphers. A Quaker settlement near ltushville, Ind., are iinbued with what they are pleased to term "white ligutning religión." The leaders pretend to supernatural power, but seem to display very little but human nature and pas.ion. A leader married a woinan itubued with the same faith wbo had a daughter, woman grown, whoin they .everely whipped, compelling her to remove her clothing for that purpose. The irreligious neighbors took the man from this house, and treated him to a dose of tar and 'eathers, and lcft a sample rope as a hint; f he didn't oease that kind of religious 'renzy. Tho report of the committee of coniraerce on rivera and harbors contains tbc bllowing appropriations for the rivers and harbors of this state : Detroit rlver t 50,000 Manistee ....$ 10,000 Sngiimw rlver... 5.000 Marquette 1,000 st.llHlrtlaU 25,000 Monroe - 2,000 Kault st, Miiry... 250.000 Muskegon 5,000 Au Sable 7,000 Ontonagon ''''ñüi Hack Lake 6,c0 FentwaUr 4,001 lmrlcvoix 10,000 Portage l,ake.... 10,; Cheboygan 6 0P0 8t. JoReph 6,000 frankfort 5,000 Haugatuck Jnuid Haven ... 10,0ii0 Boutb Haven 5.000 liirbnr of rcfWhite rlver 3,000 ue Ij Huron.. 15,000 Aunapoe 7,000 Ludlnijtou 8,000 And still Saginaw isn't happy, for it asked for the modest sum of $50,000, and as seen above, was allowed $5,000. Yung Wing, now acting Chinese Minister at Washington, isquoted as saying that ' thero are three Chinamen leaving this country to one who is coming. " Lookingat the thing from the standpoint of alaboring man, it is to behoped thereniark is a truth'ul one. The working men of America cannot come in compctition with Chinese abor and live. Our laboring men have famlies to support, and by so doiDg aid the tradespeople and help build up the country. Che Chinese do not have families ; they do not even purebase their clothing in this country, and all the money they earn is sent jack to their native land. So besides drivng our laboring men to starvation by cheap abor, they sap the vitality of the nation, jy absorbing its wcalth and enriching China with it. There ought not to be niany tears shed over tho departure of a people from our shores whose habits and customs tend to degrade our nation instead of build it up. A oongressional committee has been investigating the conduct of the West Point oadets in severely hazing a colored cadet named Whittaker in a most cruel and shameful manner. Testimony elicited so far does not plaee this government military school in a very envious light before the public. The colored cadots, no matter how brilliant or worthy, are subjected to social ostracism, and oomplete isolation. The fate of a poor fellow at college whose actions may cause hini to be "sent to Coventry," would be mere pasttime oompared to the contomptiblo treatment received by the colored cadets at the hands of their clasauiates. If this government school is to be a hot-bec of race antipathies; if hatred of freedom and equal rights is to be fostered and encouraged there; if the knowledge there imparted is to savor of the old slaveocracy of twenty years ago, then we say wipe the thing out. Blot from existenoe the schoo and let army officers edúcate themselves. We sympathlze with a blind man on accoun of hls great mlsfortune In the loss of slglit, bu when he becomes a flsh vender with a squawk lnghorn, wanderlng about our street. n of thp1 licic uu "WKanettaay last, he be comes a sort of nulsance, lietter let these un fortúnate people be cared for In our munlflcen state asylums and relégate the flsh business back to our meat markets where It niost prop erly belougs.- Montcalin Herald. There is just where the editor of the Her ald makes an altogether too couimon mis take. There are no asylums in our state for the care of the blind. The institution for the deaf and dunib, and the blind, a Flitit, il a school for the education of chil dren who are blind or deaf and durub, bu its mission is educational only. The per sistence of the papers of the state in callin the Flint institution an " asylum " when i is no more an asylum than the stato uui versity or normal school, tends to decciv the people, and deprive many of the unfor túnate children of the state of the benefit o an education. If the conimissioners ap pointed for the purpose ever agree upon location for the new " state school for th blind," perhaps many of the state paper will learn that the only "asylums" sup ported by the commonwcalth are those fo