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We Are Ready And Have Been For The Past 30 Days

We Are Ready And Have Been For The Past 30 Days image
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WE OPEN THIS SPRING WITH A STOCK OF HHMJQlQfllK Totallv eclipsing, in assortment and variety, any thing ever ofTered in Ann Arbor. WE ASK YGU TO 0OME IN AND EXAMINE 0UR IMMENSE DISPLAY. STORE COMFLETELY FILLED WITH THE CHOICEST FABRIC8. Goods suitable for the wife of a Clergyman, Doctor or Lawyer. Goods suitable for the wife of a Merchant, Banker or Professor. Goods suitable for the wife of a Méchame, Clerk or Tutor. In short, goods suitable for all classes and pockets. Om Goots are Bomtht from the Mm Hoases in America at Prices tkat Defy Competition. Our Silks Satins, Velvets and Cashmeres are bought direct from the importers, henee the reason for' our selling them. 20 to 25 per cent. cheaper than our neighbors. Remember that success hinges upon the how, ween and where to huy. DON'T FAIL TO GET OUR PRICES. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS.