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J E. W. BARTBAM, Veterinary Surpoii. (Oraduate of the Ontario ƒ I ry College, Toronto, Canada.) ƒ All discase of Horses, Cattle, and ƒ # Other Domestlc Animale treated. I I Offlei, S 3. Kaïn St., orar Cltjr Toi Sta. Resides, 47 S. División St.,Ann Arbor. ƒ ly?7 ƒ "POR SALE. I have a good, well-bullt house and lot, situated on EUzabeth Street, No. 15. There 18 a good barn and wood-stied on the place. The property Is new and In good repair. Terms very liberal. Apply to 977-989 MKS. E. E. WINSLOW. T F. BOYLAN, Heul Kstate Agency. Farms and Honses bought, sold, rcntcd, repaired and ineurcd. Office at WOLVEKINE STORE, 930tf Corner of Huron and Flfth StrecU. "POR SALE OR RENT. A HOUSE ANI) TWO LOTS, In the second ward, one hlock from Main atreet, Elitaire of 983-994 C. KITSON. "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwelling house on it, one mlle from city city limite. Enquiro 965tf At TUE COURIER OFFICE. "POR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, valned at 6,0U0, which I will ezchange for Ann Arbor City property. UICE A. BEAL. ATONEY TO LOAN. At seven per cent. Security raast bc on flrstclass farms in thls county, or city property In Ann Arbor in central and deslrable localitieti. J. Q. A. SESSIUNS, Altorncy. 959tf Office cor. Main and liaron ets., up-ítairs. TV-OTICE. DRESSMAKINGr, CUTTINGFITTING DONE AT RÉDUCED PRICES. SÜITS MADE FOR $3.00 AND ÜP. MISS C., NO. 37 S. MAIN STREET, SECOND FLOOR. FLOWERS ! FLOWERS ! We have now ready and for ale a laree and flretclass stock of HOUSE and BEDDING PLAHTS Those wishlng to procure the best selection shonld come early. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. COUSINS & HALL., COS. 3. TOI7IÜSII7 AVI. Allí 12th ST. 984-987 Ft. JSITVL'JS ¦ DI8TRIÏUTION OF h asi Praal Propsrty To be distributed to the holders of tickets to the GSAND BALL IN THE GEEAT PAVILION, (Erccted for the occasion, accomodatlng all who come) AT ORION, MICH., JULY 5, 1880. (Gardner's Flint city band will fornish muele for the occasion.) rissi 3SASD rsEïiïii -sisij' mum, osioh, men. BT $22,725 !jW Id Real and Personal Property to be distributed to the Ticket Holders. KVKRYTHING WARRANTED as RKPRESKNTED A Fortune and a Blg Dance for S2.OO. Tickets to the ball $2.00 with coupons attached, entitling the holder to a sharc in the dlstrlbution of the lollowing premiums: First Grand Premium- SIms' House, Orion. ..$12,000 ' Second premium- house and lot in orion 2,000 Third premium- house and lot in Orion 1,600 Fourth premium- house and lot In Orion 1,000 Flfth premium - square grand piano 600 Siith premium- youníí Bashaw mare 600 Seventh premium orgaü 230 Elgbth premium- village lot, Orion 250 Niuth premium - village lot, Orion 350 Teiith premium- platform spring wsjruo. 150 EU-venth premium - platform spring wagon... 150 Twelfth premium- Portland cutter and robes 150 Thlrteenth premium - buggy 100 Eiht premiums - each one bed room set $300 1,600 Twenty-second premium -watch and chain 75 Twenty-thlrd premium- watch and chain 50 Twenty-fourtü premium - nijver ico pitcher.... 50 Twenty-fiitli prwnium- silver cantor 5C TwüDty-slxth premiam- silver castor 50 Twenty tventh premium- set wilver knlves... 2L Twenty-eiKhth premium- set sitver forks 2E 200 cash premiums, $V00 uach l,00C öOOcasb premiumn, f2.00 each 1,000 128 premium $23,795 For full particular, addresn R. SIMS. Adrián Michigan. , $1OO REWARD ! ron ánv casï op OATARRH TH AT CANNOT BE CÜKED WITH . GWllilE. This is no humbug. No nasal douche. No snuif. '¦ NolhinK to irrítate the Nasnl ravlty, or destroy the ; nenie of imell. It 1b an INTERNAL KKMEDY, ACTING Ui"ON TUK BI.UOD, cleaiiüinif it from lts Impurltles, causint: the puriform matter lo be carried ofl' thronsh the natural channcls. It is a scientiflc preparatiou, uscd and prescribed for ycars hy one of the ublese practitionera in this country ,and has never fall.'d to cure when used according to dlraettoa. H 1 any person. affr takint: oi" dozen ot liallV Calarrh ('ure i not curta or bctwftoi fmore thau four times ' lucost, we will ri-fund the inoney paid. If it does you good, yon ar wíIIIiik to pay lor it. If it doe no good, !t costs you mithinir. Prlce 75 cenu per bottle. Sold by all dnitHt.-. Manufactured by K. J. CHENEY&CO., DruKtjiMt-, Toledo, Oblo. If your dnigcist doe not keep it in stock, ask liim to eet it for you, or send direct to proprietors, and it will be promptly forwarded. For sale in Ann Arbor by II. J. DKOWN & CO., 987-1001. Cor o! Main and Huron St,