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ir:?"O I] jÖg WASTINQ DISEASES, coa as AHthnin, Bronchitis, 'onMuniptioii, Itriiíii KvhaiiHtloii, 4'hronic. Hii-ii lintloii. 4'lironif lliaiiluia IypeiHln or I,omm of ISTZErRTVOTTS POWEE, Are pouttlvely aud specdlly cured by Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites ni rlt of tus remarkaklo remody is due to lis iperty of rötttorinjr the wasted tissues of the boily to llieir original flrmnesn and vigor. It le well kno n fi'r overy thought and action thero tí deatli or dueny of un nioimt of material proporti mate to tliu magnitude, or thc thonght or action. Thls etc i nppllcd ly the unimpatred nutritivo functioim. Tlit1 praoootOOl nctivity of youtha, the PDthnaiHKiU' struiít;!'1 tat wcalth nnd famo in tho mlddlc aged, and oíd Igfl iNelf c;luse an undue dcc&y Of material berVODI forre. PEO8TKATION. Edwin Clay, of PufWaita, Niva Scotia, writes as follows : Mu. Jaxks I. Fkllows, Sir,- Havtntr.whilc at your establlahment, carefnlly axamlned yotir precriptionw, and tlie metliod of preparing your Cunipound Sjrup ot Ilypophoephiteo, I felt anxlou to tive it a fair trial in niy practicc. Por the laet twelve niunthrt 1 have done so, and flnd that in inclpient connnniption, and other dlReaes of the thrimtunci liniL'w. it Ims done wooders. Iu retorine pernunt nBl.TÍng from the ollecl oí dlptbcrla, and thetoi-h f()llolm: tyili..i.l ferer, pravaMBt in thi región, ii ie thtí beet remedial aj;ent I nave ever need. 4lirt for persons smlFcring fryn exhiiution of the powers of the brain and nervous 8Htem, from long-coniliined Ktudy or teachiiiR, or in those casen of exhaustlon from which so many yonng men enffor, I know of no better medicine for restoratlon to health than jour l'umpoand srup or HypophOBH. Q. Addy, M. D., St. John, N. B., writes na rollowe: Mr. .Taxis I. Fellows, Chemití, Dear Sir,- Daving ased your Compound Syrup of Hypophoephltes for lome time in my practice, I hare no hesitarion Ib recommrnriinir it to my patlenta who are sufrerlnj; from general deblllty, or any dlwaee of ttie lunfre, knowinj; that, even In cásea uttcrly hopateM, ü allurdn ralML SOLD BY ALL DEUGGIST8. Pbioe $l.5U Peb Boitle. '. Broivn A Co., Agtnts, Aun Arbor. CHÍLDBlÑ Cry for ritclier's Castorla. They like It it is sweet ; Mothers Hke Castoria bocausc it gires liealtli to tlie child ; and Phy8cians, bot-anso It contatos no morphine or mineral. Castoria Is Nature's Remcdy Tor asslmilating tlie Food. It cures Wlud Colic, the raislng of Sour Cnrd and Diarrhaia, allays FevcrIshnpss and kills Worms. Thns the Child luis hcuit h and thc Mother obtalns rest. Pleasant, Cheap, and Rollablc. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most effective Pain-relieving agents foi MAN and BB AST the world has ever known. Over 1,000,000 Boules aold last year ! The reasons tel thia unprecedented popularity are evident ; the Centaur Linimonts are made to deservo confidenco. tli-y ara absorbed intn the Btrnctnre ; they always cnre and nover disappoint. Mo pereon need longer loffu with PAIN in the BACK, Rheumatism or iStifl Juiuts, for tbe CENTAUR IInimonts will surely exlerminate tbe Pain. There is no Straiu, Sprain, Cnt, Scald, Burn, Bruise, Stingr, Gall or Lameness, to liidi Sfankiud or Oumb Brutes are subject, that rtocs not respond to this Soothing Bulm. Tlic Coiifaur LINIMENTS not only relieve pain, hut thry incito healthy action, tubilue infiaiimation, and cure, whetber the eymptome procecd from woumls of fie si, or Neuralgia of the Nene; from contracted Oord or a scalded hand ; from a sprained ankle or a gashed fooi ; whcther frum disgusting PIMI'LES on a LADY'S FACE or a strained joint on a Ilorse's Leg. The agony produced by a Burn or Scald ; mortiflcation from Frost-bites ; Swellingt from Stralns ; the torture o Kheumatism ; CripjtUd for lije by some neglccted accident ; u valuable horte or a Doctor' Bill may all bc sa cd from One Bottle of Centaur Linimout. No Houíekeepcr, Farmer, Planter, Teameter, or Livetjumu, tan vljTvi tí l. ï.c vltliit Uxoao worulerful IAniment. They cn be proenred In any part o the globe for 60 Uenls and $UX) a bottle. Trial bottles S5 Cent. Swallowing P01S0U Spurls of düffuating mttcous from the nostrüs or npon the (otuil, Watery Ejes, Snufflo, Buzzing in the Kar, Dectfnesi, crackling sonsations In the head, Intermittcnt I'ains over the Eyes, Futid Breath, Nteal Twang, Scabs u the Nostrilu, and Tlckling in the Throat, are SIC VS OF CATARRII. No other tuch loalhtome, treach'erons and undormining malady curses mankind. One-flfth of onr Ohildren die ol diseascs generated by lts Infectxou PoUon, and one-fourth of liviDg men and women drag out miserable existences Trom the same canse. WhUe aeltep, the imtntrUie in the nostrüs are necesarily iwallowed inio the atomach and inhaled into tht lungs to poison every part of the systcm. Dr. Wei De Meycr's Catarrh Cure absorbs the puiiilont virus, and kllls the seeds of poison in tlie farthest parts oí the system. It will not ouly relieve, but certainly cure Catarrli ut nny stage. It Is the only renudy vhicl), In our judgmeut, has ever yet really cured a case ofChronic Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! O. O. Preebnry, Prop. West End Uotel, Long Brancn Cured of 20 ycaru ChronlcCaUrrh. S. Bcnedict, Jr, Jcweler, 697 lirodway, New York (member of family) Cored ut Chronic C'atarrh. ' & n. Brown. S39 Canal St., N. Y., Cured of H years Cbronic Catarrh. J. D. McDonald, 710 Broadway, N. Y. (Sister-in-law) Cared of 40 yeara Chronic Catarrh. Mrs John Doufrhty, Fiahkil], N. Y., Carcd of 8 years Chronic Caiarrh. Mr. Jacob Swaitz, Jr., 200 Warren Stxeot Jersey City, Cured of 18 yiars Chronic Catarrh. A. B. Thorn, 183 MontaRnv St., Brolyn, (self and si'D) Cured of Caturrh. Rcv. Wm. Andereon, Fordham, N. Y., Cnred or 20 jeara Chronic Culurrli. Mlle. Aimee, Opera Prima Donna, " I have received very great benefit from it." A. McKinne.v, H. K. Pre., Kj [iroa(j N Y "My family uxperienced immedi:iu: ralUl " c . &c , &c., Ac. Wei De Meyer's Catarrli Cure is the most important .Medical Hiscevery sinee Vaccination. It is soW by all Drnggtoi, or deiivered by D. B. Dkiveï & Co., 46 Dcy St., N. Y„ at $1.50 a package. To clubs, six paokageê tor ii7. :(). i)r. Wel De Meypr's Treatisc is sent Tree to anybly' 951-1002- eow ZIMMERMAM FB.VIT AXT VEQETJJiZE DRYER & BAKE OVEN Over 11,000 in use. ! The BEST in tho IHarbet, Madoentlrelyof OalvatUxed Iroa ' AGENTS WANTED. ,' Sendfor Circular. Addrcsa TIMMERMAN FRUIT DRYER CO., ) Citc(mu((, Wit f 87-988 (