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Diarrhoea In Cattle

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Jennings, whose knowledge of cattle and borses is undisputed,writes as follows undcr the above caption : Cattle are frequently subject to this disease, particularly in the spring of the year wben the grass is young and soft. Occasionally it assumes a very obstinate form in consequenee of the imperfect aeoretion of gaetricjuice; the firces are thin, watery, and fetid, followed by very great prostration of the animal. The symptonis ofdiarrhoca are too well known to requireany detaileddescription. lYentments. - If in a mild form, the dict should be low, give two ounoes of Epsomsalts, twice a day. In a more obstinate form give two drachms of carbonate of soda in the food. üak-bark teawill be found vcry advantageous ; pulverized opium and catochu, each one and a half ounces ; preparcd chalk, one drachm ; to be given in the feed. Calves are particularly subject to this diseasa, and it often proves fatal ro them. It sometimos nssumes an epizootic íbrm, when it is generally of a mild character. So long as the calf ia lively and feeds well, the farmer should entertain no fear for hini ; but if he mopes about, refuses bis food, ceases to ruminatc, wastes in flesh, passes mucus and blood with the fwces, and exhibits syuiptoius of pain, the case is a dangerous one. ín such an cmcrgency lose no time, but give two or three ounces of castor oil with flour gruel, or two ounces of saltsata dose, followed with small draughts of oak-bark tea ; or give twice a day, one of the follownigpowders: pulverized cateohu, opiuni, and Jamaica ginger of each half an ounce ; prepared challe, one ounce : inix, and divide into twelve powders. Bran mashes, green food, and flour gruel should be given with plenty of salt.