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BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. 5 TO $10 PER ACRE! stront Molla! .Surc l'ropi! Uullroiul tlirousrh (Vntcr of Landi. Healllt? C'Iiin:il'. ftchool umi Üiurehpt. Intclllgrcnt I"o]ulntlon. HICHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. These huvlfi??1 a lont: distanco Eont of tbé ilppt EU ver, Large amomit MTd In travel and ti aiisportation of crups. Descriptivo pnmuhlL't In Knglish and Germán. AddP5 U . O. III !.II HT. Commlssionor, Grand Knpirts, Michigan. ÍWMÜ03 DANDELION Dr. White's Dandelion Alten tl re, the Great Blood PiniiRT umi Kunovator. A ppecirtc for L'vorí'oraplaint, BiliouHiieas, Chilln and Fever. Oyepepfla, Eldney Dieeae, Kheamnil.-ra %nê Oonstlpation of the Bowcls. Keinovee nimplee and ealluwuet8 from thu skin, produciría n cié ir rninpli'viim, [t Is purely ihle, perfcctly harmleet ami pleaunt t tjiki_-. Tint bottlee ouly $1, and every bottle varranted. PULMONAEIA, fnr OoaghSi Collie, Anlhum, Broncbitfa, Croap, Whotpiníí ('outfh nnd Inripit-iit CoDsamptloD. Filly oestl por liottlu. Lnrj.'c botttat II, mul evi rv botlle warjiinted. For sale In Ann Arhur by Bberbaeb & Son, and driií,''"' everywheie. HALLS BALSAM Cnrcs Colds, Pnonraonla, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croun, Vhoopingr Congli, and all liseases of the Breathing Örgaïis. 11 snot lies and heals the Hembrane of the l.ung-ü, inflained and poisoncd by the discase, and prerents the nichtsweats and tightness across the chest whichaccompanyit. CONSUMPTION is not an Incurable malady. It is only neccssaijr to have the rilit reniedy, and HALLS BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DESPAIB OF BELIEF, for this bcnign spccifle will euro you, eren though professional aid fails. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Powerful Healing Agent ever Iiscovered. Ilenry's Carbolio Salve cure the tcortt ëoreg, llenry's Carbolie Salr allayt the pain of hurta. r llenry't Carbolie Salve rvret all eruptiona. ilmry't Carbolie Salve htalt pimples and blotches. Ilcnry'i Carbolio Salve teill cure cut, "nel bruites. Ask for IIinry, and Take No Other. Itr IlEWARE OF CODNTERFEITS. J FOK -AIJ: HY au. tHtrci(tIST3. JOHN F. IIENRY, CURRAN de CO., rt M , , ROLE PltOPKiJCTOltó, 94 College Place, New Vork. !Wl-lU12-e n OLD AND RELIABLE. Uk. Sanfohd's Liveb Inviooratob is a Standard Family Romedy for % diseasea of the Livor, Stomach 2% andBowols.- It is Purely -jB. Vegetable.- It ne ver L TM W Debilitotes- It is %fJ I I wi Igvffi VVS0 V o % mamé '¦11 ¦ K+ "Ui1 b-v th! public, 5 IS "' ior moro t!iau 35 yp's. ilS' v'!l' "Preoedentad resulta. 3 I SEND FOR CIRCULAR Í ?S.T.W.SANFORD)flD.,1íf--gw-; -"39""'J0 JS-BRiH, AUKNT. 8TEPHE1ST PEATT, : aiGH LOW AUD PSESSÜI1E BOILERS ol all Uafa, SaOS!;?IPZ3, nd all Shoit I-on Worlt 211, L'll'i, as OODlteÚ Si V,-;, Tiiiun AMi rooBTB i-., uetroit, Míen,, Bopolttag Joto. EiTots mi Eeüor Plato for Silo asiiuot yiLLIAM W. NICHOLS," , DENTIST1 &ttL? BacceBSorto O. W North. Offlcu, ld 8onth Malt Sir.vt. .ppoBiti; National Bank. Realdu e, 27 Llh srty treet. Vitronp oxido Me admtnletorcd when -i raqoeatod. y,,, ( ti un t cu., mjv&gg s