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Among Our Exchanges

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The Dame of C. S. McBride apneara ai editor of the DcafMute Mirror, the capital little paper published at rbe Inst. foi theD. D. &.B., atFlint. Vol. 1, No. Ij of the Stanton Dailj Meteor, was issued Wednesday May 19th. It is a small three column folio. It is ipsued froni the offioe of the Montcalm Herald, by J. E. Powell. ! The little Plaindealer of Pewamo, "whoops up" the locáis in a lively, sparkling way. There is more good, solid work on liie little sheet than many larger oneH wo know of that prints only half of their issue "to home." The Ogemaw County Herald ierpetrates the f'ollowing upon a sutferiDg public : " An admirer of Tilden says he rides like a Centaur. _As the old man is greviously affiicted with rheutnatism it was doubtlcss Centaur Lin-he-ment. " The last issue of the Lclanaw Knternriso comes to us enlargcd and iuiproved. It is now a seven column folio, and takcs rank with the older papers of the state. Wc are pleased to note this evidencc of prosperity on the part of ournorthern contemporary, and trust it may go on prospering and improving, until the desires of iu enterprising publisher, Mr. W. C. Nelson, shall be fully satisfied. Such enterprise always tells upon the people. With the issue of May Mth, tho Adrián Press completed its seventh year of exntence upon this mundano sphere. The Press isn't "of the earth, earthy" stripe, but of the wit, witty. lts local page sparkles with lifo and energy, and the general "git up" of the paper is good. If the Press would only come over to the right side of politics we Bhould feol like giving it a good wnd-off ou its cighth cyclo. So we'H "shake," and hope to "shake" arain 337 days henee. The Charlotte Republican remark.s: " liepublicans everywhere are arousing and petting ready lor the coming campaign. All realizo that this will be the uioit important (inc si nee the war. It is tiow or never with the other side, they are rallying for a general charge to secure (he possession of the govermuent and ofïees. They ure a hungry crowd and will do anything ind everything to get their hands into the public treasury ; but with the awakening )f the republiean party they will not suc3eed just yet." A correspondent of tbe Three Rivera Tribune aseerts that " Kansas is a fraud," and that paper desires state exchanges to so announce it to the public in general. We don't doubt but that a person lroin Michigan will find it very different fïoin his own state, or that the emigrant will have some hard experiences, but we do doubt the truth of the assertion that "Kansas is a fraud." In fact the writer of this haring been tbere hituself, would pronounee the state one of the finest among the western staten. The Port Hurqn Times vcry .saucily says : " If there is aDy part of' the niachinery of governnicnt which the democrats in congress view with special aversión it is that for the collection of the whisky tax. For nearly a year they have lefb without pay the marsbals and their deputies, whose business it is to arrest Ilegal distillers, and now thcy have got the storekeepers and gaugers in such a fix that they can get nothing for their services. The appropriation for paying thcui ran out on the first of April, and nothing has been done toward making a new one, although the txeasury department has called the attention of the proper committcc to the subject" The Isabclla Enterprise has the f'ollowing, which shows how easy it is to be mistaken of the doings of a political convention : " If the unit rule is not enforced in tho Illinois state convontion, and it is now quite probable that it will pot, then Grant will lose very materially in several states. therebv jjivinK to Blainc nearlv all ot the tollowing votes wnich havo herctofore been pledged to Grant : New York, 20 ; Penn.sylvania, 22 ; Texas, 4 ; Kentucky, 5 ; with a probability of a few frotn Arkansas, Missouri and West Virginia. The "plumed knight" will ride itito the political campaign on the uphcld dignity and desire of this great people, and the next chief executivo must surely bc a representativo from the "Pines of Moosehead." The Livingston Itetiublioan explains its position thusly : " Those who claim to be reliable republicans should be careful how they pledge themselves to vote against Gen. Grant should he be nominated at Chicago as the next republican standard bearor. As is well known the Republicau has never been, nor is it now, in favor of Mr. Grant, but it could not for a moment entertain the thought of a "bolt" if he should be the choice of the convention. There are some "republicans" who mako their boast that they will vote anti-Grant in case of his nomination, thereby .aying Kubstantially that if thrir man is not nominated they will bolt the ticket. Such a porson is not worthy of being called a republican. It means do this or I'll vote for democracy !" Speaking of the defeatof Jas. MuMillan, as a delégate to the late convention, tho Jonesville Independent says: "At the Michigan state convention Jas. McMillan was defeated by Jas. F. Joy as delégate, at largo, to the Chicago convention ; not, we believe, becauae the republicans of this state have not the utmost confidence in Mr. McMillan as a stalwart republicau, as a thorough Blaine man, as an honest representan vu of the people, and as worthy of any position in the gift of th.e state, but Hiinply and onlv because he was presented and urged by Mayor Thompson, whose recent action touching the liquor laws has debauched him po greatly in the eyes of the people of the whole ctatc, that they consider it but a fitting rebuke to him to oppose men or mcastireg that he may advocate." The Lansing Acpubliean : "'Bigsilver dollars are piling up rapidly in the troasury and there seems to be no practical way for getting them into circulation. The congressmen who insistcd that at least $2,000,000 per month should be coined will not have them for any portion of their f alaries, and the people gcncrally, af'ter so many ycars' use of paper moncy, do not Hke to be wcighed down with tho cumbrous eoin in their pockets. About $40,000,000 of standard silver dollars are now in the U. S, troasury, and the mints are running to swcll the supply of the inconvenient curroncy. Uongress should cither devise some means of putting this large sum into ciruulation, ir discontinue making more of the same kind, The precious metaJ might almost as wcll have remaincd in the mines as to be lockcd up in the treasury vaults. Tho Chippcwa County News tells of a :iew remeJy for vernim, as applied by some if the nativos of the Sault : " During the irst few warm days, one of thu pleasing ind interesting sights which we encountored as a specimen copy of the noble sons of he forest, Mttiog on the sunny side of' a ish shed, and amusing his untutored mind iy picking off and masticating the paraHitic lenizens of hu wearing apparel, which the arm sun had allurcd to the surface. Phere is nothing like being self-sustaining. We have read advertisements and laudaions of many kinds of vermífugo which nen in their lisdom have cunningly i vised, but none of t'hem have struck us as so effectual and conclusivo n their resulta s as the one adopted by thia unlettered Chip- pewa. Thus it ever is, man gropes in vain r plulosophies, and wanders away n idle speculationa and experiments, U attaio to , that which nature has already provided for , and kindly teaches, would he but regard j lier gentle promptings." 1 The Jackson Citizen thus vigorously protesta agaiüst the means by which Senator , Logan captured and held the Illinois con¦ veotion : "In the natueof honesty, in the ; name of repnblicanisin, in the name of dei cency, in the hope of the continuation of i this nation aa a government oí' the people, for the people and by the people, we enter i a solemii protest against the dictatorship of John A. Logan. The Citizen is a republican paper, and nhall suiport even Grant lor president, il' he 3 the regular Dominee of tbc Chicago convention. We shall do so bocause we belicve that any republican adunnistration wil) be better than the best democratie adininistration. But we shall do all iu our power bcfore the convenlioo and in the convention to defeat Loganism, but in the event of the nomination of Logan s candidato, shalloppose hisasíumption of leadership in the aduiinistration." The Grand llapids Saturday Evening Leader, speaking of the West Point case says : " If Cadet Whittaker really, himself, committed the outrage that has created such a stir, bis instructors munt all be at sea iu thcir estimates of his mental powpi-s. l'hey rated memory high but reasoning power sadly deficiënt; but if guilty of the otleune charged. Whittaker's beanng under examination when od the witnesa stand would show that he possesses strong reasoning power as wcll as a fine uemory, for it would take both, well handled, to come out of that as he did, if knew he were lying all the time. Ai we said in the beginning we pay now ; No ...Kor „Kat tKo roeit „f ko W)iiflf(r mquiry may be the existeoce ot disgraceful Hnobbery in the national school at West Point has been demonstrated, and steps Hliould he taken to teach the cadets that they are not aristócrata and are no better than their neighbors who stay at home and work, or go to Yale, Ann Arbor, or elsewhere, to beeducated." With the issue of May 20th, the Cassapohs Vigilant swings out of ita eighth an"? T rran?' This f)' under the charife of J. M. Shop.-ird, is rightly named. It is vigilant, and everything which gocs on is noted in its columns. The republicana of tass county have in it a fearless, outspoken exponent of their principies, and it is to be hoped they amply appreciate the fact, and in return therefor grant abundant support Among other things that paper says bince we havo taken charge of the Vigilant, we have steadily kept in view the tact that it was not called upon to compete with the metropolitan dailies in collecting the world's news, but that its province was Cas eounty, and that field wo have endeavored to glean thoroughly every week. We have secured and retain the very best staff of' loca! editors, distributed all over our territory, of any country paper in the state, and to the faitbfulness ot' their reports the popularity of the Vigilant is due. Scores of copies are sent all over the western states and territories to emigrants frosi Cass eounty, and prized solely for these weekly records of current happenings in their old neighboihoods, and at home they are the first reail and most valued." The Tuscola Advertiser, published at Caro, thus reasons on a subject which has caused niuch bitter cooiaient among workmgnicn : " In the last campaign we heard much about convict labor and competition with honeat rnechanics. The laborgreenback party had a plank in its platform denouncing convict labor as a fraud on the laboring community. How mach they havo to complain of is shown by the Massachusetts bureau of statistios. Ihe figures are somewhat of an embarrassïng nature to the loud-mouthed reform "''" f Ko l'nlld Platea lllCUU ttlC 129 institutions in which convicts are forced to labor. In them are 40,769 convicts, of whom o5, 1 92 labor. Of this latter number 11,77 are leased out to work on farms, plantations, railways, etc., so there are 23 1,524 who "compelo" with skilied labor, which competition in that so much complaincd of. Bcforo quoting more figures let us ask our reform orators where these men would be i f they had lived honest lives Unquestionably engaged in some oalling tbat would bring them in "competition with their neighbor?. Now as to the figures, there aro fi.Ssi of these skilied oonvicts engaged in making boots and shoes, about five per oent of the whole number engaged in that business in the whole country ; a bad state of things truly! The manufacture of hardware engages 3,500 Bonvicts; about 2 Í per cent. of the whole Qumber in the country. In making clothing 2,2fi2 convict.s are employed ; about 2 per cent. of all the anisaría iu that business in the United States. In fumiture makÍDg, 5 per cent. are convicts, and other prison trades average about 4 per ccut. If Lhese men are not put to labor they would se a burden upon the laxpayers of the wuntry, and would, when their terms of mprisonment expired, come out totally mfit for anything but to conimit tbe crimes lanuud in days and raonths of idleness. Whea the "reform" orator talks about ompetition of convict labor, pitch a few of ;he above facts up to him."