Useful And Suggestive
II' lime hns fallen info tlie eyci, dioj in souifl sweet. oil. Thorougli tillage ím tlir Iic-tam! olna('st manuiv. Animonia should ho nsid plciililully in ti . i -. ¦ i.-li'.-ining. k In pruning roses cutawny all shoots tli;it fiavc fluwcred. Slow coukinganJ loufl eookmg will m.iki' :ongh wcuL feuder. It takes no mure to Iteeu a kooJ cow than a bad one. jJiWf "t t'"1 ''--t. An oíd and ood recipe í' r irnltiiiir wax : Fivii parta uilow, ttirec parts ro-in and threc parts beeswax. The bet wsy to apjily hen droppin'i to a gardon ík to sow it on broadoaxl atid rakt t in, mixiid witli a few barrels ofashet). Light hou is not Baitahle Cor currants. Jn such soil tliey aro at to drop thcir ares oarly, wbríh carises a ponr crojj r ho next, sc&son. Fora complexión wash takntineture ben oin, two ounces ; pure alcohol, ono pint. íathe the skin ; allow t.ho wash to remftin on a Pew minutes and then wipe o(F.
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