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Traveling On His Look

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Tbey were in a railroad car journeying to Chicago. On tho opposite seat sat a man of commanding figure and brow, and thoujtlitful expressioD. "What a fine countenance, Jauies; 1 wish I knew his oocupation." " Maybe he is a lawyer. " "There's too much benevolence in his face for a lawyer." " He may be a banker. " "Not a bit of it; a mn witu such a hcavenly expression oouldn't content himself with money getting. His ai in in lite is higher than that." At tho next station an inquisitive i'arnier tooit a eeat beside tbe strauger with the noble brow, and aaked him about his vocatoin. Amelia held her breath and listened to the reply. It was this : " I keep a saloon and a uiet shop. My wife sells beer and I do my own butchcriog." ____ The new pair of shoes came home for littlo 5-year old. He tried them on, and, tinding that his foet were in very close quarters, exclaimed : " O my 1 they are so tight I can't winkmy toes."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier