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To Victory!

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Now that the battle is over- or probably will be wben this kocs to rn' roadcro- ud the party, represcnted by ita prominent men, men selocted for their wisdom and ¦ilmvjudguient, by a majority vote will liave chosen tbeir standard bearers for the ¦iiming campaign, lot ua all as republicana buckle on our artuor and press on 4o victory. N'o matter what our personal prei'erenees riiight have been, now is no timo to stand still and regrct what could not be. We ;an not all be victorious in our own ideas ; it was utterly impossible to nomínate more tban one man for president at Chicago, and that one is justly entitled to the hcarty support oí every true republiean in the l'nited Siates. J, not lot us underrate our enemies. Tliere great danser lies. They are not wenk, nor pure, nor scrupulous. The tissue ballots in the south ; the cipher disliatches of the last campaign; the attemptcd usurpation of authority in Maine, all tends to show what we niay expect froni them. Tliey have both houses oi' congress too, and some of their most prominen luun navo saia mat como what may, their next presidential candidato would be in;mgurated. This betokens desperation on tlieir part, and should the majority be as close as in 1S7G there is no doubt butrevo lutionary mcasures would be rosorted to to del'eat the will of the people, and inaugúrate heir candidato whether elccted or not Then bury all your personal preferences and ruarch on in solid phulanz to one o thü old time victories. With unity in our ranks the republicans are re of every northern state - with not un exoeption- and we fecl cerlain of unity