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Personal Notes.

John F. Lawrence spent decoration day in Detroit.

Mrs. Uriah B. Wilson, of Colorado, is visiting relatives in this city.

C. D. Coleman, of Washington, D. C., has been in the city the past week.

Miss Nora Lee, formerly a high school student, has been visiting in the city this week.

R. C. Davis, university librarian, has been camping out near Orchard Lake, Oakland county.

John Cook, the old sexton of Forest Hill cemetery, has gone to England where he used to live.

Miss Gregory, sister of Mrs. Chas. Fantle, and Chas. Fantle, Jr., left for Europe Tuesday last.

George Wenzell, of Detroit, law '75, spent a week visiting with D. J. Oakley and L. F. Wade.

Arthur Whitlark, of Ann Arbor township, returned from his European visit a few days since.

J. N. Bailey, of the Argus, and E. B. Pond, formerly of the same, both attended the Chicago convention.

Mac Le Beau, traveling agent for J. Keck & Co., returned home last Tuesday and will leave again Monday.

D. DePue, of Pittsfield, his son Chas, and niece Mrs. S. Mills left for a two weeks' stay in New York, recently.

Miss A. M. Traver, of this city, has gone to Grand Rapids where she will probably remain until fall, visiting her brother.

Mr. C. H. Noll, representing the interests of the Lever, a Grand Rapids temperance paper, was in the city the first part of the week.

Drs. W. F. Breakey, John Kapp, and Prof. Donald McLean, left last Monday for New York to attend the national medical association as delegates from this state.

Rev. W. H. Shier, of Adrian, was in the city over the Sabbath attending the quarterly meeting, and upon quarterly conference Monday night, at M. E. church.

Dr. W. H. Smith, graduate of the medical department, has opened an office in St Clair. He expects to be present at the coming commencement, the last of June.

Prof. Wm. Cocker, of Adrian, and Henry Cocker, of Cleveland, were in the city over Sunday, bidding their father and mother good bye, previous to their European journey.

Edward J. Morton, of this office, goes to Chicago to-morrow as a delegate from the typographical union of this city, to the iternational convention which commences its session Monday, June .7, and will be absent one week.

The following named republicans of this city attended the Chicago convention: Hon. A. J. Sawyer, in the capaoity of alternate; R. A. Beal, of the Courier; Messrs. Joe T. Jacobs, E. B. Abel, Geo. A. Gilbert, Richard Glazier, and Prof. Meek.

Mr. F. J. Osborne, from Sarnia, Ontario, and wife are in the city. Mrs. Osborne will remain with her mother, Mrs. Dr. H. J. Hilton, for a few months, and Mr. Osborne leaves this evening on an extensive tour through the western and southern states for the benefit of his health, with business combined. He will be accompanied as far as Nebraska by Wm. Hilton, Esq. We wish them both a pleasant and profitable tour.