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Front I In Hub. Thero is porhaps no tonio qfiured lo the peoplo that posóos as uiucli iiitriiiMe valuó ts tbc Hop Bitters. Just at Llils scanou of 110 year, when the stomaoh necd.s an :iplotizor, or the blood nood imrifying, tlic heapest and best remedy is Hop Bitters. n ounce of prevention ia worth a pound )f oure, don't wait until you are prostrated y a disc!-o that njay talie months for you 0 recover in. - Boston Globe. American Bai.t.-Bi.ue is a product of cienco applied to the h ouseltecper' wants, i'ure, barinlesH, nnd of bcautitul eöoct. L'ry it ! No prep.iration of Hypophoephitrs I lave used can compare with Fcllow'a (Jouijound Syrup of Hypopbosphitcs ibr rentorUK strength to the nervous syatcm. I hink it is the best medicine I ever used. W. J. HORNKR, nudillo, N. Y. V Perfect Substituto íor Sulpliutc Quinina Cincho-Quinine, propared by Billings, Slapp & Co., Chemiats, of Boston, Masa., s a concontration of all the alkaloids of if Peruvian Burk, and is prefórred by ihysicians on account of ita cheapness as wi'U a.s its ëuporiority. Is uscd in same loses where quininc y indica ted. Sold by 111 Druggists, or sent, postage propaid, on roceipt of prioe, $1.50 per ounco. A Fine Mi i ui: for the Teetli. Krarant SüZOÜONT ia a coniH)aitioii af tho parust and choicest ingredients of tlio Oriental vegetablo kingdom. iïvery iunredicnt is known to kave a bcneficinl effect on the teetli and gum. Itn emb-.ilniing autiseptio property and aromatic fragrunco makes it a toilet luxury. SOZODONT removes all disagreeable odors from the breath oaused by catarrh, bad teoth, Jtc. It is entirely freu from the injurious ind acrid proporties of tooth pastes and powders whicli destroy the enaniel. Ono bottle wil! last six memths. Eloíst Hii is woman'a crowolnir beauty. Wlu'ii it fadea ihe fade au wcll. While It Iw kupt hrigbt, her pemonal attractlonn are atill maiuialiud. By preaerviug the hair Crenb and viKonm a youtnful appearance i contlnuud rtroneh many yeare. Thoee who inrieve over tooir lading nair turulng gray too oarly, should know that Ayer's Hair Vigor preventa It, and restores ruy or íaded hair to iw natural color. It i a clcar ud healthful preparatlon, conlaluin;; neither oil, dye. nor anythlng deleteriou, and imarte to the scalp what h moet needed- a enr oí pleaoant nnd diliehtful fruodom from ecurf or dandruff. -New BiTnc (N. C.) ïlmoa. ANFORD'S RADICAL CURE For CATARRH A purely vegetablo distitlation entirely ufylïke all otlier remedies. JN tTic pn -[irii-Hil n of IK la kvnuíi&afelti i omcdy evory Ik-iLi, piuiit, ui. tl ÍMirk l! mbjiu t. tl to U'SllH.a iu wli.-rrby tita ubsunUal medical principíete oblalnodfl v]r, coiidcnwMl nd botih-d. What rcmain In the ¦tl t U i.icit, vílnel. h. a: v -tully uníít fnr us In an orxanlHin dclliia'" is lim muwl p-maifi.B. V t 11 flnulï are f omtouuto ui wow,. y i-bre ; alt tinotaruM, uaturutud solutioud. SAKFORQ'S RADICAL CURE It ft local ruid rji) rnnedv, anl Is applicd to tïltüirttt..! p.ièflii, . I . Uu.tiffli.ilun. tliun :i]h h. lufiatniaatlua and p.uu u ui onii: --..t n m. .icuuaiii', and puiifylnff tho m crotinns. IntcrnnMy uimmlften a, it aota ujion Ibe o,-:u.ií i-f circuUMuu, kvtti'i tho kin n)olet. nnd ntntraüïtfJ the ARlri poiBnn that hasfonnd l'B wny lnt( tlio.aoniuth and thcuc mto tlic hlood. Thn arura iroifr'efH tri bnth rtlrrrtinris. "d !t does not Mem puwlole for l.uunui üigummy to devidü a more ratlontU treutmtnt. SURPR!S!N8 CURE. OentJrmcn. - Abont twclve yer ajro. while travelHliK with l?:jtlnr KtiupV Oid í olk Concert Troop) a aU'nor sinter, 1 took n ïpvcre cold wLa luid up at Nuwarlt, N. .1. Tltisc"Id brougbtí'a a suvefe ntlacL of Catarrh, Vilch 1 Mtti.-d with ewiy known mnedy for four Tü-fck ntUout Hvnü, ud m . fli ally obliKcd to Ktve ni a tnost di-sírub!" posIMon nnd rotnrn home, uhablo to sJiiK a Jiutf. For thr"3 yeri alttrwirds I iintrfttrtll. Tr.tí nrst atttttk of Cntarrh taaliirti.iy]iui:LiivtL a and UiruatHO (MuaiUvo that tho {¦liht-'st culil would brliiffnn ft fr -li ¦afacti, leavtnir trati-d. 1 ti thltí ¦¦ ij i c ntl n i tu uD t. The ltst ottní"!c, tli'! BeveroHt ï e er hul, wis tcrriM-. ffrid tlic iv Bi txcruua :ij{ puin In my lit-uü, was po bore ns to hu fl-rc ly : ¦! t enit. cntighcd licewHtitly. ! tïi cl t, I v ¦ t. a íi: to julk cud BUniptinu, nnd I ' ', 1 o tl.., i hn-1 ih(-ü BvmptOTiiB Cuutimiud jllwi:t rvJiei tbvjr VW favo rt-nlil i.' dlr;l-cMtn(f cpnültloiif 1 cfiuuienctMl iu u. . f ..w uds Uxjiokl CïuiisvoR Catar tt, vury iol;i,-t..iit ; . [ conf. m, tut 1 had 1 -; r üiuii a wiiiiout b neiU. '] first d ut tl.tu wonflfrftrt mo-ïlctna (fcaÁo me the : ¦¦!! f. H ts li.inliy poaslbWi ftr on.' whon iri.,-i. -v( h h", who enn s t:r.-lv hr; teníate dWi'toily nt l i '¦ rhokltur acnmaVitUui In hm thruat, t , riiUÏ? ¦ - - iroio f Urn ap¦ ¦ : tNpiMtn'a 2axiovl Cvrk. TihIt lr Ld, .tii ii.U:r:ilHilcxtenial.l i-Kpirtly rerovered, 1 I ¦ ¦¦ : rH-CHlloruU Ü-.' n( tllti (¦lll.-'ly Hluct'. hftTO .;..-!. m C.naiiu, tot Uto llrt time la .i - i. i .iLPdiiitmi i ¦ l;Mrcii Curk ui - o. il. i:.,.j....s UroctiBt, iiuii.l'T.üiuilUHn;. li li y t: wt 'tntal:i Of 8nfbrd' Inpronjed Uilinl!¦ ,' I H , wi:'i tuit dirfcilont 1 r iwo in II cimhi. i'mr j y njl Wliol(-Mtl and UeUil Itiuifir.-fi i : ujriioiit the ! "iii'i--L S--i-s mid ' n Vi i K -i .m l'iin KK, Tii.:rai AKuta hui! Sholeaale 1 BnCOLUNS'Bfli VÖLTAIC PLASTER An Electro-Galvanio Battery combined with a h i o h I y Medicatcil Piaster containing the choiccit medicinal Gnms and Balsafns know.i lo modoin Pharmaey. uim tu-ou lu-toro tliw public tor : l j ïgr.-.uU.JiUlKltllUU4JJIK ttie luiUK'iiKi: uuiuher "l . ,, , i , i., tliey hT tcadlly lu¦ , i. ,: .... t tt". V 1 ITTl v.ivi'iHiU appiüval, aa pil li v over o ih ijK.inil ntiVOitcHed tcsthnof.JL .;, Hir iiwwi i ton. Mtiuyre-i Hrltnlilc cha hsiv I i.. by wall.kuavn cltlzem In ll irU ,tlh' li..i Ü .,i l.,i;U m'.llicetut free ..l rhni-Kc I" nu) ü ..tlr!nif I1..111. liuprovcinunt. v 1 a, IniMi liófii himli'. ! b ewnai uil liy ext tnCJ' aro nnT lurfi'-t m rn-ry rwperti -1 u,, bt. pintlcr (n fte lOOtltl of mUdn Au w ¦ Ir.Mii e?.;,, .„ffcrer In tïo !i '1 i l Ttii! pr!c.' l825ctiits,a!liiuKh th.' r. sL lu floul.l l t oL 1 Jiy other pltuitrr. Itut, ïiot¦wllli.-; n.i' 1 üurtoof lin iirorrlttur to mke tlio brut planlrr In 1 ' wiirM f'T tlio lunst money, anjr luillnr ritmr'l]' c 11 bei huuifht, numbr oí niwcnipnloin.l. ali-r vill 1"' foonrt rtHilyt niHreprvni-nt thfin 1 ..v anti endtMW t puimtltum nthers Vo ii-jt ttllow yuunel(to bo luiposod upou. Aak íor COLLINS' VÖLTAiO PLASTER And lnsKt npoTi i.uv'.:i hatyon nrc wllllnu to paj for Solil liy '.l WHal'a4n H1 IU)1 lni)tKltii ttirniiKli f'iiluil 8tnt.:s I Canada, and uy Wlk i, Pottkk, Propriotoro, Jïotiton, ai-99U TUTT'S PILLS! TORPID LIVER. ' Jiun iu the HoaJ, with g dullHonaai : ñéScCpurt , lu irshouMvrixluUaeMJ ¦ oatmy, wiUt a uimii '"wïTTiTTT. -riiutii.fbiKjy oriiiüid. Irr Low pirito Ltw ol i"T .,¦¦¦¦ ¦xi ¦¦¦ ¦¦ "iTTVi . 1 ' ¦ 1 - yonJTw'SKnr'fl'ñf'hPi Hi-atleHHness M IT THESE WAEMNGS AKE ÜNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DE'EU)PED. TCTTS PILLS nro cnprHnlly iialn 1.1 i-.l to urh can anodino eflrctHsurh u-haiie of feollns Bi ti nnioniwh th suffercr. A Noted Divine says. Dr TUTT :- Dear 8ir For tn years I have bwn a ronrtyr to Iypnxiia, Omstlpuiion nd PlUa. Lint 8pcJn(tyoiirPili8 wro n-commeoded ; I uod them. I u nowa wellman. havo Kood apjito, ni(fuon perfeot. nwular stois, piles Kone, ud havuntnod lorty U0UO08 flf)h.They ar wort h tbtir wi iiuhi 1 n ul They InrrciuüTthínkpiTílJfTñnd cnuso tho body to Toke on Flenh, Uius the nyr.tni 1 noiirlihrtl, oud by thoir Touir Action on tli UlKRStive [Irmiln. KcHiiln r SI 00I1 nro produrod. rrk-Rüüci-iil-i. fo .Murray SI., N. V. TUTT'S HAIOYE. OlïAT HaIII On WniBKEIlfl chanWMl to a tïLOBST lll.AOK by ft utule ajiphtïaiion of tiiiw Iyk. Il migrts a NníurarOolftr. aÍR "ll)d rriitKi"U, or nnt ny exproHB n rwvipt f 1. ffice, 35 Murray St., New York. COOI-fSB p LN8KY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY,GEOCERY AKD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC. KOR WHOLESALK AND HBTAIL TUADB. We nhall aiso keep a mpply of HW1FT 4 DBUBEL'B HKHT WHITE Wil BAT fLOÜB nimi FLOUR, KYB FLOUR, llt CKWHBAT FIX)UR, CDB MttAI., PEED, Ar., Ac. At wjiolcsale and roUi). a fjoneral Uck oi OROCEUIES AND PROVISIONS conetantly on hand, wblch will hn nold on aü rcaann icrm au at any otlu.-r houso fn Iho city. UMh iiald forUuttur, Kkp, md Country Hrortuc KBDnral'y. &riooAn dolivurwi t iiy psrt or tho city with ont extra ebari:. yr K1N8BY HRABOI.T.