What Then?
TO THE BELIEVER. After the doubts and feai ¦, Aftcr the fruitless teara, Aller hc meets the cross, "All things below hut loss' - What Iheu? ' Oh I then- a holy calm, Rttting on Jesus arm. Oh I then- a deepcr love For the pure I lome above. Aflcr this holy calm, This rest on Jesus' arm, Ai'ttr this decpen'd love Kor the pure Ilotnc above- What then? Oh ! then- work for II im, lYt ishin souls to win, Then Jesus' presence ncar, The wilderness to chcer. And when the work is done, When the last soul is won, When JesuV love and power Dring; the txpected hour - What then i h ! then - the crown is g-iven I i ! then - the rest in heavcn I Kndless lifc, in endless day, Sin and sorrow pasM away. TO THE UNBELIEVER. After the joys of carth, Aftcr its sonjjs of miitli, Aftcr its hours of lüfht, Alter its dreams so bright - What thrn? Only an t-mpty name, t nly a wcary frame, Only a conscious smart, Only an achinjj hcart. After this einpty name, Aftcr this weary frame, Aftcr this conscious smart, Aftcr Uiis Hchiui; heart- W'h:t then? Only a sad farcwell To a world Iuved too wcll, Only a silent bed "With Uie forgotten dead- What then f Oh I then- the Judg ment throne t Oh 1 Uien the last hope - BOM I Then, all the woes that dweil Inan eternal IIellI
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Ann Arbor Courier