Democratic State Convention
The democratie state convention mot at Kast Saginaw last Tuesday. Thoy Uad a livelyfiRht from tbo Detroit district, Don M. Dickinson and A. W. Copland boing tho pugilista. Tho aensc of the oonvontion seemed to bc anti-Tildcn. The followiug were elcoted as delégate to tho national convention to bc held at Cincinnati, Juno 16: AT LABO. Don M. Dickinson, O. M. Bnrues, Col. I. M. MeBsmore and Dr. Fostor l'ratt. DISTRICT OKLIOATKU. First Distrlct-E. F. Conely, Malt Kriu.u.r. Kecond Dlalrlov-Soth Beun, Charlea H. KlehmTm Dlstrict-L. D. Dlbhlo. J. A. owno Fonrth J.WIiako8IFifth Dlstrlct-A. B. Morse, Om. V. Stcwart. Mixtli Dl8triot-B. (i. Stout, J. W. Turner Sevontli Distrlct-J. M. Nowell, A. M. Cltuk. Eight R. HpruRUe, A. W fonutock. Niiith District- Johu ï'oworH, II. I'. Alexauder.
Democratic Party
Elections - President
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier